Month: September 2009

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    @Justacogitating Hot chocolate? Blasphemy. Should be tea, the better to celebrate Mother England. 🙂

    Just spotted near Sydney Uni Civil Engineering building: WOOF! GRRR! Good dog.

    At Carraigeworks for gardening talk. SYTYCD auditions are nearby, so it’s overrun by teens in leotards and too much makeup.

    @mrs_sockvictim Agreed! Love the Knitters. 🙂

    @Kat13v She called tonight. Nope, no check. 🙁

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    @sharre Well, that’s the question, isn’t it? Me and the mods think chaos will reign, but some folks think it’ll be just fine.

    @witty_knitter Yeah, getting one of the other mods – not me or @gusseting – to do it. Hopefully today.

    @randomknits Ha, is it the chatty yarn identification game? Somehow I think that poster missed the point.

    @zephyrama Yeah, I just unlocked the thread to add a clarification that the goal wasn’t to encourage posting of utter crap.

    @zephyrama I also changed the name of palopinto’s thread. I thought it was funny, but it may have sent the wrong vibe.

    By the way, I really hope one of you makes a really vague post flogging @knitabulous’s shop. I’d do it but it would look unseemly. 😛

    @sharre Well, to play devil’s advocate… let’s make it! Make knitting posts! Drown out the crap! BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! 😛

    @sharre Ha. Just what I was about to say. 🙂

    When the Australian Knitters movie gets made, I’d like to request Lindsay Lohan play me. Gives it that “Mean Girls” flavour.

    @zephyrama I can’t remember what you look like! But I’m getting a Janeane Garofalo vibe. Smart, dark-humour, and of course WICKEDLY MEAN. 🙂

    @imdominating Because I kissed the main Bosstone!

    First draft of mammoth spec is done. 46 pages. Now I can finally eat lunch.

    Self: turning down the Avril volume would be more effective at avoiding embarrassment if you didn’t still mouth the words. #bus #humiliation

    Homemade shepherd’s pie with cheesy leek crust, a la Delia. Feeling very domestic. YUM.

    @sedroknits Sorry to hear it. Condolences to you and your family.

  • Anglo-Saxon Hoard

    Speaking of Roald Dahl, this article about a major Anglo-Saxon treasure find in England reminded me immediately of Dahl’s story about the Mildenhall Treasure. Exciting!

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    @runkeeper Great job! Setting it all up took like 2 seconds. Looking forward to next pro release… 🙂

    @Justacogitating Apparently you’ll be able to get them at Target next month… 🙂

    @carbolicious Traditionally it’s with coffee or tea, ding-dong. 🙂

    @zephyrama I don’t think it’s a sock puppet, given that she’s been a member for so long. Disappointing though.

    @bellsknits Trying to take the high road. My patience is pretty thin though…

    I probably should’ve kept my mouth shut.

    @zephyrama OH! I saw that and didn’t make the connection. 🙂

    @sharre It reminds me of that bit at the end of Phantom Menace where Obi-Wan has to wait for the forcefield to open… (I’M A NERD.)

    @sharre I’d do it, but I appear to have been designated the Good Mod today. *puke* Must keep up appearances.

    @zephyrama Hahahahaha… But you don’t look nearly moody enough. Can we have animated Ravatars? You could alternate between smile and frown.

    @KTunravels Person ignores rules. Mod pulls them up. Person gets huffy about MANNER of mod post. Troll attacks mod. Person still huffy.

    @KTunravels That’s the weird bit. Troll has only 4 comments, all in this thread, yet account dates back over a year. Most peculiar.

    Shoot. Not sure I’m going to make it to knitting tonight. Still working on this monster spec that I have to have finished by tomorrow.

    I get so much more done when the entire rest of the office is empty. Finally going home…

    That ridiculous Rav post is now closed for business. What babies.

    @redambition Go to AK forum on Rav. You’ll see it.

    @jannism HOLY CRAP. Nah, we’re in the middle of Sydney, like halfway across the country. 🙂

    I have to say, the Rubberneckers are actually really friendly when you talk to them! (But their stings, they can be sharp.)

    Making a slightly radical proposal to other AK mods. Why not give the masses what they want? Either it’ll all go to hell or it won’t.

    Portrait of the blogger as a young woman:

    @Bex_the_Femme Actually I don’t know if I’ll be there. I’ve got a ton on tomorrow…. 🙁

    @balsamiq Brilliant! What a great gift on a sunny Friday morning. Installing right now. 🙂

    @witty_knitter Abuse will be the one rule still enforced. I’m just hearing from too many people afraid to post. (Yes, they’re chickens.)

    @witty_knitter Several ppl are complaining of overmoderation & are scared to post for fear of flack. Plan is month w/out mod (except abuse)

  • Portrait of the Blogger as a Young Woman

    Me in Grade 3Next week I’ve been invited to visit my nephew Kurt’s school to talk to 120 year three students about Roald Dahl. I’m putting a little presentation together, mostly of photos from when the Snook and I visited Gipsy House in 2000. I thought it would be cute to include a picture of me when I was in third grade, since that’s when my own interest in Dahl began. So I emailed my Mom today and she dug out my school pictures in her basement. This one was taken in the short window between when I got glasses in third grade and when we chopped my hair off (and spiral permed it) in fourth grade. See? I’m naturally a “dishwater blonde,” as we say in Indiana.

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    I cannot take seriously a grown man carrying a Razor scooter.

    Congrats to @henrytapia on his engagement to Megan! (Wedding in Sydney, plz.)

    @bellsknits Depends how big the thing is and how much ease. In a Starmore, half a stitch out is nothin’. 🙂

    @krisalis Rain boots should work! (There’s a great bit in one of the Ramona books where she gets new rain boots.)

    @witty_knitter Where is it? I looked on the Letters page in the coffee shop but didn’t see it?

    RT @Opheli8: A good reason to panic & freak out! Two people at work wearing the same shirt (inc: @web_goddess )

    @witty_knitter Found it on the website! Well done.

    RT @witty_knitter: My letter on Citizenship test in #sydneymorningherald this morning. <- It’s online here: Nice one!

    @carbolicious Yay! Here’s the yarn I used: Delicate cycle should be okay, but best to avoid the dryer.

    RT @gruber: The Ultimate Productivity Blog: <- HA!

  • Chess boxing

    I don’t think I’d ever go to a boxing match, but I’d go to a chess boxing match!

  • All the Single Babies

    All the Single Babies. Okay, that is just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. The sound of the Dad cracking up in the background is what makes it for me. (Link courtesy of my sister-in-law Kara’s Facebook.)


    I think this might just be the best Halloween decoration I’ve ever seen. You get Halloween plus Ralphie all in one!