GetUpGo has launched!
I’ve been working on this project for nearly six months now, and we finally opened it up to the public today. Now, just keep in mind that most of you aren’t the target-demographic. But it’s kinda neat, huh? The idea is that you don’t have to subscribe to an expensive service to get new ringtones and such. You can sign up a free member, and then buy just as many credits as you need to download stuff. You can even earn credits by using the site, so technically you don’t have to spend any money at all! There are only a couple catches: only Australians can sign up, and iPhones aren’t technically supported. (iPhones don’t allow you to download stuff to the phone except through Apple’s channels.) But anyway, there it is. It’s not the cure for cancer by any means, but it was a big project and a team effort, and we did a good job getting it out there. And there will be a LOT more coming in the next few months… (If any of you do sign up, let me know and I can give you some free credits to play around with.)
Month: June 2009
Another light week as I recover from my shin splints. I didn’t log many miles (only did two short runs), but I did manage two circuit training sessions at Spudds that kicked my butt. So hopefully my fitness level isn’t taking too big of a hit.
This week: 8.4km (5.25mi)
Last week: 10.11km (6.3mi) -
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Holy crap! Just sitting here quietly when foot-long piece of render just broke off around the sliding door and SMASHED on the floor. WTF?!
Finally working on the redesign…
New redesign is up! All credit to @scrubbles for the awesome header (which is the first time I’ve ever been drawn!).
@witty_knitter Just odd, because it doesn’t feel/look damp at all. Is your builder free to have a look? š
@Ezzles Hahaha… Yet you’d be surprised how many people get it wrong!
@lotsofco Wow, thanks for the plug, Max! Really, all credit to Matt @scrubbles for coming up with the idea in the first place. š
I feel CRAP. Slept instead of going for my long run. Am I finally going to get this damn flu after everybody else in the office has had it?
OK, it’s 22nd of June & the whole Optus @hAPPlication (terrible name, btw) thing is supposed to start. Why no prices or info on the website?
Trip to Blaxland
Trip to Blaxland – “Welcome to the Knitternet” World Tour
A couple weeks ago I got an email from Merrin, Convenor of the Blue Mountains Guild group, asking if I would visit them and give my Knitternet presentation again. Why not? So yesterday morning I caught the train to Blaxland along with Lyn and Fran of the IC group. Lee and Margarita met us there, so we had quite a contingent from the city! It turns out that Blaxland isn’t nearly as far into the mountains as I expected. The meeting is at the local library/community center, and the hall was large and comfortable. It was really neat seeing how a different convenor conducts her meetings. Merrin doesn’t seem to bother with the bureaucracy that we do (approving minutes and such, all a relic of the previous Convenor really). She has this great bell that she rings to start the meeting though, and whenever folks get a little too loud. (Note to self: I WANT A BELL.) I had my presentation in a little side room, and about half the group came in for it (15-20 people). It was great! They had a wide range of internet experience, and I had good questions and suggestions from around the room. They all seemed excited to get the handout with all the links we’d suggested, and I heard more than one person say she was going to get right on Ravelry. Very gratifying! The six of us caught the train back to the city and had a merry time, knitting and laughing through the rain. I’ve been invited to do it again at the Southern Highlands group in a few months, so there may be another Expotition on the cards in the future! -
New design!
Wow, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Several months ago I commissioned a new header from Matt over at Scrubbles. (In exchange I’m knitting him a custom scarf.) Isn’t it fantastic? Feels like a whole different vibe. I also love the retro, half-alien half-Samantha-from-Bewitched portrait he drew of me. I’m still tweaking link colours and stuff, so let me know if you find anything that looks odd.
Note: You may need to do a control-refresh to grab the new version of the stylesheet. If you’re seeing a non-white background, you’ve still got the old version.
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On my way to the Blue Mountains to visit the Knitters Guild in Blaxland. Weee!
Merrin has a bell to start her meetings! I want a bell!
Great meeting! Blue Mountains group was very welcoming. My “Knitternet” presentation went really well; lots of good questions & discussion.
Great to see you!
Great to see you! LOVE IT. Will Arnett is so awesome. I wondered at first if it was wierd for Amy Poehler to stand there while her husband made out with another dude on the street, but then I figure that actors have to deal with their partners making out with other people all the time. Plus she probably thought it was as awesome as I did.
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@witty_knitter Optus want to charge users $10/month to use data they’re already paying for (via laptop tethering). This is a way around it.
And just like that, I’ve reached my daily limit for arguing with racist, homophobic little boys. Sometimes I wonder why I bother!
Normally my handknits get a few comments. But today’s giant Grandpa cardie w/ intarsia map-of-the-world? Not a peep. Maybe they’re scared.
I love it when a plan comes together!
@falkonfly Not Scary! Just daggy. š
Optus processed unlock request in less than 2 business days! Lesson: get girl to call & work the charm. (Now to procure iPhone 3G Sā¦)
@AusVintageGrrl That’s the plan… Heh heh. (It all hinges upon him being able to find a pre-paid 3GS somewhere. Might be tricksy.)
Harris Farm Broadway’s new deli has chicken breast for $6.99/kg! Also, they’ve hired some cute new guys as spruikers. Shopping WIN.
@AusVintageGrrl Never underestimate what you can find in the dodgy shops of Capital Square, my friend.
@Ezzles Um… Well, people do. And it pays for other people’s salaries. *ducks* I NEVER SAID I WAS PROUD!
@Ezzles Ahhh, we don’t do that one. š
Alice and Kev
Alice and Kev – homeless father and daughter someone created in Sims 3. It’s fascinating.
20 Minute Simple Skirt Tutorial
20 Minute Simple Skirt Tutorial. I really need to do some sewing.