Month: July 2009

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    ARGH. Another freakin’ Joomla security update. I’m patching the stupid Knitters Guild site practically every weekend now.

    @ironbrandon Very, very, very reluctantly. I spent a lot of time using it at work last year.

    @ironbrandon Sure… but if/when I ever get over to NYC, I want some opera tickets! 🙂

    @Alegrya Which yarn shop? Anything good left?

    Looks like Champion Textiles may be closing. Not terribly surprised. I never got good service, fitout was dirty, and it was kinda smelly.

    @knitness No details except what’s on Rav. Apparently 20% off “Closing Down Sale” happening. Emailed Albie to see if he knows anything…

    @acatinatree Happy birthday! (The geeks are eating lots of cake this week!)

    @kategamble My usage is mostly personal, so no automation. To me, autotweets are more like mailing list; one-way rather than conversation.

    @randomknits WHAT?!

    Lunchtime workout goal: hill repeats.

    Here’s the view down the bastard hill I’ve been climbing…

    Just completed a 4.66 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @TimBags I can’t believe I can recognize Dusko just from his chin.

  • Fantastic Mr Fox

    The trailer for the upcoming Fantastic Mr Fox movie is out… and I kinda liked it! (I’m as surprised as you are.) It bears very little resemblance to the original story, but to be honest it was never one of Dahl’s best works anyway. (It also underwent extensive revisions, as the original was even more a glorification of thievery.) I actually chuckled quite a few times during the trailer, especially at the young fox with the tube sock on his head. So for the moment, I’m cautiously optimistic about this one…

    I really should start updating my Dahl site again. This movie could generate some serious traffic.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just plugged in my new second monitor at work

    Just found out I’m off to Twitter Boot Camp this arvo: (Grammar error in 2nd sentence doesn’t inspire optimism.)

    @knitness Here’s a tip: They all mean “feed me.”

    @sharre Wow, great job! You’re gonna kick butt on our challenge…

    Waiting for Twitter Boot Camp to begin. @opheli8 has warned me “not to be a hater.”

    Looks like Twitter Boot Camp hash tag is #tbcau. Getting ready to start…

    Hm. Big monitor showing live Twitter feed certainly kills any urge to snark on speakers. #tbcau

    @lotsofco It has to do with marketing. (I feel so dirty. But hey, free cookies, right?)

    Watching @barrys_syd film @markpollard. Hearing about etiquette, accountability, validation. So far so good. #tbcau

    FINALLY got wifi working again… and forgot everything I wanted to tweet. #tbcau

    @redambition Wait, what? Are you at the same session as me??

    We’re 2 hours in, and I am utterly sick of the word “tweet.” Is tweet-rage a recognized psychotic condition? #tbcau

    Please, please let the Bruce Clay speaker use the word ‘silos.’ Then I can yell bingo! #tbcau

    How does ‘automate as much as possible’ jibe with idea that good Twitter use is all about meaningful conversations? #tbcau

    Just surprised at number of speakers advising scheduling tweets for middle of the night. That’s PR feed, not real time interaction. #tbcau

    My ‘silos’ comment was unexpectedly featured by @barrys_syd. Eep! At least we all had a chuckle. #tbcau

    Okay, which one of you is the Mythbusters guy? Rumor is you’re here… #tbcau

    No SnB for me tonight. Taking the Snook out to celebrate his birthday!

    It is a very strange day when the Snook leaves the house before I do. The cats are freaked out. DISRUPTION TO HUMAN ROUTINE!

    @voicework Ha, you’re the 2nd person I’ve met from MB. Do you know Sadhana? Anyway yeah, good day. Nice to “meet” you!

    Sorry I missed pub networking! I got more from Twitter Boot Camp than expected, esp. from @jyesmith’s case study. Thanks to all. #tbcau

    RT @ScottKirsner Brands have historically been distant and inhuman…but now consumers want the opposite. – Matt Cutler of Visible Measures

  • Happy birthday Snookums!

    I had a weird and busy day away from the computer, but I need to say a public “Happy birthday” to my best friend and favourite human being. Many happy returns of the day, Snookums.

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    Oh ffs. We just hired our 4th “Chris” in an office of 48. Kris/Chris/Chris/Cris. That’s not going to be confusing AT ALL.

    I am Asking MetaFilter how to make an awesome meatloaf:

    @venks79 Eh, just didn’t feel great in the AM. Punching helped though! Catch me on Skype tomorrow & I’ll give you the update. 🙂

    I do hope the folks over at Geekdom do something to celebrate the Snook’s birthday today (hint hint)…

  • Use It Up

    USE IT UP – WEAR IT OUT – MAKE IT DO! Love it! Of course, I make the Snook take his pants off before I mend them.

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    @redambition Dare I mention the dreaded fanny pack? 🙂 I’ve been carrying mine in my hand in its case. I’m used to it now.

    @redambition Definitely! Walking is totally allowed. And @sharre, I only used the US term because @AusVintageGrrl did last night over IM!

    @redambition @sharre @AusVintageGrrl I’M WRONG! She said bumbag, and my brain translated it, probably because it’s so funny here. Apologies!

    @runkeeper Giving you some love over on Metafilter:

    @bellsg Yep. Click the little song listing icon in the upper right. Will let you set stars for all songs on album. #iphone

    @sharre Very pretty! I hate the new-glasses-seasick though.

    @mrs_sockvictim Ooh, gchatting you. We might be interested!

    Nothing makes you feel loved like finding two cats waiting for your reappearance outside the bathroom door. (Also: they want their dinner.)

    Nearly finished with Tasman Summer Tunic for my niece Indie. @carbolicious, this may be the cutest thing I have EVER KNITTED.

    @ironbrandon You’ll like this! RT @runkeeper: @aaronwhite’s evangelizing has piqued my curiousity. Who’s tried these?

    @ironbrandon I d’loaded their foot/calf strengthening exercises. Starting to think about giving forefoot a serious try…

    Just not feeling happy in my own skin today.

    @Bex_the_Femme Those are the WRONGEST SHOES I’VE EVER SEEN.

    @that_alison You’re not talking plant stealing, are you? NEVER JUSTIFIED!

    @that_alison Oh! That’s a good thing. Give them a hug from me. 🙂

  • Running/Walking Challenge

    Running/Walking Challenge
    Since I know some of you have been inspired to hit the roads and get healthy lately, I’ve just created a “NSW Knitters Challenge” over at Runner+. The challenge is to get in as many miles in August as you can. There’s no prize for winning; just the encouragement of the group to keep going! I chose Runner+ because it doesn’t require any special equipment to record your runs. You can enter the distances by hand (as I do), or you can sync it up to the Nike+ system. I’ve made the challenge private, so please let me know if you’d like an invite. (And non-knitters are welcome too!)

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    Congrats to @venks79 on the new baby!

    GAH. Carried my lovely hot lunch all the way across the office and DROPPED IT right in front of my desk. Miraculously, 2/3 remained inside.

    @carbolicious You are making me want to bake! (Damn you.)

    @justjussi You still up? I’m having trouble interpreting part of the Tasman Summer Tunic pattern…

    @justjussi Nevermind! I worked it out. 🙂

    Just completed a 6.10 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper