Month: October 2009

  • Outback Adventure

    Uluru SunsetThe photos from our trip to Adelaide, Alice Springs, and Uluru are now up! The main part of our trip was a three-day adventure camping trip with Wayoutback Desert Safaris. I can’t recommend this company enough. The trip was exactly what we hoped it would be, and it was worth every penny. Our small but varied group camped out under the stars together and hiked through some of the most amazing landscape in the world. Our guides Mike and Carl were knowledgeable, friendly, and capable. There was plenty of food, and thankfully many bathroom breaks with real toilets. It wasn’t the most relaxing trip, but if you’re looking for a real outback experience, Wayoutback is the absolute best way to do it. Anyway, yeah, go check out the photos for more details. (Eileen has posted some too.)For the benefit of future Googlers, I will add that in many respects, this was the wrong tour for me. I don’t like getting dirty. I don’t like sleeping outdoors or in strange places. I’m not the biggest fan of group activities. But even I had an amazing time, and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. Yeah, you have to gather firewood and help cook dinner and use dodgy showers and sleep on the ground and get up at the crack of dawn and deal with other people 24/7… but it’s still worth it.

  • Anti-fascist protest in Chippo

    Holy crap! There was an anti-fascist demonstration in Chippendale a few weeks ago. How did we miss this? Humanist House is right around the corner from us! Our Knitters Guild group used to meet there!

  • Chippendale Planting & Gardening Day

    Chippendale Planting & Gardening Day: Sat 24 October
    News from Michael Mobbs:

    Sydney Council has kindly given us plants to plant as part of the Food for the Future Fair on 24 October. And council has given us mulch to protect the trees we’ve planted. At 3 pm, after the bales of mulch serve their purpose as seats during the fair we’ll pick them up in a ute and take them to Rose,
    Shepherd, Myrtle and Pine and Balfour to put around the trees and plants.

    Some plants are to replace those which have been vandalised, stolen or died in Rose, Shepherd, Myrtle and Pine. Others are to go in a new productive garden bed at the southern end of Balfour beside Cleveland. Plants include: Midginberry, citrus, lemon grass, strawberry, grevillea, hakea and others.

    If you want plants to put in and maintain in front of your place please either email me or drop this note back to my place with your name, address and email so I can hold plants for you to pick up on Saturday.

    There’s more information on the provided PDF. I’ll be working the knitting guild stand at the Fair most of the day, but I’m going to try to get down there if I can!

  • Avatar Competition

    Need an avatar for Facebook or Twitter? My awesome designer friend Sharon has launched a competition and, if you win, she’ll design one for you! All you have to do is email her and tell her how you want to be portrayed and where you’d use it. Give it a go!

  • HOME!

    HOME! Working on many, many blog posts. Stay tuned.

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    Had to do emergency luggage reorganization at airport due to weight. How is that possible? Must be carrying 2kg of red dust on camp clothes.

    @Ezzles Gorgeous! What fair was that?

    Stuffed from fantastic dinner at Beyond India in North Adelaide. Thanks to Steph’s Dad Ian for the recommendation!

    Pulled off socks and GASPED. Must have forgotten to put sunscreen on top of feet at pool today. Yowch!

  • Nearly home!

    Back in civilization! After five days in Alice Springs – most of which was spent camping in the desert – we’re back in Adelaide for one last night. Tomorrow it’s home to Sydney, where I’ll be doing a massive blog post with loads of pictures. I wonder if the kitties missed us?

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    Back at if anyone wants to shout us a beer. We are dusty and tired. Tomorrow back to Adelaide!

    Awake for our last morning in Alice Springs. Contemplating some time in the pool. Tonight to Adelaide, then tomorrow HOME. #fb

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    Did challenging 3hr Valley of Winds walk at the Olgas. Amazing. Now off to Kings Canyon! #fb

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    Woo! Uluru has mobile coverage with Internet. Heading to the Rock. Stay tuned for photos! #fb

    Sunset at Uluru. Stunning.