Month: June 2009

  • Ragtime

    How the Snook wishes he could play piano. Yes, I’m serious. Exactly like that.


  • Baby Boom

    The baby boom continues! Congrats to Kristen and Mark on their impending second child…


  • HP6

    io9 has a whole bunch of new TV promos for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Getting very excited!


  • Little Rascals

    Little RascalsWow. I think I’ve mentioned before that every now and then I stumble across some cultural touchstone of my childhood that the Snook didn’t experience here in Australia, and it’s always really weird. At some point I became aware that he’d never seen the Little Rascals. The series wasn’t unknown here (Ma Snook knew…



    And we’re back!Sorry about the down-time. I assumed there was some sort of server hiccup when the site when down last night, but it turns out that my domain name had expired! The emails go to my old address, which has become such a spam trap that I never saw them. (And Yahoo don’t…


  • Weekend Plans

    Weekend plans: baked beans and brownies. YUM.


  • Necktie Bib

    Sewing tutorial: Baby bib with necktie appliqué. That is adorable! I know some little baby boys who might be getting one…


  • Okay, I know this Star Wars-related question starts off INSANE, what with speculating on midichlorian evolution and whatnot, but some of the answers are awesome. “Additionally, Anakin Skywalker’s parthenogenetic (or hermaphroditic) birth in combination with his geographic isolation on the backwaters of Tatooine prior to his contact with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi* suggest the…


  • Beef and Cabbage “Stir-fry”The Snook arrived home tonight to some odd smells. “What are you cooking?” he asked. “It’s kind of hard to describe,” I answered. “I think it’s sort of like homemade Hamburger Helper.” Unfortunately that cultural reference was lost on him. He looked in the pot. “It looks like what my Dad used…


  • Kel WON!

    Remember how I told you that my friend Kel was trying to win the chance to throw out the opening pitch at a Cubs game? Well, SHE WON! That’s so frickin’ cool. Thanks to everybody who signed up to the newsletter and helped her out. Her big day is on September 2nd, which is a…
