Month: September 2009

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    @randomknits The wind is my fault. I’ve used the GHD twice this week, which makes blustery-ness inevitable.

    Awww, yeah. Peanut. Butter. Cookies. (Better have a light breakfast tomorrow, @venks79 @Opheli8 @chrisgander @VenessaHunt @movietrailerfan!)

    And you know they’re gonna be good, because I’m wearing my uber-housewife pinny:

    @twelveeyes BTW – the one I wore today was the Threadless brand tee, and it was SMALLER! Much more form fitting than the AA ones.

    @twelveeyes Yeah. The Threadless isn’t, like, obscene or anything, but it’s definitely more fitted than the AA version.

    Today’s garden update: there are very, very tiny rocket seedlings starting to poke up… #fb

    KANNNNNYE! *shaking fists*

    @Bex_the_Femme Think I may need to do fortnightly top-ups of the red. Got a recommendation for a good hair dye for self-application?

    @Bex_the_Femme It’s not a punk primary red. (We didn’t bleach first, so it went over my brown.) So more of a deep maroon.

  • The £10 Breakfast!!!

    The £10 Breakfast. Holy crap! It’s like an actual Skip’s Scramble! (God bless the British breakfast.)

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    RT @kcarruthers: OMG this is so familiar – women in tech panels #DWC was little like that. I felt like the lone techie.

    Just completed a 4.15 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Yay, our @threadless tees have arrived! Perfect fit, very cute, & great price.

    @randomknits We paid extra for the Express International. (One of my co-workers didn’t want to do laundry.)

    @randomknits Ours was “UPS Expedited” with estimate of 3-5 business days.

    @twelveeyes Nah. I’m about a 40″ bust, and that put me smack in XL: It’s a good fit. Not too tight, not too loose.

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    @twelveeyes Pretty much any shoe with big thick cushioning! Asics, New Balance, etc. I always get injured when my distance ramps up.

    The unspoken war between me and Sydney Buses escalated today. WTF, BUS DRIVERS.

    Those stops were previously closed this year due to drivers union complaining about safety down by @henrytapia’s old office! Bah.

    @henrytapia Pretty much. Check it out from earlier this year:

    @lachlanhardy I know what you mean. I need to try to have those moments more often. We really are incredibly lucky.

  • Gardening Workshops at Carriageworks

    For those Inner Westies inspired to start their own gardens, my friend Michael Mobbs (of Sustainable House fame) will be leading some community garden workshops at Carriageworks this spring. The first session is on Saturday 26 September from 1pm – 5pm.

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    @bellsknits I liked it, but it was tainted by the RIDICULOUS amount I paid for it in North Syd.

    @redambition I’m back on it too! Figured it was a good way to acclimatize to my new shoes and running form.

    @crumpet Confession: Snook and I had NO IDEA how to work the tram ticket machine. That’s some non-intuitive UI!

    Good luck at Iron Man Wisconsin, @ironbrandon!

    @gadgetgirl70 I’m excited and I never even saw the original!

    @twelveeyes Newtons! They promote landing on forefoot (like barefoot running) rather than heel. Causes less injuries!

    @crumpet We asked some old ladies to show us how, and they just urged us to scam rides without tickets LIKE THEY DO.

    @twelveeyes If they keep me from having to have $70 physio appointments for my back and hip, they’ll pay for themselves quickly! 🙂

  • Garden Update

    Wollemi PinePlanting weekend has arrived! The Snook and I started on Saturday by pruning the lilli pilli trees to create a bit more sun on our garden beds. Then today, we got up bright and early and headed – IN A UTE! – to Gardens R Us. We came away with about twenty punnets of seedlings, and handful of seed packets, potting soil and compost, a pot, and a couple trees. (I also got a very special little tree – shown here – which I’ll tell you about in a minute.) We unpacked it all at home and set to work planting it out. We were guided by the plant density suggestions in Square Foot Gardening. Man, the “Mel’s Mix” sure makes planting easy! We were just digging things in with our hands. It didn’t take long to get everything in place.

    Side bed

    Here’s the bed along the side of the house. This one has two savoy cabbages, cavolo nero, baby cos lettuce, leeks, and some rainbow chard.

    New trees
    Two new trees: a lime tree and a bay (i.e. laurel) tree. We’ll never pay for limes and bay leaves again!

    Lemon tree
    Our lemon tree got moved to the corner by the sliding glass door, which gets lots of sunlight. It’s got so many blooms right now; we should get a ton of fruit off it this year.

    Small bed
    Here’s the small bed beneath the bottlebrush tree. This one is dedicated to salad and herbs. We’ve got basil, coriander, lettuce, parsley, rocket… and petunias. (We got a couple flowers for colour.)

    We’re giving strawberries another try. Snookums has planted four different varieties in the top two troughs. We’ve also got a trough of coriander and sage, and a couple pots of cat mint and cat grass. (We’ll bring those inside periodically and drive the kitties wild.)

    Kangaroo Paws
    This bed is waiting patiently til next weekend. It has lavendar and rosemary, but the Snook has grand plans. We bought four potted kangaroo paws (all in different colours) and we’ll plant them out next week. I think they’re going to look fantastic.

    Big garden bed
    Here’s the big garden bed. The tall climbers are all along the back and side so we can build a frame for them. We’ve got four different varieties of tomatoes (including black Russian), broad beans, snow peas, jalapenos, cauliflower, red chillis, beets, broccoli romanesco (the weird one), capsicum, beets, ORANGE PUMPKINS, and snapdragons in the corner. Oh, and the four squares on the right have been planted with asparagus crowns, which apparently can take a couple years to start producing.

    Fence bed
    This is the narrow bed along the fence. We’re trying sweetcorn again! We’ve also got two types of dwarf bush beans (butter and snap), and more basil, beets, leeks, and rainbow chard. The Snook also planted some shallot bulbs with a couple petunias. (He was singing some song about being a “lonely little petunia in the onion patch” the whole time.)

    Wollemi Pine
    And lastly, next to the front door is my Wollemi Pine. I was thrilled to learn that Gardens R Us sell them. These amazing Australian trees were only discovered fifteen years ago, and it was the botanical equivalent of finding a herd of living dinosaurs. They were thought to be extinct for hundreds of million years before Steven Noble, a “modern day explorer,” found some near Lithgow. Less than a hundred trees survive, and they’re obviously critically endangered (to the point where the exact location of the trees is classified). However, a few years ago they started a cultivation program and it’s now possible to buy your own Wollemi Pine. (Proceeds go to the conservation effort.) They’re not cheap, but I just couldn’t resist. It’s the coolest thing ever. I’m naming him “Coelecanth”.

    Expense Report:

    Month Time Cost Harvest
    September (so far) 11 hours $535

    Again, this doesn’t include our time going to the nursery to pick out plants, nor does it include the ornamental (and expensive) stuff like the Wollemi Pine and the kangaroo paws.

  • Cherry 2000

    I’ve been watching way too much Mad Men, really. (And I just realised that I now look a lot more like my header portrait drawn by Matt!)

    Cherry 2000

    Whaddaya think? (The Snook is a big fan.)

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    We have achieved RED. Now for the chopping.

    Short. RED. I am totally from the future right now.

    Just finished our biggest Guild meeting ever: 35 people! Great to meet all the new folks…

    @venks79 Nice run! Way to go…

    Hitting the sack early tonight. Tomorrow we go to get all our plants – AND I GET TO DRIVE A UTE! I’m very excited about that.

  • Happy, Healthy, and Heavy

    Happy, Healthy, and Heavy.” It’s a Newsweek photo slideshow of overweight people being healthy and athletic and doing sporty things. LOVE IT. No, you don’t have to be skinny to run a marathon or ride a horse or attend a yoga class.