Month: June 2009

  • Necktie Bib

    Sewing tutorial: Baby bib with necktie appliqué. That is adorable! I know some little baby boys who might be getting one…

  • Star Wars Prognostication

    Okay, I know this Star Wars-related question starts off INSANE, what with speculating on midichlorian evolution and whatnot, but some of the answers are awesome.

    “Additionally, Anakin Skywalker’s parthenogenetic (or hermaphroditic) birth in combination with his geographic isolation on the backwaters of Tatooine prior to his contact with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi* suggest the pathogenesis of his particularly impressive Force-sensitivity follows neither a genetic nor physical transmission mechanism…”

    I was also interested to learn that in one of the expanded Universe stories, Vader plots to kill the Emperor himself. Cool.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @runkeeper Me too! I know good stuff is in store. Can’t wait for the next release…

    My good deed for the day: teaching fellow knitters how to use htaccess and mod_rewrite to serve rude images to hotlinkers.

    Why you should always sit in the FRONT of a rollercoaster: . (Warning: Vomity grossness!)

    Using a system that imports tags from Added David Duchovny & did double-take: . HA! Folksonomy FAIL.

    Stabbing back pains = great way to start Wednesday. Good thing I’m going to the physio AGAIN.

    Going to be late. Stuck in P’matta Rd traffic. So just to clarify, I’ve had back spasms & gridlock… & I’m having lunch w/ mother-in-law.

  • Beef and Cabbage Stir-fry

    Beef and Cabbage “Stir-fry”
    The Snook arrived home tonight to some odd smells. “What are you cooking?” he asked. “It’s kind of hard to describe,” I answered. “I think it’s sort of like homemade Hamburger Helper.” Unfortunately that cultural reference was lost on him. He looked in the pot. “It looks like what my Dad used to call ‘Savoury Mince,’” he said. That’s… pretty accurate, really. Basically, I knew we had cabbage, broccoli, and a bit of celery to use up from the veggie box, so I googled and found this recipe. It looked strange and interesting. It’s basically hamburger mince cooked with rice, some veggies, chicken soup mix(!), and curry powder(!). (I left out the Chinese noodles on top.) It actually turned out really good! We both enjoyed it, and we’ve got plenty left-over for tomorrow. Even with the small bit of rice, I think it probably works out quite low-carb too. I think this could be my new go-to recipe for using up odd bits of veg…

  • Kel WON!

    Remember how I told you that my friend Kel was trying to win the chance to throw out the opening pitch at a Cubs game? Well, SHE WON! That’s so frickin’ cool. Thanks to everybody who signed up to the newsletter and helped her out. Her big day is on September 2nd, which is a day game on a Wednesday. I can’t wait to see the photos!

  • Tetris 25th Anniversary

    Photo gallery for 25th anniversary of Tetris. I have two of the three vintage Game Boys pictured! Fun. However, I object to the inclusion of the Japanese “Hole in the Wall” game show pics. That has nothing to do with Tetris, really.

  • RunningBlog

    I took an extra day off last week due to my lower back pain and general feelings of crappiness, so my weekly total went down a little. I’ve officially signed up for the Running Festival Half-Marathon though, so there’s no backing out now. I’m on Week 5 of my 20 week training program, so I’m 25% of the way through. I’ve got plenty of time.

    This week: 19.86km (12.4mi)
    Last week: 22.39km (14mi)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @Ezzles Ohhhhh, I think that would be very, very good. Like turkey sandwiches with cranberry. Fruit goes very well with ham and cheese. 🙂

    Official New Moon trailer is up: . And man, that is the fakest-lookin’ damn werewolf I have ever seen.

    @brodrigu *hand up* Data point. I’ll back that up.

    Leftover coq au vin for lunch. I think I am finally starting to come around on mushrooms! They’ve gone from yuck to bleh to almost tasty…

    Aww, who’s a cute widdly fluffy were-puppy? EXACTLY.

    Even xkcd is getting in on the Twilight action: Ha!

    Ack. Post-boxing sneeze attack on the bus. No tissues. I’M A MONSTER!

    Just completed a 5.41 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    iPhone: for when you need to know NOW what weapon Leonardo the Ninja Turtle used. (Snook won that bet.)

    @Timmay83 I think you’ll find it was a KATANA BLADE, but yeah. Basically a sword.

    Woo! Congrats to @kellymcmahon for winning the Cubs contest. She gets to throw out 1st pitch at Sep. 2 game!

    Weird. Doing a vanity search on Bing brings up my Twitter profile as the 1st result?!

    Some ideas for the #Runkeeper team:

  • Camel vs. Bin

    Camel vs. Bin. Just a cute-yet-destructive camel to lighten up your Monday.

  • Pro-choice

    This makes me sick. And what REALLY annoys me is that these articles make Dr. Tiller sound like he was killing perfectly healthy babies. He wasn’t. He specialized in terminations “after the fetus has been diagnosed with a birth defect: a deformed heart, missing kidneys, Down’s syndrome, anencephaly.” I can’t imagine what it’s like to be told your child has no brain and will never come to term. I can’t imagine the mindset that would drive a person to shoot and kill a doctor who helps women in that situation. I just donated some money to the International Planned Parenthood Federation.