Month: October 2009

  • Black Dog Syndrome

    Black Dog Syndrome. This is why I’m so glad that Fiona was able to rescue all three of the kittens last Christmas. Petey and Tom would have had a rough time in a shelter!

  • Flood: Track by Track

    To celebrate the 20th anniversary of their album “Flood,” They Might Be Giants have written some track-by-track liner notes.

  • Food for the Future Fair

    Food for the Future Fair
    Just a reminder that the 2009 Chippendale Food for the Future Fair will be held this Saturday, October 24th, from 10am-4pm. The Inner City group of the Knitters Guild (of which I am Convenor) will be giving free knitting lessons there all day long. It’s going to be a great day! If you’re in Inner Sydney and you’re interested in art, food, gardening, sustainability, and culture, you should come along. The official program is available here. (Me, I just want to pat a chook.)

  • Indie in her dress

    My sister has posted another picture of Indie in the dress I knitted her. Cutie!

  • Random Goat of Chippendale

    The Daily Telegraph has a short story on the random goat of Chippendale, who you’ll recall I actually got to meet. Neat! (Link courtesy of Life in Chippendale.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    One of our big group Halloween costume members is unexpectedly in China, so plans have been shelved. Time for emergency backup preparation!

    @devvyleys WAIT, WHAT? Bebbeh?! Congratulations! Holy crap! Must knit LOTS OF BABY STUFF. 🙂

  • M&S Sale

    Morris and Sons Sale!
    Morris and Sons are having their occasional-but-increasingly-annual October Sale right now. This is kind of a weird one for me. It’s their first sale in five years that I haven’t been involved with in some capacity. All I did was send through instructions for updating the website. On one hand I guess it’s good that the system I set up works well and the training I’ve given them over the years has paid off. They can run it all themselves. On the other hand… they don’t need me anymore! It’s a little sad. But the sale looks good, so you should totally go.

  • Illustrated Acts of Selfish Bastardry

    The Snook IMed me this morning to ask if I was secretly the author of this comic strip. I am not, but evidently the artist and I were separated at birth. That comic strip encapsulates every single one of my Grumpy Old Woman Pet Peeves.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Man, with Liza and Marsha sittin’ there, there’s like this complete VORTEX OF INSANITY on the Idol judging panel tonight.

    @redambition I can’t decide if she’s drunk or high. But I love her. @gadgetgirl70 and I have tickets to see her on November 2nd in Sydney!

    70+ photos from our Outback Adventure are now up! Man, I’m tired. I really don’t want to go to work tomorrow. #fb

    @Ezzles Great! There’s a strong possibility I’ll have 2+ pounds leftover after the party too.

    Back at work and trying to do about 12 things at once. On the plus side, I got a new non-wobbly desk in my absence, which is nice.

    Snook: Did you write this comic strip? Me: Nope, but evidently the artist reads my twitter feed. IT’S ALL SO TRUE.