Month: November 2009


    “Sydney photographer angered after equipment smashed in Hulk Hogan press conference brawl.” That is the best headline I’ve read in a long time. HULKAMANIA IN SYDNEY, Y’ALL!

  • It Made My Day

    It Made My Day. Pretty much the exact opposite of FML.

  • Hippos are Badass

    Quoth the Snook: “Wow. Hippos are badass.” (Link courtesy of John.)

  • How to Run a Meeting

    How to Run a Meeting. A very useful article whether you’re “manly” or not.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @DianneKing Rav details with better photos are here:

    Yay, @scrubbles received the scarf I knit him! FIERCE.

    In case you wondered, the “Moira Kelly” who’s mother to the conjoined twins ( is NOT the one from “The Cutting Edge.”

    RT @captain_beef: ANZ employee just pointed out that the new ANZ logo, upside down, looks like a pig. // I will never NOT see that now.

    If something I want has no locally-produced equiv., I don’t see why importing it myself is less patriotic than paying someone else to do it.

    @Gin_ev_ra Fair point, and I’m not saying loyalty counts for nothing. But if it was a book Abbey’s had to special import for you? Still?

    @gilmae I got guilt tripped for ordering from an OS manufacturer rather than having Aussie company order it for me (and thus paying more).

    Rav names for Inner City Guild and friends of Inner City: Did I miss anybody? Let me know of any changes…

    Just completed a 2.99 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @twelveeyes Well done! Are you following a training plan or just winging it? (I was doing Couchto5K, but I’m kinda winging it now.)

    Most hilarious result of my rants about globalisation today is how many knitters DMed me to get in on future overseas yarn orders.

  • Have a beagle and carry on

    Have a beagle and carry on… I love that site. If I ever got a dog, it’d be a beagle.

  • Will Phillips is my hero.

    Fifth grader Will Phillips refuses to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance because gays and lesbians do not enjoy “liberty and justice for all.” Will, you’re my hero. There’s no way I’d have had the backbone as a ten-year-old to take a stance on anything. (See, this is why I’m scared to have kids. Sometimes it seems like the only alternatives are to raise a mouth-breathing jerk – like the ones calling Will names – or to have a smart, brave kid who gets beat up by the mouth-breathers. I’m not sure I could deal with either.)

  • Socks!

    Biohazard SocksFirst up are the Biohazard Socks I designed and knitted for Eileen. They were a gift for getting her Biology PhD, so I thought the biozard symbol was fitting. I took the symbol and turned it into a chart, scaling it to fit nicely around the leg of the sock. I also centered it so the motifs would continue nicely down the top of the foot. Other than that, it’s your basic cuff-down sock with a slipstitch heel. The yarn is Pagewood Farms St. Elias that I bought last year at Compatto Yarn Salon in Santa Monica. It’s hand dyed Bluefaced Leicester and it’s GORGEOUS. I loved knitting with it. I knitted the socks one at a time on two circular 2.75mm needles. (Ravelry details.)

    Sheri's Posie SocksThe second pair are Sheri’s Posie Socks from Socks from the Toe Up. (Thanks to Fiona for lending me the pattern.) I started them at Guild Camp last month but only finished them last night. I knitted them at the same time on two 2.75mm needles. The yarn is Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock in the “Sherbet” colourway, kindly gifted to me by Mary-Helen and Sandra. I was worried that the colours might compete with the lace, but instead I think it all worked together really well. The yarn is lovely to knit with and it really showed off the stitch pattern. There was very little pooling, and I ended up with heaps of it left over. I had some trouble with my initial cast-off being too tight, so I tried out Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off, which worked perfectly. (Ravelry details.)

    Now, on to the next project…

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @VenessaHunt Yep:

    Oh right. I just remembered why I’ve been avoiding this project. Because it’s the IT equivalent of the iceberg that took down the Titanic.

    Holy crap. Bejeweled Blitz is the crack cocaine of iPhone gaming. So much for going to the gym…

    Finished Posie socks and Flight of the Conchords…

    @DianneKing It’s from WendyKnits toe-up sock book. Will put details on Rav shortly.


    MobileMessenger bought m-Qube. Leaving Australian market?

    Arguing in favor of globalisation on Rav. I am under no obligation to prop up a failing local business out of guilt or charity.

  • Kite Flying

    Saturday evening we headed over to Steph and Eva’s for some barbecue action. It was a lovely gusty day, so we all decided to go across the road to Sydney Park and fly kites up on the kill. Steph and Eva have some crazy kites: a whale, an octopus, and a giant PENGUIN. It was fun.

    Snookums getting his octopus aloft

    We stayed out til the sun set, occasionally getting the kites in a tangle or accidentally attacking pedestrians. Then we packed up and headed home for the feast, which culminates in the Snook’s signature chocolate pavlova. YUM. Thanks to Steph and Eva for a fun night!

    Flying kites