Cranford Mitts
I saw Lyn’s Cranford Mitts last week and realised they were the perfect project to use up the Noro left over from my ribbed socks. The pattern is available for free (but just watch out because there’s a missing YO on row 8). I cast on last week and had most of the first mitt knitted on Saturday, but when I tried it on I could barely get it over my hand! My tiny hands! My legendary tight tension strikes again. (And that’s with going up to a 2.75mm needle.) So I frogged it all back and started over with 60 stitches instead of 50, which meant I had a whole extra pattern repeat. That works much better for me. I lengthened the pattern a fair bit, adding in extra repeats before and after the thumb. I finished the pair of them in just five days. When I tried them on last night, I noticed that the opening around my knuckles gaped a bit so I had the bright idea to sew the sides together between my 3rd and 4th fingers. That made them fit much closer to my hand and feel a lot warmer. (Well, as warm as lacy fingerless mitts can feel!) I think they look pretty cool though, and they match my Clapotis. Yay for crafty accessories! (Ravelry details are here.)
Month: June 2009
Cranford Mitts
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Recruiter emailed looking for PHP devs. Said I’m not doing that anymore. “Do you know anyone who’s looking?” “ISN’T THAT YOUR JOB?”
Vodafone iPhone 3GS prices are up, and they’ve got prepaid!
Vodafone’s iPhone pricing page says: “There is no monthly access fee for tethering.” Translation: “Screw you, Optus.”
@clesan700 It’s a screenshot from “Lost.” You can see Evangeline Lilly wearing handcuffs in the front.
RT @andrewsayer: Idiot gets firework nutshot (32sec VID) <- I think I went to high school with those guys.
@redambition Congrats! Well done.
The plan all hinges on whether the Snook’s SIM works in my iPhone. *crossing fingers*
SUCCESS! Current plan is to order $19 plan online on Optus’s site tomorrow night. They then courier my new iPhone on Saturday. W00t.
@bellsg Snooky’s 95% sure he can get by on Optus $19 plan. (He doesn’t use phone much except to call me, and our calls will be free then.)
Cranford Mitts are off the needles! Little bit Victorian lace, little bit Japanese punk rock. Details on Rav tomorrow:
@Ascasewwen Wait, seriously? You’re actually the second person to tell me that recently. Obviously this is a Halloween costume possibility!
@eileenDCoE I always think that too. It’s kind of a mean thing to say to a person, really.
Finally finished Red Mars. Enjoyed 1st half more than 2nd. Debating on getting the sequel(s). (Need to know if FC is dead. I doubt it.)
Um, am I the only one that realises that Godwin Grech of the Treasury Department is clearly a Gringott’s goblin at loose in our world?
Just completed a 4.28 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper
Accidentally republished an old run this morning. Just did 4K, not 10K. Nice and slow, w/ only 1 walk break! Recovery is going well.
Smartphones are the future. How else could I be alerted that sewer has backed up at work while still on the bus? It’s good to be prepared.
Button Necklace
Button Necklace
I spotted a stall selling these necklaces when I was at the Kirribilli Art & Design Markets earlier this month. The seller had necklaces and bracelets of varying lengths, some in bright colourways and others subdued. I was drawn to the shiny discs like a toddler to candy. The buttons are strung together with tiger wire, and the whole things feels much much sturdier than it looks. I couldn’t resist. Yeah, I probably could have made my own if I really wanted to, but it was a case of instant gratification. (And given that it was only $15, pretty cheap too.) I like it! -
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Uhh… I’m really weirded out by the new Skype UI. Big, big departure. Took me a few minutes to find my bookmarked chats.
Really had it up-to-here with knitters guild busybodies today.
@Opheli8 It drains my battery!
@twelveeyes @randomknits Yeah. Members of Exec spying on and forwarding emails from groups. Funny in a childish kind of way.
Charitable: She’s stupid, misread it being for everyone and wanted to share. More likely: She wants brownie points for keeping tabs on us.
Woo! And the knitting shit has hit the fan. I’ve been asked to remove a Ravelry group I have no authority over.
Just sent an email that could – wheee! – get me kicked out of guild completely. Who knew a simple discussion about usernames would explode?
Bullet dodged in the face of implacable logic.
@witty_knitter Actually, the strata’s builder was out today to take a look at it. It’s their issue, so luckily they’re getting it fixed. 🙂
@witty_knitter I really need to start loaning out the Snook to set up PVRs for you. The concept of watching live TV is gone from my life!
@witty_knitter Puter that records all your TV, like a TiVo. Check out I have it set to record all Time Team, whenever it’s on!
WALL-E End Titles
Interview with the artists behind Wall-E‘s end titles. I loved the end titles; they were absolutely my favorite part of the movie. (Link courtesy of kottke.)
Buffy vs. Edward
Buffy vs. Edward. A couple people sent me that link, and it was FANTASTIC. “In this remixed narrative, Edward Cullen from the Twilight Series meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer at Sunnydale High. It’s an example of transformative storytelling serving as a visual critique of Edward’s character and generally creepy behavior. Seen through Buffy’s eyes some of the more patriarchal gender roles and sexist Hollywood tropes embedded in the Twilight saga are exposed in hilarious ways.” I did feel like kind of a nerd to immediately recognize the few shots from Harry Potter.
Carnivores: Keep Being Awesome
Carnivores: Keep being awesome! Okay, that made me laugh a little bit. (I still love you though, vegans.)
Knitting Basket Cake
Knitting Basket Cake, link courtesy of my sister. Wow. I can see that it’s a work of art… but it doesn’t exactly look appetising.
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Trying to restart my heart after getting email from CEO w/ feedback on site we haven’t officially launched yet. But feedback was ALL GOOD!
Snook went to silly @hAPPlication Optus iPhone tent at Circ Quay. No 3GSs to play w/ or even view. No info that isn’t on website. FAIL!
Also, Optus actually put a sticker over the “S” on the iPhone tent sign. Must have had too many people pissed that it wasn’t really there!
Holy crap. Colleague just gifted me brand new copy of Sims 3. Sweeeeet. (This could be a bad, life-sucking thing.)
Starting to worry about this game. I have a 1000 page book to read, running and knitting to do, etc. I don’t need another obsession!
RT @chrisgander: Our new social network has just launched! GetUpGo Beta is online -> Check it out! 🙂
How can I be the only person to have gotten on this 461 bus in 20 minutes? AM I ON A GHOST BUS?!
ARGH. Just spent 45 minutes trying and failing to recreate the Snook as a Sim. Somehow it came out all Freddie Mercury.
Just completed a 5.25 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper
@RTRR Thanks! Still taking walk breaks to ease back into it, but shins are feeling pretty good…
@AusVintageGrrl @sharre @redambition Nah, just suggested as a possible topic! More interesting than what was scheduled. You can lead it!
Infinite Summer
Infinite Summer has begun, and I’m about 55 pages in. We’re meant to be to page 63 by Friday, which I should hit without too much trouble. The only problem is that 63 pages isn’t 63 pages. That goal secretly includes probably a dozen or more additional pages of DENSE ENDNOTES at the back of the book. Oh, and the timelines skip all around and some sections are written in a tortured Ebonics dialect. I’m trying not to think about how daunting the challenge really is. Am I really going to stick with this guy for another 950 pages??