Month: September 2009

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    Southern group Guild meeting was GREAT. Preso was very well received, many thanks from members. Now off to more garden shops!

    A hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer. (Nag’s Head, Glebe) #fb

    Flemington Markets, Kogarah Guild meeting, Gardens R Us, Flower Power, Bunnings, Nag’s Head… home. Tired.

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    Depressing: people who’ve never been poor arguing that health care system is fine. Even more depressing: ppl who were poor arguing the same.

    @bellsknits It may have been tasty, but it sure wasn’t guacamole. BLUE CHEESE? The entire nation of Mexico just had a collective shudder.

    It looks like a press conference is happening on the ground floor of our building. Some big Westfield announcement?

    Heartened by all the folks supporting health care reform on FB. Maybe it really is just crazy, frothing fringe groups making all the noise?

    Mentally preparing myself for a very early trip to Flemington Markets tomorrow to get gardening supplies…

    Knitters: I’m about to take a Twitter screenshot for tomorrow’s Guild knitternet preso. Tweet something cool if you want it to show!

    Getting up early always feels like an adventure.

    Made it to Flemington Markets and back. Now in Kogarah waiting for Guild meeting to start…

  • Kel’s Pitch

    Kel’s Pitch
    Remember how my friend Kel was trying to win a contest to throw out a first pitch at Wrigley Field? Well she won, and her game was yesterday. Way to go, Kel!

  • Wuthering Heights

    The latest edition of Wuthering Heights has a special new cover… BWAHAHAHAHA! “Bella and Edward’s favorite book.” BRILLIANT. I don’t get why the literature fans are so upset. The thought of tween vampire fans getting tricked into reading Bronte gives me great delight. (Kate Bush should be cashing in on this too!)

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    Hm. Judging by the reaction of the person who asked me, perhaps being an office fire warden is not quite the exalted honor I thought it was.


    YOU MUST OBEY THE FIRE WARDEN. (I only took the job for the helmet.)

    Debating on whether to get tickets to see Nutty Professor with live Q&A with Jerry Lewis: He’s a legend, really.

    The doctor just rang… and I don’t have whooping cough! Yay. (However, my blood showed ZERO immunity to it so I need a booster shot.)

    @imdominating Wow. I really couldn’t agree more:

    Urban Dictionary thinks I’m awesome.

    @Ascasewwen Dammit! And I just emailed Sharre with an idea for where to drag you…

    Sometimes I feel very socially awkward and alienated in public. These are times when I worry I spend too much time on the Internet.

    For some reason, I think @Opheli8 would really dig a meat tenderizing ring:

  • Jerry Lewis?

    Just saw that Popcorn Taxi are screening The Nutty Professor with a LIVE Q&A ONSTAGE with Jerry Lewis afterwards! That’s pretty neat. On one hand I’m not a huge Jerry Lewis fan or anything. But the guy is pretty much a living legend, and I’m sure he has amazing stories to tell…

  • Scariest Pumpkin Ever

    Also for Halloween: How to make the Scariest Pumpkin Ever. HA! I love it.

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    @carbolicious That’s the kind of thing you need to put in your shop’s window to attract a crowd of drooling children a la Charlie Bucket.

    Stopped by Broadway pet store for flea stuff for cats and found staff hand-feeding very ugly hairless baby parrot:

    Hairless? Featherless. Whatever. IT WAS A BALD BABY DINOSAUR.

    @carbolicious How about me? YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT BIRDS. I had to pay for my stuff with that thing 2 feet away, dripping goop all over.

    @imdominating I bet it’s that one where you’re all in overalls and they’re awkward teens and you look like Shirley Temple. 🙂 @carbolicious

  • Peace Park Markets

    Just found a cute article about the Chippo Farmer’s Markets.