Month: July 2009

  • HomeSite

    Oh man. Adobe finally killed off HomeSite. All of the websites I built in the 90’s were done with HomeSite. I even got quite a few folks at Netdecisions using it. I’ve still got the CD somewhere in my office. (The original developer wrote a few words about it too.)


  • Luxury Craft

    Is canning and preserving a moneysaver or a luxury craft? I’ve got no illusions there; it’s definitely a luxury craft. I’m glad the author makes the apt connection to knitting. We do these things to feel connected to our environment, to produce something tangible with our own hands, to create something that hasn’t existed before,…


  • Peeps

    “First Peeps Store Opens in Maryland.” HORRIFYING. They claim it will include – *shudder* – “Peeperphernalia.” I should probably move there, given that I am pretty much the Buffy to this Hellmouth.


  • Still sick.

    Still sick. I made it in to work today, barely. I really can’t afford to be sick right now. I’ve got too much on this month. Too much.


  • Sick

    Sick. I knew I was tempting fate by saying I was getting back on track with my running. I got a tickle in my throat Monday evening at 5pm, and within 24 hours it had exploded across my head. My nose alternates between being completely clogged and running like a faucet, and my eyes are…


  • Ides of March

    Wait wait wait… I share a birthday with Michael Scott?!


  • DIY on the Moon

    “DIY on the Moon: how Buzz saved the launch back to Earth”. It’s an extract from Buzz Adrin’s book Magnificent Desolation: The Long Journey Home from the Moon. I really need to get the book. Those few paragraphs there are riveting. I can’t even fathom the bravery of those guys.


  • Optical Illusion

    Whoa! Way cool optical illusion.


  • Sunrise

    It’s 5am, and I’m up and dressed and ready to head out. The knitters of the Inner City Guild will be on Channel 7’s Sunrise this morning promoting the knitting workshops we’re running over the coming weeks. Yep, I’m taping it… Clips coming later!


  • Transformers 2 FAQs

    Transformers 2 FAQs. HA! Okay, if that’s really the plot of the movie, then I don’t think I need to waste any money on it.
