Month: July 2009

  • Sunrise

    It’s 5am, and I’m up and dressed and ready to head out. The knitters of the Inner City Guild will be on Channel 7’s Sunrise this morning promoting the knitting workshops we’re running over the coming weeks. Yep, I’m taping it… Clips coming later!

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    @redambition It’s freaking cold. I swear they run the air conditioner every other day.

    Don’t forget to turn on Sunrise tomorrow morning to see the knitters out at Customs House. I’m supposed to be interviewed!

    The flag of equal marriage: Hell yeah.

    Arrived home aching and sweaty after a punishing boxing session… to find a cold empty house and no dinner. Snook is stuck at work. 🙁

    @AusVintageGrrl It’s yours! Tell Daniel to meet me halfway (probably in the park) and I’ll give it to him one of these days. 🙂

    @acatinatree About time. Send back the Snook; I’m freezin’.

    Trying to get some sleep before VERY early wakeup tomorrow for my TV appearance. My throat is suddenly sore. Does not bode well…

    @AusVintageGrrl No worries. I haven’t felt any big compulsion to play it. Better it goes to someone who’ll appreciate it!

    It’s 4:50am and I am up and dressed. Set your PVRs to Channel 7 Sunrise, folks. (In other news, I have a sore throat. Shit.)

    Well, I’ve been in a couple shots but I fear my interview is getting bumped. Can’t compete with novelty of twins and male knitters!

    We’re only on every half hour as “FiFi” reads the weather report. I got up at 4.30 for this?? One day I’ll learn.

    @sharre They were both on! Fi asked them how long they’d been knitting. Pretty inane stuff.

    @discoknitter Huh? Diva? Moi?! 🙂

    All done, heading to work. TV trivia: FiFi does her own hair and makeup!

    Hilarious. Got in to work just now, and guy behind me went: “Oh, hey, they were talking about knitting on Sunrise today.” Me: “I WAS THERE.”

  • Transformers 2 FAQs

    Transformers 2 FAQs. HA! Okay, if that’s really the plot of the movie, then I don’t think I need to waste any money on it.

  • Baby Panda

    Baby panda. Awwwww! I think this might be the cutest photo.

  • RunningBlog

    Much better! I felt like I probably could’ve done a fourth day this week, but I didn’t want to push it too hard given that I need to make up some distance on my long runs. I did a 4:1 run/walk ratio on my long one Saturday to force myself to hold back. I started to feel a bit crampy in my calves at the end, but I think I need to up the salts in my diet. (I’m eating fairly low-carb at the moment.) I had an ice bath afterwards, which helped a bit.

    This week: 16.2km (10mi)
    Last week: 9.5km (6mi)

    See, this is where the 10% rule bites me in the butt. Because I wouldn’t have such a big jump if I hadn’t taken days off for injury/illness. If you’re forced to skip a long run, that doesn’t mean you have to drop all the way back to 10% + your previous milage, does it? I’m guessing not, since most training programs incorporate recovery weeks and then resume where they left off afterwards. So I’ve been thinking of the past couple weeks as “recovery time” and trusting that I can get back on schedule.

  • Brainiac

    Ebert defends intelligence and critical-thinking while arguing that Transformers 2 is a BAD FILM. I had the same argument last week over an incredibly stupid blog post that argued that “critics” don’t enjoy entertaining films. Anybody who reads Ebert on a regular basis knows that he’s got a big soft spot for low-brow stuff. (After all, he was the writer for Beyond the Valley of the Dolls!) It’s not about being an action movie; it’s about being a really bad action movie.

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    Taught 2nd installment of sock workshop today. It was great! Students are doing so well. Makes me regret not pursuing teaching a little bit.

    Ron Weasley has swine flu? NOOOOOOOOO.

    In addition to the 9yo, we also had a sleeping newborn at the knitting class. Both were very well-behaved. I didn’t mind.

    @redambition I have 46. QA person worked on the weekend and closed a lot of bugs, all of which alerted me. *sigh*

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    I love it when a plan comes together! On the bus to @mrs_sockvictim’s birthday bash. Much fun awaits…

    Dr. Amy has been sick a few times tonight. Which, yeah, cats puke. But she hasn’t in years. Should we be worried? Do anything special?

    Poor thing. Trying to get her to rest.

    Amy seems to be feeling better. She had a nap. She’s awake & grooming now. Snookums poked her belly and she was fine. Will keep watching.

    Just completed a 7.31 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper