Month: June 2009 (page 5 of 7)

Knitty and Tom Bihn’s Swift

Yay, there’s a new Knitty! I especially like Treetop, which panders to my love of geometry, cables, and things going off in strange directions. I think Elenka might be cute for Indie, and I’ve already suggested knitting a Trilobite hat for the Snook. (He likes that idea.) I am even strangely drawn to the lace. (I KNOW! WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?)

The issue also has a review of the new Tom Bihn “Swift” knitting bag, which I kinda love. I’m not convinced on the cork version though…

Operation Awesomeness

Operation Awesomeness – a “get fit” blog by Issy and Ness. Good on ya, girls!

Poor kitty

I found this AskMetaFilter question really upsetting. I have to deal with both a snoring husband and a couple meowing cats. So you know what I did? I got friggin’ ear plugs. Works like a charm.


I pushed my workouts to four days this week (plus one cross-straining session at Spudds), so I had a bump in distance. I’ve been noticing lately that I’ve gotten extremely comfortable at my normal slow pace, and that I can easily run longer than 30 minutes without getting winded at all. My guess is this is a sign that I need to start pushing a little harder, maybe trying to bump up my speed a little bit. So I’ve been trying to incorporate some speedwork at least once a week. Last week I included some intervals in one run, and this week I did 20 minutes of fartlek as part of my Saturday run. The biggest limiting factor in my progress right now seems to be all the niggling aches and pains I’m fighting: my back, my hamstrings, mild case of shin splints, etc. I’m doing what I can for those, but frustratingly I think the biggest help would be to drop some weight. Having all these extra kilos pounding the road isn’t doing me any favours. It’s just hard, especially because all the exercise tends to make me hungrier than ever.

This week: 25.83km (16mi)
Last week: 19.86km (12.4mi)

Toto’s Africa

Toto’s “Africa” as you have never heard it before. That made me smile and feel happy to be alive. The storm, the beat-boxing, the chorus, the smiling guy in the yellow cravat, the lady doing the solo at the end… Seriously, go watch it. It’s great! (The group is a Slovenian jazz choir.)


Stuffed. Oh yes, there were baked beans. And roast veggies. And my Mom’s special scalloped chicken. We’re going to be eating the leftovers for the next week…

Infinite Summer

Infinite Summer
I picked up my copy of Infinite Jest today, so I’m officially in for Infinite Summer. There’s even a Ravelry discussion group. This is going to be fun! (But man, it’s even thicker than I expected…)

Close Vision Super Powers

Holy crap! According to this AskMeFi question, my severe nearsightedness means that I actually have super-powered vision up close. I had no idea. I can’t read most text until it’s within 6 inches of my nose, but evidently once stuff moves into my focus, I am SEEIN’ THE HECK OUT OF IT. Suck on that, normal-eyed people!

Canning and Preserving

Artisan home canning and preserving. Oh, neat! Apparently canning supply sales are up 50% this year. Another food technique to get obsessed with. I am such a freakin’ hipster sometimes.


BlenderDefender – how to train the damn cats to stay off the counter. We need this!