Month: July 2009

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    @witty_knitter Do you get to induct me into the sisterhood by whacking me on the shoulders with an umbrella? Because you should. 🙂

    @donttrythis So that makes the second time you’ve been portrayed by a girl! Remember me?

    @zephyrama ACK! Yeah, the Snook had to learn that one too.

    @witty_knitter I feel empowered! Next time I’ll throw the can back at them. (I should add that Rodd PRETENDED NOT TO KNOW ME as I did it.)

    Going for a run…

    Just completed a 4.92 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @carbolicious We have a Cold Stone knockoff in Sydney now. It’s called Cold Rock Ice Creamery. That cracks me up. Haven’t gone there yet.

    Correction: Snook didn’t need to learn not to machine wash hand knits. He needed to learn to check my laundry pile for hand knits.

    @carbolicious Wow, I like the bits dripping off the edges.

    I saw that the “knit graffiti” at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair is gone after 1 week. Stolen? Cleaned up by staff? Completely rotted in the rain?

  • Jill and Kevin’s Big Day

    Jill and Kevin’s Big Day. It’s a YouTube video of the opening of a wedding, and it’s just the best thing I’ve seen on the Internet in ages. Made me smile and laugh and dance, and tear up a little bit. All weddings should involve goofy dancing! (Link courtesy of Eileen.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    There is no mood so foul that it cannot be improved by the first 20 seconds of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”

    Sydney knitters – anybody available to help teach kids to knit at lunchtime tomorrow? I’m scrambling for a few more volunteers…

    @Ezzles That is very, very likely. Man, every single time I run King Street I get spotted by at least one person I know!

    Heading to Morris & Sons for some knitting time…

    @knitness Yeah, they ran 60min late for me Wed. I just left, but others are still going…

    Non-knitter overheard the graffiti knitting drama discussion tonight and laughed and laughed. Exactly. It’s absurd. Great reality check.

    My sister @carbolicious appears to have signed up for Twitter…

    Oh man. If you need to start your day with joy and happiness, watch this: I couldn’t stop smiling.

    Bogans @ stop light just threw can onto street. I marched out & said: I’LL GO PUT THAT IN THE DAMN TRASH CAN FOR YOU. Grumpy old woman = me.

  • Marlborough Farmhouse

    I yearn for a Boot Room.
    We just watched the Marlborough Farmhouse episode of Grand Designs. WOW. This is absolutely my favorite house ever featured on the show. I want it. This is a house I could see myself living in out in the countryside… eventually.

  • Joe and Joey

    Yay! My stepdad and little brother got photographed in the South Bend Tribune while waiting for Lou Holtz’s arrival at a fan festival. (Joey is wearing a Lou Holtz mask, in case you’re wondering.) How fun!

  • 100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

    100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About. The one that made me laugh was #92: “Writing a check.” Not in the NSW Knitters Guild! I swear; they’ll be the last cheque-requiring holdouts in the country. The Snook and I finally killed off our cheque account a couple months ago, since it was costing us $10/month and we wrote maybe three cheques a year. Of course, that came back to bite me in the ass when I needed to send in a new Guild member’s registration form last week. Instead I had to make a special trip to the post office to get a money order, which cost me $4.50. It’s ridiculous. We pay all our bills electronically now, and there’s still this one organisation requiring me to send in a bit of paper.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Whoa! Message from @AusVintageGrrl. Customs House evacuated for fire alarm. Not sure what that will do to the scheduled knitting workshop!

    Going to the boxing gym. Not surprisingly, I am REALLY looking forward to punching some stuff.

    Chicken Kiev, garlic beans, and sauteed parsnip and carrot with honey and rosemary glaze. Bow before my domestic goddess-ness!

    @redambition @bellsg I blogged the carrots and parsnip recipe. Very recommended!

    Now it’s time for tea, knitting, & Battlestar Galactica. Only thing marring this peaceful scene is the truly disturbing object I’m knitting.

    @Ezzles Google “Bokaclava” or look it up on Rav. And don’t say I didn’t warn you!

    @Ezzles And no, I’m not putting it on an effing tree. 🙂

    @mirvettium Nah, balaclava in the style of a demon from Dr. Who. Google “bokaclava”. 🙂

    Okay, but it’s not my fault none of you will be able to sleep tonight. Behold… Bokaclava:

    That’s the designer’s. Mine is in navy. Just sewing it up now. Still need to make nose, mouth, & horns….

    @Ezzles It was an Extreme Knitting Challenge by a guy at work. In exchange he’s going to design my Halloween invite this year. 🙂

    Front and back of demon head have been sewn together. Did I mention this thing will be on the slopes of Perisher this weekend?

    So sore from punching yesterday. (I needed it though.) Now let’s see if I can actually manage a run…

    Just completed a 4.37 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    This is so weird. They’ve knocked down a couple walls in the office, and now there’s all this SPACE in my peripheral vision.

  • Sauteed Parsnips and Carrots with Honey and Rosemary

    The star of tonight’s dinner: Sauteed Parsnips and Carrots with Honey and Rosemary. YUM! We had a couple parsnips rattling around the bottom of the veggie box that I needed to use. The Snook isn’t a big fan of roasting them, so I found this recipe. It was great! I followed the advice to put crispy bacon on top too. Highly recommended.

  • New Zealand Tourism Posters

    New Zealand Tourism Posters, as seen on Murray’s office wall in Flight of the Conchords. I’ve got no idea how the whole Australian-New Zealand antagonism storyline plays in the States, but it sure cracks up me and the Snook (who found the link).

  • Box Pouches

    How to Sew a Perfect Box Pouch. Awesome! I think I might have to try that out. Looks like it would make nice little gifts.