Month: June 2009

  • Cupcake Kebabs

    For my sister: Cupcake Kebabs. (I noticed recently that another cupcake bakery has opened in the QVB. That makes, like, three in the CBD alone. When will the cupcake fad implode??)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @sharre Knitting flat and sewing is easiest for newbies. Especially the type that are basically squares sewn together!

    Hm. Spotlight Search on iPhone doesn’t search text of emails, only to, from, and subject. In case, like me, you were wondering.

    I forgot to say – my sore throat didn’t eventuate into anything. I remain free of the Dreaded Lurgy. #temptingfate

    Sky is blue! Time for a run.

    Standing under a tree. Blue sky was a damn LIE!

    Just completed a 4.16 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Optus iPhone customers – anybody managed to send MMS yet? I tried a while ago but recipient didn’t get it.

    @Bex_the_Femme Sent. Tell me if you get it.

    @Dextress YES! Haven’t been able to send or receive myself.

    @Bex_the_Femme OOH, PUPPY! I got it!

    @Bex_the_Femme Ahhh, so it just took a while! Good, it’s working then.

    Managed to send/receive MMS. The sending just seemed to take a little while to arrive.

    @justjussi Should work. Search twitter for “iphone vodafone mms.” Other folks have it working.

    Heading to the city for knitting at the Grace Hotel. Hope it’s not raining again.

    @RTRR Yep, evil Optus. I’m on cheap plan they don’t advertise anymore. Called today to get it unlocked. 😛

    RT @ReDrUmNZ: Free Tethering for Optus AU via iPhone! Hack: Instructions: <- Um, worked for me!

    @twelveeyes We always take an empty suitcase for Old Navy. Love it! Just watch their wacky (big) sizing. Try everything on.

    There are like 40+ homemade peanut butter cookies packed up to go to work today. My team kicked ass this week; they earned it.

    @RTRR The real test is whether I can resist. I allowed myself to lick the beaters, but cookies don’t fit with new health kick! 🙂

  • iPhone 3.0

    I installed the iPhone 3.0 update this morning and have been playing with it today. I was able to send and receive MMS, but it’s *very* slow. Maybe because all the other Optus iPhone users are trying it out. Or it’s just that Optus sucks.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @redambition He printed me out a graph of the previous three years to shame me. I love my doctor, but that suuuucked.

    TweetDeck supposedly available for iPhone now, but it sure as heck ain’t coming up in the Australian App Store. 🙁

    Ahh, TweetDeck just appeared in Aussie App Store. Downloading…

    @RTRR Nah, but it claims to support it. I only have one account so I haven’t tried it.

    An otherwise lovely Greek salad ruined by the balsamic that is now dribbled down my shirt. *sigh*

    @RTRR Much better! Got new shoes. I’ve cut back my running; only once so far this week (w/ 2 gym sessions). Will do proper run tomorrow.

    @BostonSydney Hey, you’re here now! How ate you settling in?

    I feel suspiciously crap. Throat has been sore all day. Please, Mr Lurgy, I thought you were gonna skip me!

    Woo! New iPhone OS 3.0 being downloaded right now…

    @sharre Ha. Well, I feel partially responsible for sucking some of you in to this iPhone world, so I have to keep you up-to-date!

    New OS uploaded with no dramas for me. It adds a couple new apps, like Voice Memo and search. Haven’t used much yet though!

    @andrewsayer Nah, mine went through without a hitch at 7.30 this morning.

  • Unnecessary Appliances

    Like Gael, I was amused by this list of “unnecessary appliances”. Alton Brown famously rejects such uni-taskers as well. I’ve gotta take exception to the inclusion of the ice cream maker and the pasta machine though. They’re uni-taskers, yes, but they’re also the best way to do those particular tasks.

  • The Lansdowne

    I just discovered that the Powerhouse Museum has a Photo of the Day blog, which included in April this shot of the Lansdowne Hotel in Chippendale in 1926. Wow, it’s a lovely building when you strip all the signage off it!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    ARGH. Trying to deal w/ a persistent cynic. How can you go through life ALWAYS assuming the worst of everyone & everything? So frustrating.

    @sharre Except he isn’t happily surprised. He WANTS things to work out terribly badly so he’s right. Refuses to accept when they don’t.

    @steverunner It happens to everyone who puts him/herself out there. Shrug it off. You have plenty of supporters and fans!

    Hooray! Previously sick female co-worker has turned up ready to play soccer, which means I’m off the hook. Phew.

    @coach_chris I always liked the idea that the real difference is a race number. If you join a race, you’re a runner no matter how slow.

    @noodle_bar Hello! My favorite dish is Yaki Soba with a side of gyoza. Yummmmm….

    This “snow in Sydney” business is all a big joke. I’m 10 floors up in East Sydney and I don’t see any. #sydneysnowreport

    Anybody know of a good, cheap place in Sydney CBD to get some materials printed/bound?

    Me via SMS: “The Internet just died. And we have no meats.” Snook via SMS: “And my bus just rear-ended a Porsche.”

    @nocto Rewash. I don’t trust rainwater, especially if it comes off dirty roofs or trees!

    @shanea Ugh. If I never see a stupid uni girl wearing black tights under denim cutoffs IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER again it will be too soon.

    Wednesday started with pouring rain and trip to the doctor where I got 2 shots & lecture about my weight. Can’t get any worse, I suppose.

  • Meme Time

    Fiona has tagged me in a meme, and as typing is the only thing keeping my fingers warm on this cold, cold night, I might as well participate. (I’m going to skip any questions that annoy me, and I’m not going to bother tagging anybody else. You can participate or not if you like.)

    What is your current obsession?
    Hm. Not feeling particularly obsessed about anything at the moment. Perhaps Battlestar Galactica? We’re nearing the end of Season 2. I’m also anticipating becoming obsessed with Infinite Jest when Infinite Summer starts in a few days.What are you wearing today?
    I wore chinos, a couple t-shirts (layered), and my cabled jacket of doom. Of course, as soon as I got home the pants were swapped with tracky-dacks and the sweater for a Bonds hoodie.

    What’s for dinner?
    As neither the Snook nor I felt like cooking, we hiked up the hill to the Lansdowne for cheap eats. Snookums had the $6 steak; I had the $10 shepherds pie. We sat near a roaring fire and it was very nice.

    What did you eat for your last meal?
    For lunch, I was pressed for time so I just had a roast pork sandwich from the cafe in the basement of our office building. It had gravy and applesauce. YUM.

    What’s the last thing you bought?
    I ordered some wool this morning from Morris & Sons to knit a cardigan for my new nephew Mason and a dress for my niece Indie.

    What are you listening to right now?
    The Snook folding laundry in the bedroom and telling me to come to bed.

    If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
    My Mom’s house. I miss her.

    Which language do you want to learn?
    Korean! So I could amuse my Grandma and get good service in Korean restaurants.

    What do you love most about where you currently live?
    Being able to walk or take public transport pretty much anywhere I need to go; having our own nice place with loads of space and a garden; not having to worry a landlord is going to evict us for having a cat; close proximity to cafes, convenience stores, and (most importantly) Portuguese chicken.

    What is your favorite colour?
    A guy at work calls me “Pinky” because I tend to wear a lot of pink. I probably would have guessed red myself, but I do have a lot of pink.

    What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
    I’m like Elaine Benes. I tend to HATE all my clothes most of the time. But I do love my winter coat. I have a long beautiful wool and cashmere navy coat that I bought several years ago. It instantly makes me look classy and put together, even when I wear it to the Lansdowne over tracky pants. Yes, I’m serious.

    What were you doing ten years ago?
    It was the summer after I graduated from college, and I was working and saving cash with a view towards moving to London in the fall. I was scared sh*tless but determined.

    Describe your personal style?
    Female computer nerd. Comfortable and utilitarian, with a strong daggy streak.

    If you had $300 now, what would you spend it on?
    A super fancy dinner for me and the Snook, probably at the new Rockpool.

    What are you going to do after this?
    Straight into bed where I plan on putting my icy cold feet on the Snook’s very hot ones.

    What are your favorite films?
    Probably the original Star Wars trilogy, followed by the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice.

    What inspires you?
    Clean lines, repeated patterns, strong geometry. And definitely my friends.

    Your favourite books?
    Roald Dahl of course, probably The BFG or The Witches. Douglas Coupland’s Microserfs. The Harry Potter series.

    Do you collect anything?
    Roald Dahl stuff. Vintage electronics. Books.

    What makes you follow a blog?
    An interesting personality with frequent updates. Similar points-of-view.

    What was the most enjoyable thing you did today?
    I suspect it’s going to be the moment I put my cold feet on the Snook’s hot ones.

    Whats one thing you dream of doing?
    Completing a full marathon. Making a living off the stupid stuff I write on my blog. 🙂

  • Brycie’s Outfit and Noro Ribbed Socks

    Brycie’s Outfit and Noro Ribbed Socks
    Brycie's OutfitA couple finished objects to report! First up is an outfit for Andrew and Kathleen‘s new son, Bryson Burton. The whole set is knitted from two balls of the new Morris Empire 4ply in “Plumage”. Details for the vest, hat, and socks are all up on Ravelry. The vest was the trickiest, in that I was adapting a Sirdar pattern for 8ply. I ended up just knitting a bigger size and hoping for the best. It worked pretty well! I delivered the set (still a bit damp from the final blocking) to the happy parents on Sunday, and hopefully they’ll be able to post a piccie of him in it soon.

    Ribbed Noro SocksI also finished the Noro socks I started when I taught the Morris and Sons sock workshop last month. The pattern is Wise Hilda’s Basic Ribbed Sock, which I knitted out of Noro Kureyon Sock on two 2.75mm circular needles. (Rav details) I’m really pleased that I got the colour gradients to match up so nicely. (I wasn’t actually really trying.) I finished these off yesterday morning before work and put them straight on my feet. Man, there is nothing better than wool socks in winter. I feel my sock mojo starting to come back…