RunningBlog: Sri Chinmoy 7K

Me after the 7KThis morning was Race 6 in the Sri Chinmoy Sydney Series 2009. I hadn’t done any of the other races, but Fiona did a few of them. She couldn’t run this one so she gave her spot to me. There was a half-marathon, a 7km, and a 4km, and I/Fee was booked in to the 7K. I debated last night on skipping it, due to the extreme heat. (It’s supposed to be 41C/105F today!) But I got a good night’s sleep thanks to the air conditioner, so I headed out this morning to pick up my number. (Go #723!) There was quite a crowd! As I stood there stretching and taking photos, I suddenly realised that the famous w!tchcAt was standing before me! So I did the dorky thing where I said hi and confessed that I read her blog. Hi w!tchcAt! The half-marathoners started at 8, and we started about 15 minutes later. I fumbled getting Runkeeper started, so my race details are a bit off. The course went all over the place, occasionally doubling back on itself. It was really fun! We were on paths, sand, grass, paved track, all over. I tried not to think about my speed and just concentrated on running without stopping. The sun was coming out and the heat was climbing. I hit a couple of the water stops. I was surprised by how many fit-looking people I managed to pass! Finally the finish line was ahead. I don’t have my official time yet, but it should be around 50 minutes. I felt like I could’ve had a PB if it hadn’t been so hot! I drank some water, ate a banana, and headed home for a shower. That’s where I discovered the real fun of running cross country: dirty legs! It was a good run; I’m glad I did it.

Happy anniversary, Snookums!

Smooch!Happy 5th anniversary, Snookums!
Yep, five years ago today we walked down the aisle in Vegas and you guys watched live on the Internet. FIVE YEARS! How crazy is that? I was about to say that those kids would barely recognise us, but that’s not true. Where we are right now is exactly where that girl would’ve hoped to be in five years, and that’s really something I should appreciate more. Thank you, Snookums, for being my best friend and for sharing my adventures. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

We’re off to the Boathouse tonight to celebrate, and our wedding rings are scheduled to be delivered next week. (Yep, we’re finally getting rings. They are the nerdiest rings in the history of the world. You’ll love it.) I told the Snook today: “The traditional fifth anniversary gift is wood. Feel free to snicker.” To which he replied: “The Todd approves.” HA!