Month: October 2009

  • Elkhart in the news

    Signs of economic recovery in Elkhart, Indiana. (Video) My mom sent me that link this morning. I’m glad the RV industry has picked back up, but I really hope folks have figured out that it can’t last. The electric cars project seems to best hope for putting everyone to work in a more sustainable industry.

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    Hot news: M&S is going to start carrying knitting mags. You heard it here first!

    Just completed a 4.42 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @redambition Nevermind! I think I found one. 🙂

    Just registered for the 10K Run4Fun on November 8 at Olympic Park: @venks79 is doing it too!

    @Kat13v This is why I usually end up just picking the one with the nicest website. Seems as good a metric as any.

    No knitting for me tonight! Met Snook for quick dinner at Night Noodle Markets, now off to costume shop.

    Garden update: The baby asparagus have finally poked their heads up! Too bad we can’t eat them for like 2 years.

    Spent 15 minutes ironing patches to hold my favorite jeans together. I can’t let them go. I CAN’T. (‘Course, I’m late for work now.)

    Three Keyboard Cat Moon makes its public debut in our house:

  • Damn right.

    “The woman at my polling place asked me, do I believe in equality for gay and lesbian people? I was pretty surprised to be asked a question like that. It made no sense to me. Finally I asked her, ‘What do you think I fought for on Omaha Beach?’” Phillip Spooner is a hero, and he just made me cry.

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    @Kat13v Ahh, you’ve come over to the dark side! Welcome. Let me know if you want app recommendations. 🙂

    @wooliewombat Hm. Busy maybe? I do know they have had a LOT of trouble with their phone service this year, both Sydney & Melbs.

    @Opheli8 Quite possibly. Camera on 3GS is pretty good. I’ve even used it as an impromptu scanner to email photo of a doc. (Very readable!)

    @DDsD Too late. I’m like a zombie with this shit. Everyone I infect has ended up buying one within 6 months (including the Snook).

    @chrisgander You will be my greatest win of all, Gander. Bet on it.

    @alyshajane Those are all reasons I left London FOR Sydney. 😛

    Just booked in Dr. Amy Jones for teeth cleaning and vaccination on Monday. $350 to make my cat hate me.

    @Ascasewwen The email says November 1st at 3pm. (Sometimes they extend, but I haven’t heard if they are or not.)

    @alyshajane Sugarfixx (candy store in Myer food court) usually carries USA candy. Also DJ’s Food Hall usually carries some too.

    @alyshajane Also, I have 5 POUNDS of it at my house, brought over by American friends. (Not kidding.) I can part with some if necessary. 🙂

    When your boss offers you a beer, you say YES! #fb

    @kdelarue That’s just around the corner from my office… but it’s been closed for a couple years, sadly.

    Delighted to get new Delicious mag tonight, with big section on Sydney’s Inner West! Been to all the Newtown/Glebe ones…

    @bellsknits Great job! Keep it up, slow and steady. 🙂

    Looking for a big blonde lady’s wig for Halloween. Anybody got one I could borrow before I go hunting?

    @CleaStagnitti Nah, doesn’t really work for my character!

    @Opheli8 You guys got Halloween costumes yet? Dec and I are talking about it behind you.

    @devvyleys Awesome, thanks! I’ll run over there and get it tonight. Are you guys able to come to the party??

  • Breathe deep

    Obviously I need this one too…

  • Roald Dahl Presentation

    I just realised that I completely forgot to tell you how it went! Two weeks ago I headed off to Willoughby Public School, where my nephew Kurt is a third grader. They’ve been studying Roald Dahl lately, and Kurt had showed his class my website. His teacher got excited and invited me to come give a talk. So I whipped up a little presentation and brought along some of the rare items from my Dahl collection. The kids were great, listening attentively and asking really good questions. (Third graders do fidget a lot though!) They were really excited that I got to visit Gipsy House and meet Liccy Dahl. I gave them a collective present of some Dahl-themed board games I was given by the manufacturer, and I lent their teachers a few books and movies. A very sweet little boy had evidently been nominated as the official “thanker,” and he presented me with a card and a W.P.S. pen and coffee mug. Sweet! At the end of the hour, one little girl asked if she could email me a story she’d written about Roald Dahl. “Sure,” I said. “Your teacher can give you my email address.” That set off a chorus of “Me too! Me too!” The teacher looked at me questioningly. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” “It’s fine,” I assured her. The next day I had more than 20 emails in my Inbox. (Whoops.) Overall it was a lot of fun, and I’m really grateful that they invited me. I may have to do it again next year!

  • Luxury Tampons

    Luxury Tampons. I had the exact same reaction when I saw that stupid ad.

  • “I should like to die. I am sickened at the brute world which you are smiling with. I hate men and women more. I see nothing but thorns for the future … the world is too brutal for me – I am glad there is such a thing as the grave – I am sure I shall never have any rest till I get there … I wish I was either in your arms full of faith or that a Thunder bolt would strike me.” GOOD GRIEF, John Keats! And you thought your high school boyfriend was melodramatic.

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    @Opheli8 They live in Chippendale. I met ’em a while back: They were in the news today:

    I told you Farmers’ Markets were trendy.

    @Opheli8 Please, please tell me that’s what you’re wearing to my house for Halloween.

    @Opheli8 Scary indeed!

    Here Comes the Co-Op: I’ll be teaching folks to knit at the Food for the Future Fair on Saturday:

    @sharre Exactly my reaction upon my first and only bellydancing class. It was fun though. You’ll do great!

    Going to try jogging home from work today. If you hear screaming, it’s because my sunburn doesn’t like my backpack.

    Just completed a 2.27 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Chick on bus was obsessed w/ adjusting her cleavage to point where I had to CLEAR MY THROAT to get her to move. Not nice cleavage, either.