Month: October 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @randomknits There were a ton of drunken students in costume walking down Broadway last night. You won’t stand out too much!

    Happy Halloween from Kenny and Dolly!

    Feet are KILLING ME. Remind me to never again wear cowboy boots!

    @imdominating That certainly didn’t help. (Nine tube socks in there. NINE.)

  • Halloween!

    Happy Halloween! We’re in full swing of party preparations here…

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @AusVintageGrrl No, nothing, believe me! My dining room table is groaning under the weight of decorations!

    @bellsknits But… I thought the whole point was that we learned not to click on strange links. How do I know that’s not another worm?!

    @jobonekenobi That’s a really useful explanation! I plan on stealing that. πŸ™‚

    @gilmae Right. And many of us have been railing against url shorteners for a while for that reason!

    Office costumes: Boba Fett, GI Joe, Bo Peep, and Evil Teacher.

    RT @kcarruthers: RT @CurdNerd Aussies Fight for Raw Milk Cheese Slow Food Australia Raw Milk Cheese Project

    @franksting The Lion Brand site is good, but it’s got nothing on

    @Opheli8 Not by tomorrow!

    @thisismywww Yeah, I noticed that the other day. I think it might interpret it as html or something.

    My spooktastic Halloween desk display:

    Wrong but hilarious: RT @supercres RT @lynchland RT @nklepper: This is insanely awesome.

    Debating on borrowing work’s Wii Drum Kit for Halloween party Guitar Hero action….

    Drums procured. Rocking out is ensured.

    @discoknitter Me too!

    Peanut butter bacon cookies are coming out of the oven. This will be interesting.

    @discoknitter Nothing, I was saying that I hope you’re feeling well enough to attend too!

    Witch’s Finger Cookies are out of the oven!

    @tinkabel They still spread more than I would have liked. πŸ™

    Google Wave invite just arrived! Thanks again to @eskimo_sparky for hooking me up. … Now what?

    @tinkabel @ValClifton Thanks! I make them every year and they’re always a hit. Wish I had a better oven though so they wouldn’t spread!

    @kunaal84 @SupFarn If and when I get invites, you guys are first on the list…

    Happy Halloween! My enthusiasm is only mildly tempered by how many items are on my To Do list for today…

    @Domestic_jules Eek! Mine spread a bit, but not that bad. I tried the trick of leaving out the baking soda/powder. Still spread a bit. πŸ™

  • Boba Fett!

    Boba FettThat bounty hunter is my kind of scum!
    The Snook and I both discovered rather last minute that some folks in our respective offices would be dressing up for Halloween. I quickly laid claim to the Snook’s Boba Fett helmet. As I was getting dressed this morning, I lamented that I didn’t have a blaster. “Yes you do!” Snookums said. “Your stepmom got you one for Christmas years ago. It’s still in the package!” And so it was! Frickin’ awesome. I brought along a bunch of stuff to decorate my desk and cracked open a bag of candy corn for my co-workers. (The Snook went as Indiana Jones, but I haven’t gotten a picture yet.)

    And no, these aren’t our official costumes for the party tomorrow… You’ll have to wait another day!

  • Halloween grinchiness

    Awww, it appears my efforts to Bring Halloween to the Australian People are foundering. I’ll turn the grinches around, you’ll see!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Taxi crash finally posted on the SMH: Lucky it was that early with no pedestrians! Could’ve killed folks.

    @Opheli8 Inbound it goes all the way to Riley. Outbound, I have to walk up to Castlereagh. (Sonsabitches.)

    @twelveeyes Heh. I was kinda wondering that too. Do they screw on to the regular cables? Good for the Tunisian crocheters, I guess.

    Took @eileenDCoE for a workout at Spudds, my 2nd in 2 days. Fun! 99m on the rower. I’m gonna be sore tomorrow though…

    @imdominating @Justacogitating Sent to my coworkers. They’re now threatening to stage an intervention. “SHE SENDS THEM TO ME, I SWEAR!”

    @Opheli8 I think you’re meant to give those people a paper bag to breathe into, aren’t you?

    @Opheli8 I will give you $1 to get Declan away from my desk.

    @CarriageWorks Not nearly so trendy, but used by the Chippo locals:

    @twelveeyes Pretty hilarious that it’s basically the plot to the 3rd book (Edward pressuring her to get married).

    RT @Warlach: Would You Pay $199 for a Mobile Twitter Device With β€œLifetime” Service? // Good god, no!

    Just finished cooking a dozen strips of bacon… for use in COOKIES. Am I blowing your mind?!

    @rhagern Of course I found it on the Internet, font of all bacon wisdom… πŸ™‚

    @Opheli8 Vego cookies have also been provided. They look like ripped off witches’ fingers!

    Finally found the tea lights so I can light up my Jack-o-lantern!

    Behold! 39 Cake Eyeballs. These worked SO WELL.

    Worried that @knitterjp may have a Twitter worm. Don’t click on any unexpected DMs! JP, your machine okay??

    @imdominating As long as those tights have feet, mister! *shaking fist*

    Boba Fett on her way to work. (Snook is going as Indiana Jones.)

    The people on the bus are eyeing my fake Jack-o-lantern curiously. Good thing they don’t know there’s a POUND of candy corn inside!

    Why I love the Snook: “Damn. If only I had a Boba Fett blaster.” “WE DO!” “NO WAY!”

    @AusVintageGrrl Are you at the one at Birkenhead?

    RT @GlebeNet @blackmags: Vale Josephine, legendary white cockatoo at Glebe’s Friend in Hand hotel. Jo choked on salami

    Cake Wrecks takes on Twilight: (for @imdominating and @Justacogitating)

    Oh! They don’t email you about having Twitter lists; you just have to go to the site. I didn’t know that. I never go to the site.

    @Warlach Heh, glad to hear it’s being eaten. The bag in my office is going fast…

    @DDsD That sucks if it’s true, but I’m annoyed at the idea that female presenter automatically = dumbing down of show about gaming.

  • Cake Eyeballs

    Cake Eyeballs
    Whoa! These turned out so good. You’ll recall that in previous years I made Buck Eye Balls, which were peanut butter balls dipped in white chocolate. This year I decided to take a page from Carbolicious Cakes (my sister’s company) and try my hand at the ubiquitous cake balls. They turned out so well! One of them fell into the chocolate completely, so we got to taste it. Eileen immediately pronounced them “so delicious!” Now we just have to NOT EAT THEM before the party.

    Cake Eyeballs

  • I can smell that apple.

    Wow. Just looking at these 80’s scratch-n-sniff stickers immediately brought back sense memories. I distinctly remember getting the apple and popcorn ones from one of my grade school teachers. (Link courtesy of PCJM.)

  • Chippendale Fresh Food Co-Op

    The Chippendale Fresh Food Co-Op has officially launched! We’re going to sign up.

  • Comic Book Character

    What a fantastic Halloween costume! A Real Comic Book Character. That is so cool.