Month: October 2009

  • Bill the Cat

    Whoa. Prompted by today’s awesome xkcd redesign (in honour of the death of Geocities), I looked up my first website and the Snook’s. Notice anything? We both used crappy gifs of Bill the cat. DESTINY!

  • Linger

    If you found the luxury tampons offensive… this is worse.

  • Coles Broadway

    Submitted as actual feedback to the Coles website:

    “I’d like to complain about the ongoing remodeling efforts at Coles Broadway. Look, I get it was time for a refurb. The shopping center may in fact have demanded it. But the way it’s being done has turned my weekly shop into a complete nightmare. I now actively dislike going to the store. It’s not the construction; it’s the layout. It doesn’t take a cynic to immediately notice that the milk has been strategically moved to the spot farthest from the entrance. The dairy has been split up with butter and cheese at one end of the store with the veg, and yogurt clear at the opposite end with the milk. The new cases for the meat are only half as high and the different meats are not clearly defined. I have to lean over and peer at each and every shelf in an aisle crowded with other confused customers. No one knows where anything is anymore! Customers are forced to wander up and down every single aisle, which appears to have been by design. On my last visit, I saw an employee whose sole function appeared to be helping customers find things in the store. THIS IS BAD DESIGN, and it makes me want to switch to a supermarket that is not openly antagonistic towards their customers.”

  • Shared today on Twitter

    The Month without Modding has ended, not with a bang but with a whimper.

    Just completed a 4.43 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    There is a sense of impending doom in the house. Dr. Amy has no idea she’s off to the vet tomorrow for a teeth cleaning.

    The Halloween Week To Do list has been created. My inner list-making OCD geek is loving it.

    How to shut up an extremely vocal kitten who likes to sing odes to the morn every day from 5am?

    Unfortunately breakfast was forbidden as Dr Amy is getting a general at the vet today. Worst. Monday morning. Ever.

    Cat safely delivered to the vet, and I’m finally on the bus to work. Late. In the rain. And how is YOUR Monday?

    @misswired I mostly use Amazon. We deliberately got a DVD player that would handle all regions. No trouble so far!

    @misswired If it’s a Mac, you can reset the region on the drive an infinite number of times. You just have to install a small app to hack it

    @gilmae That’d be for me? It’s okay; I didn’t much feel like hiking to pick it up from you in this weather anyway. 🙂

    @gilmae Consider yourself lucky. @thisismywww’s wife is bringing in a special bra his wife has lent me.

    Whoa. Can you guys please verify that has changed logos and everything and that my host file isn’t hacked?

    They did advise they were changing the website, but I didn’t think that extended all the way to the logo and branding. Lesson learned.

    The new ANZ logo/glyph looks like it should be on the side of a feminine hygiene product box.

  • Vegging Out

    Talkback: Vegging Out. My neighbour Michael was on the radio the other day, and Ma Snook heard it and sent me that link. There’s also a photo gallery. Chippendale’s garden experiments are now getting national media coverage!

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    Knitters Guild stall pre-rush: And mid-rush: Lots of fun!

    Finally got to meet @steven_noble at the Fair this morning! The whole neighbourhood is mingling up on Kensington Street.

    @alyshajane No idea! Lee pulled it out of his bag. I think it’s one of those ruffly short-row scarves.

    Just completed a 4.10 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

  • Food for the Future Fair

    The Food for the Future Fair is in full swing, and the Knitters Guild stall is being mobbed by kids who want to knit. Here are the unsuspecting knitters right before the onslaught:

    Food for the Future Fair - Guild Stall

    And here’s what it looked like after the kids found us. Eeek!

    Knitters Guild stall

    The Snook and I got to watch Lord Mayor Clover Moore open the new food co-op (while wearing a T-shirt); I sampled some macaroons from Sweetness the Patisserie, and I finally got to meet fellow Chippendale blogger Steven Noble. Pretty fun! Now I’m off to run some errands, but I’ll be back at the knitting stall from 2pm-4pm.

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    It’s all Marketing, all the way down…

    @Ezzles Sure! I also got skull ice cube molds yesterday courtesy of @devvyleys . 🙂

    Remember: Chippendale Food for the Future Fair TODAY 10am-4pm on Kensington Street!

    I really, really hope none of the Knitters is afraid of chickens. Because that, my friends, is a chook pen.

    Lord Mayor Clover Moore is opening the Co-op wearing a t-shirt.

  • Hallucinations in sensory deprivation tanks

    Hallucinations in sensory deprivation after 15 minutes. See? That explains why I couldn’t sleep in the Outback. IT WAS TOO QUIET.