Tutorial: Market Skirt for little girls. So cute! I want one for me.
Month: July 2009
What’s your Shuffle-Fail song? For me it’s “Accelerate” by R.E.M. It’s not so much that shuffle fails for me though, but rather that I mistakenly think I’m in the middle of a podcast. (Link courtesy of John.)
Knitters’ Tea Party
Knitters’ Tea Party
Today I met up with 11 other frocked-up knitters for high tea at Harrogate Teas in Pyrmont. The event was organised by the amazing Jody as a special outing for the regulars at the Thursday night Morris & Sons SnB group. Over the course of three hours, we enjoyed numerous sandwiches, scones with jam and clotted cream, petit fours and chocolates, and lots of tea. (There were also several bottles of bubbly being passed around, but this sickie took a pass.) It was lovely! We knitted and chatted and tweeted and amused the heck out of some American tourists. There were also many photos taken…
Jill and Kevin’s Big Day
Jill and Kevin’s Big Day. It’s a YouTube video of the opening of a wedding, and it’s just the best thing I’ve seen on the Internet in ages. Made me smile and laugh and dance, and tear up a little bit. All weddings should involve goofy dancing! (Link courtesy of Eileen.)
Marlborough Farmhouse
I yearn for a Boot Room.
We just watched the Marlborough Farmhouse episode of Grand Designs. WOW. This is absolutely my favorite house ever featured on the show. I want it. This is a house I could see myself living in out in the countryside… eventually.
Joe and Joey
Yay! My stepdad and little brother got photographed in the South Bend Tribune while waiting for Lou Holtz’s arrival at a fan festival. (Joey is wearing a Lou Holtz mask, in case you’re wondering.) How fun!
100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About
100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About. The one that made me laugh was #92: “Writing a check.” Not in the NSW Knitters Guild! I swear; they’ll be the last cheque-requiring holdouts in the country. The Snook and I finally killed off our cheque account a couple months ago, since it was costing us $10/month and we wrote maybe three cheques a year. Of course, that came back to bite me in the ass when I needed to send in a new Guild member’s registration form last week. Instead I had to make a special trip to the post office to get a money order, which cost me $4.50. It’s ridiculous. We pay all our bills electronically now, and there’s still this one organisation requiring me to send in a bit of paper.
Disturbing DeskCam
Sauteed Parsnips and Carrots with Honey and Rosemary
The star of tonight’s dinner: Sauteed Parsnips and Carrots with Honey and Rosemary. YUM! We had a couple parsnips rattling around the bottom of the veggie box that I needed to use. The Snook isn’t a big fan of roasting them, so I found this recipe. It was great! I followed the advice to put crispy bacon on top too. Highly recommended.
New Zealand Tourism Posters
New Zealand Tourism Posters, as seen on Murray’s office wall in Flight of the Conchords. I’ve got no idea how the whole Australian-New Zealand antagonism storyline plays in the States, but it sure cracks up me and the Snook (who found the link).