Crochet-Along: Fuzzy Panda Amigurumi. It’s not the cutest amigurumi I’ve ever seen, but I wouldn’t mind learning the techniques…
Month: September 2009
World’s Largest Gummy Bear
World’s Largest Gummy Bear. Wow. I want one just so I can bite a big ol’ chunk out of that ear.
Hubby Hubby
Hubby Hubby. Oh Ben and Jerry, you can’t get here soon enough!
Shared today on Twitter
RT @QueenBeeInc: The Fall/Winter line is up, and if we do say so ourselves : it’s purdy…. <- WANT. Rita shall be mine!
@QueenBeeInc Love the new line! Question though: my beloved Truckette looks a bit dirty. Best way to clean vinyl without taking off colour?
@ScottRhodie In my experience: send out press releases to businesses and bloggers that are only tangentially related to the topic at hand.
@ScottRhodie PR folks called shop often to get knitters for media events. Always last minute, demanding, no respect for our time, etc.
@ScottRhodie I know… Just got burned one too many times!
@eileenDCoE You reminded me I need to give my plumber some love. BLOG LOVE!
@rhagern I just started a few months ago. Just finished Season 3. I love it! (The podcast commentaries by Ron Moore are great too.)
@QueenBeeInc How did I miss that? Thanks so much for the link… Just what I needed.
@ScottRhodie It’s just like Mad Men, isn’t it? 🙂
Looking for a plumber in Sydney? Go with Thomson Plumbing. I blogged our experience with them:
Despite the arguments of @chrisgander & @jpalmer81, I remain unconvinced as to the cinematic merit of Rutger “Blind Fury” Hauer’s career.
@rhagern Plus she has pretty, pretty hair. I spent most of the first season being obsessed with Grace Park’s pretty Cylon hair.
Thomson Plumbing
Tradie Endorsement: Thomson Plumbing
Several weeks ago I noticed that the hot water in the master bathroom was coming out orange. That bathroom has its own small hot water heater in the closet, so we figured it was probably that. Eventually I got around to calling some plumbers for quotes. First was Thomson Plumbing, which I found through the extremely scientific method of seeing their van parked on our street one day and writing down the phone number. Lee Thomson was super helpful, and he told me that if I could email him the details off the water heater, he could give me a quote on replacing it. He also suggested I attach a digital photo of the heater so he could verify there was enough space around it for the new one. I thought this was very cool, since I was expecting to have to pay for a service call. I emailed him the relevant info, and he wrote back the same day with his extremely reasonable quote. Then I called Chiswick Plumbing, who advertise everywhere and who always leave fridge magnets and bookmarks in our mailbox. They said they’d send a guy over to quote in person, but since he was already doing a job in the neighbourhood, they’d waive the callout fee. So he came in and had a look, and gave us a quote that was fully 50% more than Thomson Plumbing. That settled it. The guys from Thomson even offered to come out at 7am so we wouldn’t miss work. They came on Friday and installed our new heater, and they even replaced some tap washers for free. Later in the day, the Snook got a call from their office letting him know that our initial quote had been INCLUDING GST, so the grand total was actually even less than we thought. All in all, a completely excellent plumbing experience. I’ll be using Thomson plumbing in the future. -
Last night was the first night in a week when I haven’t woken up at 2am for a coughing fit. It was bliss. I haven’t coughed much today at all. I think I’m on the mend. There’s no way that whooping cough test will be positive.
Queen Bee’s Fall/Winter Bags
The new Fall-Winter line up of Queen Bee bags is available! I still use my Truckette I bought four years ago and that bag has gotten more compliments and started more conversations than any other accessory I own. I really like the large Rita “Sprout” in green-on-green…
Colors that Change the World
Interesting AskMeFi question about colors that changed the world. I learned about international orange and Mountbatten pink.
Sweeeeet. I’ve been waiting ages for this movie (called the best hard science fiction film in recent years) to come out in Australia. I’ve just found out that Popcorn Taxi are hosting the first Australian screening along with a live satellite Q&A with the director afterwards. We’re booked in. If you’re thinking of going, DON’T READ ANYTHING ABOUT THE MOVIE. I’ve probably read too much already, but I’m making sure the Snook goes in unspoiled. You should too. -
Happy birthday, Lyn!
Happy birthday to Lyn! I’m sorry I had to miss the party on Sunday. Hopefully I’ll be well enough to celebrate with her at SnB Thursday night…