Sexy Disney Princes, drawn in their underwear. Rowr! Yeah, a little disturbing, mostly because the guys in those stories are like sexless Ken dolls. I like that Prince Philip wears boxer briefs.
Month: October 2009
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@VenessaHunt If all symptoms are above the neck, go for it. If your chest is involved, it’ll just make it worse. 🙁
Super Productivity Mode has been engaged. TweetDeck has been OFF most of the day…
@alyshajane Whatever Ginger Spice is knitting there is NOT wool. *shudder*
iPhone VOIP over 3G is now allowed in the US: So when will we get it in Oz??
@DDsD Remind @Opheli8 that her own company is selling one. 😛
@Opheli8 Heh. They always are!
@gilmae Is this for MY Halloween party?! Exxxcellent.
Leaving work at 7pm in a freezing rainstorm = suck. Though of dinner waiting and a bottle of wine in my bag is making it bearable. Just.
STUPID CHANNEL 10 RAN OVER and I missed the last 10 minutes of Celebrity Masterchef. Who got through??
@redambition @randomknits Wow, and she only had one chicken ball! The others had two.
@imdominating See, I don’t get the point in picking cuz we all know Jacob is destined for that creepy baby. It’s like picking Luke over Han!
Trying to get everything done… since it’s the last day before vacation! @eileenDCoE gets here in less than 24 hours. HOW EXCITEMENT.
@imdominating I’m going downstairs to get a coffee. I’ll check at the newsagent next door. 🙂
@imdominating @RobsessedBlog You guys owe me $9. 🙂 Scans will have to wait til tonight. JM: email your postal address!
@imdominating @RobsessedBlog Cover: Inside:
I am an international Twi-hard enabler.
You should have bargained, Lucas.
Hahaha. I totally agree. The plan to rescue Han from Jabba the Hutt never did make much sense. But that discussion made me laugh and laugh…
The Wonder of Wool
“The wonder of wool… or how knitting is once again helping us through the hard times.” Interesting that the UK is reporting increased sales. I have to wonder if it’s really wool though. In my experience, newbies tend to go for the cheap acrylic (especially if they’re looking for a price-conscious hobby). And whatever Ginger Spice is knitting there is mostly definitely NOT wool. I do have to laugh at the idea that Kimberley Stewart would rather stay in and knit than go out and party. Sure, riiiiiiiiiight. (Link courtesy of Alysha‘s twitter feed.)
I haven’t done one of these in a while, huh? I’m happy to report that I’m back into a regular running schedule. I’ve been running three times a week following the Couch to 5K plan to rebuild my fitness level. I’m also using this as a way to transition into forefoot running. I’ve just finished Week 5 and did my first 20 minutes of continuous running since before I got sick. It was great! Forefoot striking is starting to feel really natural, and my lower back ache is pretty much gone. My right hip is still tight and frozen though, so I may need to see the physio for that. I had sore calves for the first few weeks, but that’s mostly gone now. My knees feel a bit achey after today’s run. I’m definitely going faster with the same amount of effort though.
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@SupFarn Nope. I think I scared the crap out of the kid. He’ll never do it again. 🙂
Guild Camp recap is up!
Have confirmed our massive group Halloween costume with the other participants. This is going to be legendary.
Just completed a 4.33 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper
@sharre If you haven’t, turn on Send & Archive button. Greatest. Thing. Ever.
Knitters Guild Camp
This weekend was the bi-yearly Knitters Guild NSW Camp at the Kurri Kurri Conference Centre. I left work early Friday afternoon to catch the 5.15pm train from Central Station to Maitland with Fiona and Alison. It was a three hour trip, so we had a picnic dinner on the train and entertained ourself with – what else? – knitting. We finally got to the venue and settled into our rooms before breaking open the wine. I was happy to see that I had Optus internet access, albeit patchy at times, so I was able to twitter and keep in touch with the Snook. Saturday Fiona and I went for a run and saw lots of kangaroos! All day Saturday I taught my “Socks on Two Circulars” class, with Fiona ably assisting. Nearly everybody managed to finish their two sample socks. I even found time to cast on some new socks for myself! Afterwards I went to Alison’s excellent yoga session, which really helped to work out some of the kinks. Saturday night I set up the new Guild projector and helped Phyll with her presentation on the Guild Archives. Sunday I slept in before heading to my Knit One Below class. It was a challenging technique at first, but I soon got the hang of it. I made a couple samples. I suppose it’s good to know, but I don’t really see myself using it anytime soon. (The bulky textured fabric just isn’t for me.) I did another yoga class Sunday night, and then after dinner we had Show & Tell. Fee showed off her fabulous wedding dress to much acclamation. Then it was time for my “Welcome to the Knitternet” presentation. It went really well! We had quite a big crowd, and many of them chimed in with their own experiences. Fiona then did her “Colour and Knitting” presentation, which was well-received and even got some nods from special guest Prudence Mapstone! We finished the weekend with another run on Monday morning before catching an early train back to Sydney. I had a nice time, made some new friends, and hopefully even taught a few people a thing or two…
My gaydar works across continents.
On the weekend, I logged in to Facebook to see a message from someone at my high school. It basically said, “I know you live really far away and you probably don’t know and it’s probably none of my business anyway, but is [person from our high school that I used to date] a homosexual?” My brain nearly fell out. I tried to think of what possible responses she could expect me to send back.- “Yep. Totally gay. I chose to date him anyway.”
- “Yep. He was straight when we went out, but decided to try men after me.”
- “No. He’s just thin and neat.”
In the end I went with pretty much the only answer I could give: “I have no idea. I haven’t seen him in over ten years. And yeah, it’s none of your business.”
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@redambition I’m way impressed! You’ll be rockin at Halloween. 🙂
Snook and I have been inspired to rock out on Guitar Hero. Debating whether to get GH:5 or Beatles Rock Band. Thoughts?
@zephyrama No way! That makes my day. Which one was it??
“Man, I missed our bed. I can’t sleep in other beds.” “Next week you’ll be sleepin’ in a sack in the desert!” Crap. #fb
@zephyrama I guessed as much! LOVE Joan. Did some yoga together too. We just friended each other on FB. 🙂
I think I’ve killed about 50 slugs in the past 24 hours. The rain inspired them to mount an attack on my garden.
*tap tap* “There’s a bin with an ashtray RIGHT THERE.” I’ve been playing bus stop vigilante again.
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@beccakr You have been discussed. RC has been sitting behind me all day. 🙂
My Knit 1 Below swatch has been turned into a bitchin’ wrist cuff:
It’s show & tell, and @mrs_sockvictim just showed off her wedding dress.
Internet presentation was very well received by knitters. A great way to finish camp! Sleep, then catching train home in the morn…
Just completed a 3.90 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper
Catching the train home. Looking forward to the Snook and a decent coffee.