My 461 bus unexpectedly terminated at Town Hall this morning because of “an accident.” I grumbled my way up Park Street towards work expecting to see some minor fender bender. Instead… taxi SMASH! Whoa! The engine block was actually sitting on the sidewalk! It was nuts. It’s a good thing it happened so early in the morning; from 8am onwards there would’ve been loads of pedestrians waiting on that corner to cross the street.
Month: October 2009
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Schedule is up for this year’s Sydney Easter Show Arts comps…
And of course the Arts Show Schedule PDF takes forever to download and then is corrupt when you go to open it. Par for the course, really.
Discovered last night that Coles have orange pumpkins for like half what I paid. FML.
@Alegrya I’ve had two of those. You going to the place in Marrickville?
It’s lovely that another Guild group wants me to teach them about the ‘Net, but 9.30am on a Monday? Don’t they know some people work??
RT @VenessaHunt: Just saw a video “RSPCA Cupcake Day 2009 – Thank you!”: / My cookie monster cupcakes are in there!
Ah, Harvey Norman. Where you buy batteries and they print you a giant receipt on a dot matrix printer from 1994.
Shopping finished, 18 eggs hard-boiled, 39 cake balls formed, zombie doll procured…
461 driver waited til AFTER I dipped a brown ticket to tell me he was stopping at Town Hall because of an accident. The war continues.
@crumpet I am regretting putting you on my Street Team. You’re kicking ass! 🙂
This is where the Internet fails. Massive 3-car accident at Park & College, yet I can’t find details anywhere online.
@DDsD Well, partly. I want to know how an engine block ended up on the sidewalk! I need the details.
@DDsD Ask @Opheli8! I think she saw it.
Engine! On the sidewalk! (See, @DDsD?)
@DDsD People in the office heard details on the radio. That’s why I labelled the Internet a fail. (No car = no radio for me.)
RSPCA Cupcake Day 2009
The RSPCA have posted a Thank You video for Cupcake Day 2009. There’s a Cookie Monster Cupcake (not mine, but very similar) at 1:05.
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@kms12 Happy birthday! But don’t you get a cake in the office??
@gilmae You available? I might start hiking up your way.
It takes a village to make a Halloween costume. Much thanks to @randomknits, @gilmae, @AusVintageGrrl, and @thisismywww for my components!
@steven_noble I sent you an invitation on FB to our party on Saturday! But if he wants to t-or-t on Friday, we’ll be there…
Got a second? Please go vote for Jump in this Cheerios contest: (Author is family member!)
Only Martha could unironically use the caption: “This is the little house where my basket collection is stored.”
Four more days. Sneak peek!
@imdominating DO YOU EVER SLEEP? You are online MORE THAN ME.
Costume bits procured and tested, 3/4 of shopping done, cake baked, and pumpkin carved. Phew. Tomorrow’s list is even longer.
RPattz in cross stitch: I’m disappointed they didn’t use glittery silver thread for his face. (Yoohoo! @imdominating!)
@imdominating Oh right. Sparkly monkey. Must get on that…
My Jack-o-lantern. (I kept him pretty traditional.)
RT @balsamiq: RT @GuyKawasaki: How to Get Found
Three days til Halloween, so of course getting a sudden rash of party pikers. 🙁
The nitty-gritty economics of raising chickens. That’s a lot to think about.
Vote for Jump!
Got a second? Please go vote for Scott Fischer’s book “Jump” in the Spoonfuls of Stories contest. Scott is my stepmom’s brother-in-law, and this is his big break opportunity to have a book he wrote and illustrated promoted by Cheerios. You can vote once a day until Friday!
Serious capybara babies are serious. Capybaras look UNREAL.
Mission to Mars
Man! I seriously think I’d volunteer for the simulated mission to Mars were it not for A) my complete lack of the required skills and B) my not living in one of the ESA member states. Damn.
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Guild members: don’t forget to send me your feedback on membership fee changes…
I am really, really unhappy with how they’ve screwed up Coles Broadway.
@Opheli8 I’ve got Kopiko in mine…
@steven_noble Ha! Your LiC post linking my blog just popped up in my RSS reader. 🙂
@steven_noble Yeah, if it weren’t for cat food/litter I’d never step foot in Coles again. 🙁
@imdominating That kinda makes it sound like I sent you a case or something.
RT @ebertchicago: Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire co-starring in a remake of “The Third Man? vomitvomitwomit. <- HAHAHAHA. I love Ebert.
It feels slightly weird to be complimented by the vet on my cat’s teeth. We don’t do anything special. Friskies FTW, evidently.
@gilmae Just sending you a wig reminder! 😛
Dr Amy survived her trip to the vet today, but she hasn’t forgiven us for withholding her effing breakfast this morning. Pissed off cat!
@gilmae You get in at 8? Impressed. Will head over say 11:30? Thanks for this!
Just completed a 4.35 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper
@dhgarske Halloween is fun. There should be more holidays where people get to wear costumes! (Maybe we could adopt Carnivale?)
Torn between desire to carve a traditional jack-o-lantern tonight, and impulse to instead make a Dwight-O-Lantern:
@acatinatree Part of my argument for Halloween. (It pretty much stops Christmas encroachment til November in the US.)
@crumpet You really, really do!
Last call for feedback on Knitters Guild membership fee issue…
Sydney Bridge Breakfast
In Pictures – Sydney Bridge Breakfast. Yeah, the Snook and I were amongst the 45,000 people who DIDN’T score tickets in the lottery. Maybe next year.