Month: November 2009

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    I really want to know which Sydney office this passive-aggressive gem comes from:

    Changed my cardigan and shoes for the journey home. I feel like Mr. Rogers.

    Check out the 2.67 km walk I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper

    New “keep cups” at @tobysestate! Had to get one since I’m their @foursquare mayor. Yay for reusability!

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    Just completed a 9.82 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Trying out Amano Gelato, new gelato place on Glebe Pt Rd. Yummy.

    Thinking about doing my first marathon next year. I blame @steverunner and @runkeeper.

    @Warlach I’m logged in, but it hasn’t updated in 6hr and I can’t check in to Chippo because search results aren’t coming up. @foursquare

    @steverunner Can you point me towards Phedip ep or article re: appropriate base mileage for 1st time (slow) marathoner? I’m reading 25+…

    @steverunner Found it! Fdip126. Thought there had to have been one. Thanks for that! Downloading now… 🙂

    Finally fixed buggy iPhone app update notifications with a hard reset as per:

    @runjohnerun Will do! I recently switched to forefoot running & I’m doing about 12mi/wk now. Aiming for possible marathon in 10 months!

  • Weekend Update

    Weekend Update: We kept things pretty simple this weekend. Friday night was pizza from Crust in Surry Hills. Saturday morning the Snook joined me on the train to Pennant Hills, where I was scheduled to give my “Welcome to the Knitternet” presentation at the library. It was great! There were about twenty knitters there, most of them a fair bit older than me. (Only one of them was from the Guild; the rest were unaffiliated local charity knitters so I tried to be a good Guild representative. Well, as good as I can be.) I talked for over an hour about the various knitting blogs, podcasts, retail, and pattern sites on the ‘Net, and I gave them advice on searching and security. (One big revelation was that most of them didn’t realise that you can have more than one email address!) The library had printed out the handout I’d sent, and the audience took down a lot of notes too. They all seemed quite energised at the end and inspired to get right on Ravelry. Afterwards, Atholie (aka GrandmaFlea) took the Snook and I out for lunch. A fun little outing! Back at home, the rest of the day was about napping, knitting, and staying cool. On Sunday, I headed out for a long run (10.5km) in Centennial Park in the morning. I was pretty slow due to the heat, but I felt good. (Good enough to start thinking about doing a real marathon next year. Eeep!) In the afternoon, we ran errands, worked in the garden, and baked a spinach pie. Now, I think I’ll tuck in early for bed…

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    Great session at Pennant Hills Library. 20some knitters inspired to get online! Then lunch courtesy of GrandmaFlea, lovely as ever.

    Neat – we had delivery from @crust_pizza last night! Sooooo good. Had no idea they were on Twitter.

    @alyshajane Just the plain ol’ Hawaiian. It was good!

    What’s with the fireworks??

    Over the city somewhere. Big crazy booms; finished like 10 minutes ago. Concert or sporting event?

    @DDsD Few years ago we went to a “Rebels” party as Leia and Han. Half the guests came as sluts then too.

    Surprisingly revelation from this morning’s preso: many older users don’t know that you can have more than one email address!

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    Snook is at the #photon conference, which is hosted by Wil Anderson. Man, the dot-com boom really never ended for some folks, did it?

    @gilmae Are you a PHOTONER too? Suddenly you seem so much more bleeding-edge! 🙂 #photon

    @gilmae Ahhh, but are you going to the big Christmas party tonight? (The Snook isn’t. He’s not bleeding-edge enough.)

    @gilmae You are sounding dangerously un-web-2.0. You need to report to your local processing center for re-education.

    Sitting at Tsukasa by myself putting the final nail in my fish phobia. Mmmm, sushi. (Snook says I’m hardcore now.)

    @Warlach Happened to @ozgamer yesterday. Think it means you’ve been flagged as possible cheater. Wore off after 24hrs.

    Why the Twitter backchannel behind speakers at conferences really sucks: Totally agree.

    Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. So needed.

    Crust Pizza delivery on the way….

    Knitternet preso updated for talk at Pennant Hills library tomorrow. I am bringing the Good Word of the Internet to the knitting heathens!

    Train has stopped 100m outside station. This does not bode well.

    GrandmaFlea is giving my introduction.

  • Fantastic Mr Fox

    Ebert gives Fantastic Mr Fox 3.5 stars. I think he needs to re-read some of his Dahl though. “Like the hero of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” also based on one of his books, the creatures of Dahl’s valley seem to know more than they’re letting on; perhaps even secrets we don’t much want to know.” WTF? Oh wait, is he talking about Wonka and not Charlie? That makes more sense. I mean, Charlie is pretty much a blank vessel as a character.

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Here I sit in an office on an 80-degree day, thinking of my family and friends celebrating halfway around the world. Still, there are reasons to be thankful…

    • I’ve got a great job in a career that really suits me, and with a lot of potential for growth in the future. I earn good money; I like my co-workers; I’m interested in what I’m doing. And I’m coming up on my one-year anniversary with the company!
    • We’ve got our own house in a nice neighbourhood within walking distance to work. Our mortgage has just come out of its fixed rate period and, thanks to the current lower rates, we’re able to make extra repayments to pay it off faster. And we’ve got some great neighbours.
    • We’re both healthy. Yeah, I’ve put on some of the weight that I lost, but I’m fit and I can run far (and increasingly fast).
    • Great friends.
    • Two cuddly cats that occasionally get along.
    • And even though I don’t get to see them very often, my family and friends in the US are all doing well. On my next visit I’ve got new nieces and nephews to cuddle; new houses to see; and new jobs to discuss. Everyone’s okay.

    Last but not least, of course, I’m thankful that I get to spend every day with my best friend in the world. If all else failed, that would be enough.

  • The Boathouse at Blackwattle Bay

    OystersThe Boathouse at Blackwattle Bay
    Last Friday was our fifth wedding anniversary, so we headed over to the Boathouse at Blackwattle Bay for dinner. We’d never been there before, but it was highly recommended — and even better, Eileen had gotten us a gift certificate! The restaurant is literally right above the Sydney Uni boathouse, sticking out into the water, and we watched a number of dragon boat crews zooming around the bay at dusk. The vibe was casual but upmarket. We started by sampling some different types of oysters: two from the south coast and two from Queensland. They were great. I’m not enough of an oyster connoisseur yet to tell you the difference, but the Snook said the Queensland one was definitely sweeter and firmer. We also shared an entree of “Seared Yellowfin Tuna with Organic Soy Dressing, Quail Egg & Shiso Leaf.” Tiny but very flavorful.

    Snapper PieNow the mains. I’d heard that their Snapper Pie was a specialty, so I was already leaning that direction. But then I actually saw it delivered to our next table. Wow! They make quite a presentation of it. The pie is wheeled out on a cart by a server, who makes a special show of plating up half the crust along with a portion of the fish and gravy. As soon as she cut open that crust, the smell of truffles whacked me in the face. TRUFFLES! That sealed it. So I had the snapper pie (served with mashed potato and a smoked tomato) while the Snook had the “New Zealand Pink Ling Involtini with Black Olive, Pancetta & Asparagus.” The pie was everything I hoped it would be. SO GOOD. Yeah, it was the better part of $50, but it was so worth it. I should also point out that the utensils pictured here are big serving spoons, not normal cutlery. It’s a very generous dish, and I ate every scrap! (I later asked the waiter if the recipe was available, and he told me in a whisper that it was on the Internet. Sweeeeeet.) The Snook’s dish was well-prepared and the flavour was great, but he discovered he’s not much of a fan of the texture of ling. Anyway, we were getting full by this point so we decided to just share some cheese for dessert. The cheese plates were certainly generous. Each one came with a number of different breads, grapes, fig jam, and sliced apple. We were stuffed. It was such a good meal.

    The final verdict: I loved the pie so much and I’d go back in a heartbeat… but it’s not cheap. With that food and three drinks, we were up over $250. Nice if you’ve got a gift certificate, but a bit pricey for visiting more than once or twice a year. I’d say to save this one for a special occasion… and give that online recipe a try!

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    @tinkabel Ravelry is the font of all knitting weirdness!

    I am thankful I live and run in such a beautiful city.

    Just completed a 6.08 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    I hearby nominate “advergame” as the Worst Neologism of the Century. Yeah, that’s right, THIS CENTURY. *shudder* It’s worse than “mobisode.”

    @gilmae No. It’s “advertisement + game”. One of those crappy branded casual games on a website.

    FRACK. I appear to be on the L38, which is the ONE bus that doesn’t stop at our street. Looks like I’ll be backtracking from Glebe.

    I just unlocked the “Bender” badge on @foursquare!

    @imdominating HA! Just woke up, not even out of bed yet, and I LOLed. Brilliant!

    @Justacogitating Yep, Aussies love beets… to the point of putting pickled beets on hamburger. I KNOW!

    I want to know who the people on the 470 bus route bribed to get, like, 75 buses every morning. There were FOUR stopped @ Broadway just now.

    My review of the Boathouse at Blackwattle Bay, with pics: Verdict: Snapper Pie FTW.

  • Pumpkin Spiced and Iced Cookies

    Pumpkin Spiced and Iced CookiesPumpkin Spiced and Iced Cookies
    Happy Thanksgiving! I celebrated by baking a big batch of these cookies and taking them in to work. They were great! They didn’t spread very much, and they remained quite soft and cakey. I was worried that pumpkin PLUS chocolate PLUS walnuts would be a bit over the top, but it all worked together. Highly recommended!