Month: September 2009

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    Heading out the door to go enlighten the youth of tomorrow on the Amazing World of Roald Dahl!

    Lesson of the day: third graders are crazy smart. They’re also attentive and friendly, if a little fidgety. And they gave me a present!

    RT @alyshajane: That was quick, Kraft dumps iSnack 2.0 name:

    I’m sorry. If I had seen #heyhey before I became an Aussie, I might have thought twice. THIS, THIS IS OUR CULTURE? This sucks.

    Harsh, yes. But that “Who Am I” game w/ Akmal made my brain fall out. Puppets? Funny noises? Random cartoons? WHAT IS THIS? #heyhey

    @DDsD That made me snort. I wonder if there was a rush of signups after they mentioned the hash tag at the top of the show?

    @bellsknits I only made it like 15 minutes, but it was all new stuff. Even Snook – who had semi-fond memories – was not impressed.

    Just completed a 4.30 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Waiting for allergy shot at doc. TV is showing Willy Wonka. I have NOT had enough caffeine for “Cheer Up Charlie” at this hour.

    Bad: “Cheer Up Charlie”, two injections, and accidentally SLAMMING into a guy on the pavement. Good: bacon&egg roll, coffee, and new chair!

    @Bex_the_Femme DUDE. I just had a bacon&egg roll with barbecue sauce. A LITTLE WARNING, PLEASE.

    Getting email from the 3rd graders: “Thand you for coming to W.P.S. we loved the BFG comedy show it was so funny that my sock came of!”

    I’m up to 14 emails from the kids. They must be having computer time this morning. (Smug observation: girls are better spellers.)

  • Carbolicious on Cake Wrecks

    Yay, my sister Amy’s new business Carbolicious got featured on Cake Wrecks today! No, not because she made a wreck of cake. Rather, it’s because she and her husband cranked out, like, 300 cake balls for the Petaluma book signing event. Way to go, guys!

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    @randomknits @Alacaeriel Um… I’ve got Dawsons on DVD. It’s my secret guilty pleasure. Plus: Pacey. I can loan it out! 🙂

    @bellsknits Even though she looks NOTHING like Vicky? That’s what is making me hesitate. Looks too prettied up.

    Spent most of the night prepping for my talk to 120 third graders tomorrow. I am ridiculously nervous.

    @Justacogitating Roald Dahl. I’m taking them part of my collection. 🙂

    Yay, my sis @carbolicious got mentioned on Cake Wrecks today! Well done. 🙂

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    Going to see premiere screening of “Moon” tonight: SO EXCITED. Have been waiting months for this one.

    @gusseting Garafolo’s already signed to play @zephyrama, I’m afraid. And I bagsed Lohan… 🙂

    Ooh, M&S have added Camel ( and Cashmere ( How did I miss that?!

    @VenessaHunt Hey! Some of us geeks are nice, productive members of society! 😛

    Just got back from seeing “Moon.” So good! And Duncan Jones was really cool in the Q&A afterwards.

    @eileenDCoE You can do it, RT! Just think how good it’s going to feel to be DONE. And you’ll be Dr. RT!

    Just completed a 4.28 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

  • Weekend Update

    Date Spice LoafWeekend Update: It was a nice weekend of being away from the Internet, mostly. Saturday the Snook and I had a quick breakfast at Cafe Giulia before driving over to Reverse Garbage to pick up a new filing cabinet. (Only $15!) Then it was over to the Peace Park to pick up our weekly veggie box. (Another artichoke! Yum.) Then I walked over to CarriageWorks for the first session of their Kitchen Garden Project. It was PACKED OUT. I stayed for the speeches and the film, then left to catch a bus to Newtown for SSK. Eventually I made it home and managed to extradite the Snook from Azeroth so we could go to Lane Cove for Venks’s birthday. It was a night of Persian food, belly dancing, cake, and laughter. We finally made it home at about midnight. Long day!

    In contrast, yesterday I did very little. I finished some test socks for my Guild Camp class next weekend, and I baked Smitten Kitchen’s Date Spice Loaf. We had it with the suggested orange-cream-cheese spread, and it was very nice. Good way to end a loooong week.

  • Garden Update

    The first petunia!Garden Update: Man, the weather’s been crazy lately! First it was hot, then we had that dust storm, and then this weekend it got really cold and windy. The plants are surviving, if not exactly thriving. There have been a few noticeable changes though. Our first petunia has bloomed! This pretty pink blossom appeared yesterday morning. I took a few other photos too.Snow peas
    Snow peas! They’re doing really well now that the slugs aren’t munching on them. (I followed Michael’s advice and put down coffee grounds, which seems to deter the little buggers.) We need to get our vertical structure in place soon so they have something to climb!

    Sweet corn. Still growing! Not quite knee high yet, but it’ll get there.

    Beans. I think the beans have been the most rewarding so far. They sprouted out of nothing into these tall strong plants in just a week!

  • Moon

    Whoa! I nearly forgot that tonight is our long awaited Moon premiere screening. I can’t wait to see it.

  • Colonel Sanders Baby

    Need a Monday morning pickup? Here’s a baby dressed as Colonel Sanders. HA!

  • Greening the Coach House

    Congratulations to Clare and Emily, who’ve bought a lovely old coach house in England and have started a blog to document the renovations. Who knew Emily was so talented at destruction?!

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    Just completed a 4.21 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Smitten Kitten’s Date Spice Loaf in the oven as we speak… MY HOUSE SMELLS SO GOOD.

    @sharre My stylist snuck in a semi-fringe on me with my recent cut. I think I like it.

    Finished Spiced Date Loaf. Consumed with orange-flavoured cream cheese spread. YUM.

    @Fiestywenchyone You’re not wrong. I’ve set the first one to record just so I can confirm its crapitude.