Photo gallery for 25th anniversary of Tetris. I have two of the three vintage Game Boys pictured! Fun. However, I object to the inclusion of the Japanese “Hole in the Wall” game show pics. That has nothing to do with Tetris, really.
Month: June 2009
I took an extra day off last week due to my lower back pain and general feelings of crappiness, so my weekly total went down a little. I’ve officially signed up for the Running Festival Half-Marathon though, so there’s no backing out now. I’m on Week 5 of my 20 week training program, so I’m 25% of the way through. I’ve got plenty of time.
This week: 19.86km (12.4mi)
Last week: 22.39km (14mi)
Camel vs. Bin
Camel vs. Bin. Just a cute-yet-destructive camel to lighten up your Monday.
This makes me sick. And what REALLY annoys me is that these articles make Dr. Tiller sound like he was killing perfectly healthy babies. He wasn’t. He specialized in terminations “after the fetus has been diagnosed with a birth defect: a deformed heart, missing kidneys, Down’s syndrome, anencephaly.” I can’t imagine what it’s like to be told your child has no brain and will never come to term. I can’t imagine the mindset that would drive a person to shoot and kill a doctor who helps women in that situation. I just donated some money to the International Planned Parenthood Federation.