Month: June 2009

  • Canning and Preserving

    Artisan home canning and preserving. Oh, neat! Apparently canning supply sales are up 50% this year. Another food technique to get obsessed with. I am such a freakin’ hipster sometimes.

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    “Edward is fast, can read minds, and is into underage girls. There’s really no contest.”

    Just sent company-wide email asking if anybody wants to run City2Surf as a team. Co-workers seem quietly horrified.

    @redambition Running the whole thing is highly overrated!

    Thinking that the best way to start a long weekend is to go to bed extremely early and sleep off the entire week. Ohhhh, yeah.

    @coach_chris I got maybe four positives (inc. @venks79) out of like 40 people. Disappointing! And they’re all seemingly fit 20-somethings.

    Am now obsessed with idea of artisan home canning. My hipster tendencies are showing themselves…

  • BlenderDefender

    BlenderDefender – how to train the damn cats to stay off the counter. We need this!

  • Ragtime

    How the Snook wishes he could play piano. Yes, I’m serious. Exactly like that.

  • HP6

    io9 has a whole bunch of new TV promos for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Getting very excited!

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    And IS BACK! We had to use the Snook’s card to get past the stupid Verified by Visa errors.

    Just completed a 4.08 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    It’s definitely running season. I bet I saw over 100 runners in the Domain just now.

    @knitness Wow, they’re really strict about it, huh? Sorry to hear it!

    @shanea Does she scratch the corner? We put double-sided tape strips on the corners/arms of ours. They really don’t like that.

    @shanea We found some fairly wide double-sided somewhere. Check this out: Something like that.

    Torn between nostalgia for “our song” and embarrassment over the fact that it’s by Wheatus. *cringe*

    @brodrigu I SAID I WAS CRINGING, DIDN’T I? (Shut up. It’s an awesome song.)

    Finally heading out to knitting… I can’t wait for the 3 day weekend!

    @knitness I’m heading out but there are still 5 people here…

    It has been decreed that M&S SnB – once the Sale is over – will officially leave the shop @ 6.30 and retire to Grace Bar every Thurs. 🙂

    @jokercom Thanks. It was the Verified by Visa. I had my bank de-enroll it and then it worked.

  • Little Rascals

    Little Rascals
    Wow. I think I’ve mentioned before that every now and then I stumble across some cultural touchstone of my childhood that the Snook didn’t experience here in Australia, and it’s always really weird. At some point I became aware that he’d never seen the Little Rascals. The series wasn’t unknown here (Ma Snook knew of it), but it wasn’t shown every day after school like it was in the 80’s for us. On Wednesday, Ma Snook came to Sydney and lent us a DVD entitled “The Best of the Little Rascals.” It was six episodes, and we watched the whole thing tonight. OH MAN, NOSTALGIA. I don’t think I’d seen any of those in probably 20 years at least. The first couple were from when Spanky was still really little, and we both freaked out how much he looks like Penn! (Seriously, Sis. There’s a Halloween costume in the making.) And I remembered so much of them! I think I’d seen every episode. I found myself recalling the obscure kids’ names and knowing what was about to happen. Best of all, it ended with “Hearts are Trumps,” source of my numerous quotes about the He-Man Woman Haters Club. It was so fun.

    Also – Spanky’s catchphrase was “Okey-dokey”? Is THAT why I say it all the time?? Seriously, I caught a ton of phrases and inflections from me, my sister, and my brother in there…


    And we’re back!
    Sorry about the down-time. I assumed there was some sort of server hiccup when the site when down last night, but it turns out that my domain name had expired! The emails go to my old address, which has become such a spam trap that I never saw them. (And Yahoo don’t seem to let you set up forwarding rules.) I tried to renew the domain at this morning, but their stupid website kept rejecting my credit card. It appears to have been a problem with their “Verified by Visa” system, as the Snook’s card (which hadn’t been enrolled in VbV) worked just fine. I’m really annoyed at Joker for not responding to any of my help requests. I used them because they were cheap, but obviously there’s a big trade-off in customer service. I think I’ll be transferring my domains elsewhere…

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    @knitness Oh cool! I’ve been meaning to check out that market for a while now…

    Um, attention @twelveeyes, @imdominating, and @Justacogitating: Twilight Fan Cruise. That is all.

    @rhagern Ooh, I was reading about that online. It looks good! Let me know if you like it.

    @shanea Wait, what? Is this RT? (Judging by Wikipedia) I haven’t seen it…

    Came back from lunch to discover a fat box of my brand new business cards on my desk! Now I need to knit myself a holder or something.

    If a requirement is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE, why wouldn’t you tell me that right away? Why just ignore it? Gah.

    RT The Snook: When your site only has three sentences on it, you really should check them for spelling and grammar.

    @misswired The plan is to mention him constantly until he gives up and joins in. It worked on my blog. 🙂

    Ah, so this is what we were stuck in this morning:

    Okay, I’ve suitably atoned for my late start and long lunch. Going home to relax and knit (and boycott the footy)!

    @witty_knitter I noticed. Quadrahosting status page says all is fine, but clearly not. 🙁

    My site is still down. Very annoying. Quadrahosting, we were having such a good run! Why you gotta hurt me like this?

    @SupFarn UGH. I can’t even SSH to the server. Yet the stupid Quadrahosting server status page still says all good. WTF?

    OH CRAP! IT’S MY FAULT! I MISSED THE DOMAIN RENEWAL LETTER! Lucky I caught it in time. Should be back soon.

    Not quite. Now I can’t get to take my renewal payment because their stupid “Verified by Visa” third-party is down. ARGH.

    @jokercom Having trouble getting renewal payment to go through. Sent support request but nothing yet. Is something wrong with VbV handler?