Month: November 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    I just unlocked the “Adventurer” badge on @foursquare!

    @WildChildinAUS There’s a setting for automatic tweeting. Off by default, I think, and most – like me – leave it that way! #foursquare

    @WildChildinAUS You don’t. It’s just a game. People earn points and unlock badges for going new places. Kind of fun! #foursquare

    @shanea I turned a bunch of them off! The only ones that still show are badges. 🙂

    @tinkabel There were seven knitters at my house Monday night, all of whom had iPhones and would say YES.

    I just unlocked the “Local” badge on @foursquare!

    RT @DDsD: WakeMate: $50 Wristband syncs with your mobile & otpimises your wake time. // I WANT THIS.

    @traveller0112 Well, he’s Russian so they probably used to exchange waves from their front porches. 🙂

    @imdominating That is like TWO BLOCKS from my house! But my hair is red now. 🙂

    I may be getting a cold, and I accidentally just dipped my bus ticket twice. Happy friggin’ Thanksgiving.

    @kms12 I do! I may feel like crap, but my house is gonna smell goooood tonight. 🙂

    Pumpkin Spiced and Iced Cookies ( are cooling on the counter.

    @Justacogitating I like beets!

    We are thankful for cat grass. OM NOM NOM!!

    We are thankful for Pumpkin Spiced and Iced Cookies!

    Now here’s a possibility for the Easter Show: Crocheted Childbirth Education Doll. The judges would have nightmares!

    Discovery: pumpkin cookies are strange to Aussies, and some of my usual baked-good-fans are being scaredy cats and not trying. More for me!

    @gilmae Haha, sure! There are still plenty left.

  • Exhibitionists at Broadway

    Since a few people have contacted me about it: yes, I saw the story about the Sydney people shagging on a rooftop. In fact, that building is like two blocks from our house and I wait in front of it for a bus every morning! However, I was demonstrably at work at 3.30pm last Friday and my hair is red. NOT US, FOLKS.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Star Wars Status Updates: HA!

    I just became the mayor of Hyde Park on @foursquare!

    I just ousted @ozgamer as the mayor of MobileActive on @foursquare!

    Just completed a 4.91 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @knitterjp @bellsknits may be the only person who can quote P&P as well as I can!

    I just unlocked the “Overshare” badge on @foursquare!

    I just became the mayor of Chippendale on @foursquare!

    Damn. My plan to make Thanksgiving cookies is somewhat thwarted by not having a turkey cookie cutter.

    @randomknits Nah, I’ve got some other alternatives. But thank you!

    OH FFS. There were 6 knitters in my house last night, none of whom pointed out that the baby cardy I’m knitting HAS NO ARM HOLES.

    @bellsknits I have no idea. I was so fixated on getting to the shoulder shaping it completely slipped my mind. Steeks to the rescue!

    I just ousted @ozgamer as the mayor of MobileActive on @foursquare!

    Yeah, I’m turning off @foursquare’s “mayor” notifications as @ozgamer and I are just trading back and forth right now…

    Coworker actually just argued against tidal power because it’ll slow the moon down and cause it to fall sooner. My brain just fell out.

  • Impromptu Knitting Salon

    At lunchtime yesterday I spotted a tweet from Bells: “@web_goddess @mrs_sockvictim Turns out I will be in Newtown this evening while hubby is at a gig at the Enmore. Looking for company. Free?” Say no more! Fiona had a prior engagement, so I volunteered to play hostess while Bells’s hubby attended a concert. (I did check with the Snook that he was okay with knitters invading the house. He didn’t mind.) After some furious emailing back and forth, we ended up a party of seven at my house in Chippendale. There was knitting, wine, vegetable curry, even some Pride & Prejudice towards the end of the evening. It was a fun way to spend the evening!

    Knitting salon

    Knitting salon

    Thanks to Rachel, Tia, JP, Ness, and Fiona for joining us at such late notice. I think we Sydney knitters made a good impression on dear Bells!

  • How to start reading comics

    How to start reading comics. Twenty suggestions for people looking to get into comics. I haven’t read, like, any of those, so I’m bookmarking the list.

  • Pikachu ski mask

    Pikachu convertible ski mask. That is both brilliant and terrifying. I think I need to learn to crochet so I can enter it in the Easter Show.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    I’ve just signed up for @foursquare to try it out. If you’re in Sydney and you’re on it, I probably just sent you a friend request…

    @bellsknits @mrs_sockvictim Sure! What did you have in mind? I’m happy to host you guys if you want to eat/drink/knit!

    @bellsknits Sure! Shall we take it to email? I’m at kris.howard at gmail. I’m chatting to Fee right now on IM about it…

    Can anybody recommend a good, not-too-expensive, friendly dentist in Sydney (preferably Inner West or CBD)?

    @bellsknits Awwww, we’re not gonna leave you alone on a Monday night in the big smoke!

    Impromptu knitting salon at my place…

    Fantastic knitting last night w/ @bellsknits, @AusVintageGrrl, @mrs_sockvictim, @knitness, @knitterjp, & FabulousMonster. Thanks for coming!

    I just became the mayor of MobileActive on @foursquare!

    @tinkabel Not really. It’s just us, so a big feast is too much work. I’m thinking of just having a turkey sandwich for lunch. 🙂

  • Bjork writes new song for Moomins film

    “Bjork writes new song for Moomins film.” Yay! It sounds like Comet in Moominland is going to be filmed. That’s my favorite of the books by far. Sniff! The Snork Maiden! The Hemulen!

  • Official Race Results

    The official race results are up, and my final time was better than I thought! I finished in 49:33, which placed me 94th out of 117 women in my category. So firmly back of the pack, but improving… (And I just realized: That’s only a minute slower than I ran the 7km Bay Run, and that a considerably cooler day.)