Is canning and preserving a moneysaver or a luxury craft? I’ve got no illusions there; it’s definitely a luxury craft. I’m glad the author makes the apt connection to knitting. We do these things to feel connected to our environment, to produce something tangible with our own hands, to create something that hasn’t existed before, and to bring a little bit of joy into our modern lives. We’re lucky that we have the opportunity to do these things. But no, it won’t save you any money. This is what money should be for.
Month: July 2009
“First Peeps Store Opens in Maryland.” HORRIFYING. They claim it will include – *shudder* – “Peeperphernalia.” I should probably move there, given that I am pretty much the Buffy to this Hellmouth.
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Feeling much, much improved today. I might survive the weekend after all!
@mrs_sockvictim Awwww, I can get a fill-in for the baking if you want!
Still sick.
Still sick. I made it in to work today, barely. I really can’t afford to be sick right now. I’ve got too much on this month. Too much.
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You’re supposed to “feed a cold”, right? RIGHT?
Still a Mucus Monster. Thanks for all the sickness tips…
Well, nose and eyes are still running but I feel marginally more lucid than yesterday, so the plan is to try to go to work.
Three days? You guys are decadent! I felt guilty enough having one day off. 🙂
Sick. I knew I was tempting fate by saying I was getting back on track with my running. I got a tickle in my throat Monday evening at 5pm, and within 24 hours it had exploded across my head. My nose alternates between being completely clogged and running like a faucet, and my eyes are streaming. My throat is sore. My head feels like it has doubled in weight. Ugh. I cancelled work; cancelled the cleaners; cancelled everything. I’m at home in bed with a hot water bottle under the covers.
It probably didn’t help that I dragged myself out of bed at 4:30am yesterday for the knitting-on-Sunrise thing. Hoping to get some video for you later…
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Wow. When you eat breakfast at 5am, by 10am you’re starving.
@ironbrandon Dammit! I’m like 10 episodes behind so I don’t feel like I can offer any valid comments til I catch up again… 🙂
@Ascasewwen It’s okay! I’m hoping to put the footage up on the blog tonight or tomorrow. 🙂
Ahhhh! Just watched the footage. Kochie and Mel said I was a “demon”, as in SPEED DEMON! Although, yeah, I’m a diva too.
Did anybody else just get movie ticket SMS spam from Optus?
Just realised I’ve actually knitted on Sunrise before! @mrs_sockvictim and I were on there 3 years ago:
@sharre In my defense, I was a very early adopter of Crocs and that was before they became ubiquitous. Now? No freakin’ way. 🙂
It’s been 24hrs since my first throat tickle. And I’ve now got full-blown cold. THIS SUCKS.
Sitting up in bed, eating soup (that I can’t taste) provided by Snook, who is playing nursemaid. My nose is so raw already.
Sudden realisation: WTF do people with kids do when they (parents) get sick? I couldn’t cope. I get helpless and angry when I’m sick.
I am become Snot Monster, Destroyer of Worlds. Have cancelled work, cleaners, everything. Huddled in bed with streaming eyes and nose.
Ides of March
Wait wait wait… I share a birthday with Michael Scott?!
DIY on the Moon
“DIY on the Moon: how Buzz saved the launch back to Earth”. It’s an extract from Buzz Adrin’s book Magnificent Desolation: The Long Journey Home from the Moon. I really need to get the book. Those few paragraphs there are riveting. I can’t even fathom the bravery of those guys.
Optical Illusion
Whoa! Way cool optical illusion.