Bubble Dress tutorial for little girls. Man, there’s so much cuter stuff to make for girls than boys.
Month: July 2009
Economy takes its toll on Amish
USA Today writes about how the economy is taking its toll on the Amish in the area where I grew up.
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@misswired Harris Farms at Broadway, surely. I’m also pretty sure I’ve seen non-fancy paneer at Coles.
New @runkeeper release looks AWESOME. Custom time/distance interval workouts? Nike+ can’t do that! LOVE IT, and can’t wait for next run.
@clesan700 Yep, only iPhone. Someone has to be working on something similar though… Do you have an app store? (No idea how bberries work.)
@Timmay83 Just wait til you start actually shaking your fist at bus drivers and reporting them to their bosses. Me = grumpy old woman.
@henrytapia You gotcher Andys mixed up. Lleyton’s playing Roddick, who coincidentally looks EXACTLY like my brother. So I like him.
Anybody doing the Tour de France knitalong? Is there an official site or Rav group for it? I have a ton of WIPs and need motivation.
Just completed a 4.89 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/omIgG #runkeeper
Tried new @runkeeper interval workout today. Flawless! Immediate impact: keeps me honest with warmup and cooldown, which I need.
@sharre Nah. But I don’t sync very often, so possible I just haven’t noticed yet.
@devvyleys Congrats Devvy! Well done. Waist is the hardest place to shift it…
Utegate as told by lolcats
Utegate as told by lolcats. Heh. I thought it started out really funny but went on way too long.
Preserving Australia
Preserving Australia – preserving, canning, and cheese making at home. SWEEEEET. The Snook and I haven’t been able to find any Mason jars, but that site just pointed me to Redback Trading, who imports them. And they’ve also got stoneware (for sauerkraut and kimchee), cast iron cookware, and smokers? I am in PIONEER WOMAN HEAVEN.
Edited to add: Ooh, maybe I could make my own cheese curd for poutine!
Another light week thanks to the virus that laid me low on Friday.
This week: 9.5km (6mi)
Last week: 8.4km (5.25mi)I’m happy to report though that I finally made it out for a run this morning, and I felt pretty good. My shin didn’t bother me at all. I had some tightness in my calves and hamstrings, but I guess that could partially be attributed to me basically lying prone for 72 hours straight on the weekend and not stretching or exercising in any way. I’m eager to get back into my training plan if I can. This was meant to be a recovery week anyway, so I’ve got some breathing room. I’m just annoyed at missing three long runs due to the double-whammy of shin splints and sickness!