Month: September 2009

  • The Original Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine

    When I was a kid, every Sears catalog in my Grandma Veva’s house had the Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine circled as a desirable Christmas gift. I never got one. And now, NOW, somebody is selling them? I can buy one for my very own? My inner 8-year-old is cheering. (Link courtesy of Gael, who rightly describes it as “the toy we all wanted, but never got.”)

  • Garden Update

    Garden Update: I hope you guys don’t mind that I’ve been a little garden-obsessed lately. It’s just something about the increasing sunlight and warm weather, not to mention that my usual obsessions – knitting and running – have been off the boil for a while. Anyway, on Tuesday morning I put down mulch on all four beds. On two of them I used lucerne, and on the other two I tried out something new: dried coffee parchment. This is the papery membrane that surrounds the coffee cherries, and Michael was given bags of it from one of the local coffee roasters. So we’re trying it out. Thursday we noticed tiny green specks in the square where we scattered rocket seed. Our first sprouting! Friday I spotted some slug trails on top of the mulch, so I put down Blitzem pellets. This morning I was gratified to find three slugs in their death throes (which I promptly squished on the pavement). Our cauliflower seeds have also sprouted! It’s all happening. I took some macro pics to document the fecundity. (Some people post pictures of their kids. I post pictures of my garden.)

    Rocket seedlings
    Rocket seedlings after three days.Cauliflower seedlings
    Cauliflower seedlings, just poking their heads up today. (The weird green stuff is the slug bait.)

    Snow peas
    My snow peas are starting to look a bit more vigorous.

    Jalapeno and tomatoes, enjoying the sun.

    Sweet Corn
    Sweet corn. If I manage to get actual edible corn off this, no one will be more surprised than me.

    Petunias and lettuce
    Petunias and lettuce. (This one has the coffee mulch.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @imdominating Pics or the Pacey didn’t happen.

    @imdominating Hasn’t Fringe put him in a wifebeater yet? That was like the only thing keeping the last couple seasons of DC watchable, IMHO.

    I put a comfy chair by my desk earlier this week, & now people LOVE TO VISIT. I get half a dozen colleagues flopping down to chat every day.

    I have actually been reduced to screeching “Get away. Get awaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” at my co-workers. (The cushy chair is now gone.)

    @venks79 You were right. They dragged it back 20 minutes later.

    You know the duvet suit? My co-worker got the camo one. Seriously.

    Windiness? My fault. I wore a full skirt today.

    Tree #2 that I planted in Moorgate St? GONE. This time it was the Council, replacing with bigger tree though. *sigh*

    @venks79 It was a little like that! But luckily I was smarter and wore shorts underneath. 🙂

    Today’s garden update: lots more rocket seedlings, appearance of cauliflower seedlings, and three dead slugs.

  • Tree #3

    Tree #3
    I came around the corner tonight and stopped dead in my tracks. Remember the second tree, the one I planted after the first one was stolen? The one with the passionfruit vine and the grass planted with it? GONE. This time the culprit appears to have been the Council, who replaced it with an admittedly nice six-foot-high tree held up with sturdy stakes. I like Tree #3, but why couldn’t they have done that nine months ago and saved me two trees and many hours of wasted effort?

  • Shared today on Twitter

    The cookies appear to have been much appreciated. My good deed is done for the day.

    @Bex_the_Femme Ever used Goldwell Soft Colour Foam? I found a couple good reviews of it…

    Just completed a 4.04 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    It’s the kind of day where you can just see the next five glorious months of spring/summer unfurling ahead of you. It’s gonna be good. #fb

    @kms12 No? You’re anti-warm weather? But… pretty blue sky! Barbecues! Sunshine! Daylight Savings! My favorite part of the year by far.

    @kms12 True. My focus has turned to gardening as my knitting mojo has waned with the lengthening days…

    Sigh. @seanchadwick designed an awesome Kanye-inspired Halloween invite for us, but I fear the meme will be played out, oh, about NOW. 🙁

    @redambition As the Queen of Comfortable Shoes, I command you to leave the heels at home. 🙂

    My funky red hair allows me to feel confident in spite of tanned 20somethings on the bus WEARING NO PANTS.

    Lots more baby rocket seedlings coming up this morning! Also saw some slug trails, so I put down Blitzem pellets.

  • Martha’s Garden

    A Tour of Martha Stewart’s Garden. Wow. I wonder if edamame would grow in our garden.

  • A cupcake or two

    My friend Anthony pointed me towards A Cupcake or Two, a newish Sydney food blog. It was done by his friend Katherine. Great design and photography…

  • Everything you hear is true

    Dear Kyle Sandilands,

    This is not the account of someone going to a weight-loss camp. I hope you read it; I hope you feel bad; and I hope you get fired.

    Kris Howard

    For those who don’t get the reference