Just found out that the fantastic Bourke Street Bakery around the corner from our house is going to be leaving. Why? Because Notre Dame bought the whole block and is evicting all the tenants. THAT SUCKS. Look, I thought it was really neat four years ago when we discovered ND were creating a tiny campus in Chippendale. In the intervening years though, they’ve slowly been buying up buildings and shopfronts in the neighbourhood for expansion. I don’t want my neighbourhood to turn into a sterile college campus! I NEED MY SOURDOUGH, YOU BASTARDS. I think this definitely merits a strongly worded letter from a local homeowner AND alumnus.
Month: June 2009
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Guild meeting is going well. About 25 members here, and the Nettles finally turned up!
Woo! #WWKIP has begun. We’ve already passed last year’s total. Gorgeous day. Most of us are sitting outside. Muggles are staring!
Knitters at #WWKIP Sydney. http://yfrog.com/5b98zj
Lunch! Chicken Sanger and beer at #WWKIP day. http://yfrog.com/0vsgdj
Me and @Bex_the_Femme at the end of a very fun #WWKIP Day in Sydney. Final tally was 80 knitters! http://yfrog.com/0pbohtj
Huh. How long has there been a Ferris wheel at Darling Harbour? A bit random. http://yfrog.com/5i46293167j
Some more #WWKIP pics on my Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dramyjones/
@alyshajane Nah, not this one. I’ve already been to Yahoo’s offices. They’re great though!
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The bloody air conditioning is on in here. Luckily I wore a giant jumper.
Belgian Bier Cafe with @shanea, Snook, and @Timmay83’s missus… Beer and sausages were enjoyed.
Preparing for Guild and #WWKIP day. Decided against Feb Lady Sweater in favor of Road to Golden, since I don’t think I’ve shown her off.
Asian Poses
Asian Poses – I am so going to start doing Puffy Cheeks and Nyan Nyan in my photos from now on.
10 Things You Should NOT Do in Vegas
Ten Things You Should NOT Do In Las Vegas. Snookums was happy to be vindicated in our choices. “We got it right. Chapel of Love bad, Little White Wedding Chapel good. Denny’s is also recommended!” However, I feel compelled to point out that I failed at #3 – Wear Painful Shoes. I wore my beautiful white brand new wedding Converse and they gave me blisters on my heels.
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@Bex_the_Femme I have one in Feathers you can borrow. 😛
Anybody know of a good QA contractor available for a couple months? (No recruiters please, want real recommendations!)
I think I officially have shin splints. Run has turned into a walk. At least it’s a pretty day. #fb http://yfrog.com/18lqxj
Just completed a 4.10 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/EgfXn #runkeeper
@bellsg Oh, I’m there! I assume we’ll all be wearing our uniform of Feb Lady Jumpers? 🙂
Toodledo has been down all day. I am actually experiencing To Do List Withdrawal. This is pretty pathetic. OCD GIRL NEEDS HER LISTS.
Going to skip knitting. Stupid shin is aching, & I think I need to start ice and massage. Will see you all on Saturday for #WWKIP anyway 🙂
@misswired Yeah. Old shoes and pounding on pavement are taking its toll. Time for rest and new kicks, I think.
@misswired It’s the lack of bicycle that’s the stumbling block!
Baking cookies. (Hey, @venks79, you better be recovered for work tomorrow if you want some!)
@venks79 Big box of ’em, all packed up and ready to go. 🙂
Malicious incompetence of 480 drivers worked in my favour. I would’ve gotten on bus w\out the cookies! But luckily jerk didn’t stop. Again.
RunningBlog: Shin Splints
This kinda sucks. I’d been feeling some little niggles in my left shin for the past week or so, but nothing too major. I mentioned it to the physio last week and she said to just keep an eye on it and make sure it didn’t become worse. I did some research on it the other day so I knew what symptoms to look for. Today at lunch, I headed out for a 45min jog around the Domain in the winter sunshine. I walked for about 5 minutes to warm up, then start slowly jogging up the hill to the Art Gallery. I picked up my speed a little as I got into the park with all the other runners. I was feeling really good as I was rounding the tip of the peninsula at Mrs. Macquarie’s chair, when suddenly I started getting sharp little shocks in that left shin with each footfall. It wasn’t terribly painful, but it felt like a needle was poking me in the leg with every single step. I knew enough to back off. I stopped to stretch, and I ended up walking pretty much the whole way back to the office. I’ve done some more reading, and the good news is it seems like I’ve managed to catch it early. I don’t really have any intense pain (except when I’m massaging it, and then it hurts like hell). I iced both shins tonight, and I took an anti-inflammatory and massaged Voltarin into both legs. I think the causes are fairly obvious: over-training, running on concrete, and running in really old shoes. (I was sure I’d gotten these last October before the Melbourne Half, but upon further checking, it looks like I got them last May for the Sydney Half. They’re a year old! EEP! No wonder.) So I’m going to take a couple days off, and on Sunday we’ll be taking a trip to Rozelle to visit Running Science. I’m going to get my gait examined and hopefully get myself some new wheels. In the meantime, let me know if you have any tips for faster recovery or keeping fit without aggravating it…
Knitty and Tom Bihn’s Swift
Yay, there’s a new Knitty! I especially like Treetop, which panders to my love of geometry, cables, and things going off in strange directions. I think Elenka might be cute for Indie, and I’ve already suggested knitting a Trilobite hat for the Snook. (He likes that idea.) I am even strangely drawn to the lace. (I KNOW! WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?)
The issue also has a review of the new Tom Bihn “Swift” knitting bag, which I kinda love. I’m not convinced on the cork version though…
Operation Awesomeness
Operation Awesomeness – a “get fit” blog by Issy and Ness. Good on ya, girls!
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Phew. Meeting went pretty well, despite the conspicuous absence of sickie @venks79!
@DDsD Heh. I actually organised the Sydney WWKIP event the first 3 years. This year I handed over to my friend Sally. Gonna be WICKED, MATE!
Oz has screwed with my cold weather calibration. 39F is positively BALMY for Indiana winter, yet here I am about to FREEZE TO DEATH. #fb
@shanea Hmm. I could knit you a Snuggie. Of course, it would take me all winter.
Lego Star Wars was commenced. I cut off Jar Jar’s head multiple times. It was very, verrrrry satisfying.
Hm. Effects of last bus rant have worn off. 461 driver just sailed past Broadway w\out stopping. I feel a strongly worded letter coming on.
@Bex_the_Femme Treetop! I NEED cabled zigzaggy knee socks!
@knitness I like it. Reminds me of glamorous red lipstick. But man, it’s pricey!