Month: November 2009

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    Going for a walk with the Snook up to the #glebefair. Seems like most of the other Sydney tweeps are already there! Save me some gozleme…

    Judging by the hats for sale and being worn at the #glebefair, Don Draper has a lot to answer for.

    Who is this man? Undercover international espionage agent, 1970’s porn producer, or yet another Inner West hipster?

    Just nominated RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    @stufromoz Yep. But with the Hawaiian shirt today, he also looked like a federal agent hiding out in South America.

    Just completed a 8.22 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

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    2010 AGM complete. My reign of terror over the Knitters of Inner City Sydney will continue for another year!

    @redambition Wish you were there! One of biggest & best meetings all year. Good vibe, GREAT preso by Asa, debate on EFT for renewals, etc.

    @mirvettium $5 for a tub? That’s not too bad!

    Flying kites in Sydney Park.

    The Fail Whale takes flight.

    I just got the 1st Video! badge on #12seconds! –

    One last bit of kite flying, in real life video.

    @alyshajane My heaviest usage month has been 150mb, most months like 100mb. Snook has Exetel plan which is payg data…

    Chocolate pavlova, courtesy of the Snook. It was VERY GOOD.

    @that_alison I’ve been posting about this for the past few weeks. It’s supposed to be in the paper today. Is that where you saw it?

    @that_alison Ah. Supposed to be in Sun-Herald today. Also check out Life in Chippo blog: The skinheads are NOT locals.

  • Busy Saturday

    Busy Saturday
    I’ve got a busy but social Saturday ahead of me. The Snook and I got up early to go to the Eveleigh Farmers’ Market. We had breakfast, ran into family and friends, and picked up supplies for tonight’s BBQ. Now I’m off to the Knitters Guild meeting and AGM while the Snook prepares his legendary chocolate pav. Then tonight it’s over to Steph and Eva’s for some yummy food on a warm summer’s evening…

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    Anybody in need of an SEM expert? I’ve got a good mate looking for a role ASAP…

    I have gone from suffering Coles Broadway to deeply hating it. Wonder if I can cut the cord entirely…

    @carbolicious BWAHAHAHAHA… Dude, that’s hilarious. Almost makes their CONSTANT FRONTING OF ME bearable.

    It’s really just cat food, litter, and toilet paper that are holding us back. There has to be a way to break the Coles/Woolies duopoly.

    @steverunner I use Toodledo. Web based but also has app versions. Free but has pro support with advanced features.

    @steverunner Apologies. App is iPhone only, but web version should work well on mobile:

    RT @vaughanbell Injected toxins irony alert. Jenny McCarthy admits to using botox. (@steverunner will appreciate this)

    Celeb chef sighting! Just smiled at Kylie Kwong at Eveleigh Farmers Market.

    @mrs_sockvictim Awww, we missed him! Saw Miss Jane though. 🙂

    @lesliedotcom Thanks for that!

    Poll: Australian recipe calls for “eschalots.” Little brown bulbs or green onions? We’re arguing.

    @wooliewombat That’s what I said. But Snook argues that in Australia, they would’ve said “spring onions.”

    Recipe is potato salad from this month’s Delicious. Says “finely chopped” w/out specifying part, so I’m leaning towards brown shallots.

    @sharre You’re NOT dressing up for the Guild meeting? Didn’t you get the memo? 😛

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    Reading the BABOK. Bored out of my skull.

    RT @kcarruthers: What is keeping women out of tech? Do you really want to know?

    Good grief. The next time I screw up, at least I can tell myself I didn’t screw up as bad as this lady:

    MC Hammer quoted in the SMH, mostly stuff from #SMCSYD, yet SMCSYD gets no mention at all:

    @sharre I’m sending Snook to a sleep apnea clinic. You want the details?

    The Snook’s mo is coming along nicely, so you should donate to his Movember cause:

  • MC Hammer, Social Media Superstar

    As those of you who follow my Twitter feed know, Tuesday night I went to a very special event hosted by Social Media Club Sydney. The topic for the night was ostensibly “Building and Managing Online Audiences,” but really it was all about MC Hammer. Yes, he was the very special guest. As soon as I heard he was going to talk, I proposed it to my boss Anthony and he got us both tickets. The event sold out pretty quick. I’d guess that the majority of people were there strictly for the novelty value, as evidenced by all the “hammer pants” jokes flying around Twitter beforehand. Here’s the amazing thing though: The guy really does know what he’s talking about with social media and technology. And he’s not just a Twitter-fanboy; he’s much more on the “entrepreneur” side of things and he emphasised how many business opportunities there are surrounding social media. He described himself as a “super geek,” and his speech was peppered with references to meetings with Silicon Valley insiders (Ev, Orkut, the guys who invented Guitar Hero, etc). He talked about the importance of data mining and analytics. Most of us were enthralled. The thing that I didn’t like was that the organisers had the #SMCSYD Twitterfall running on big screen in the background, and some folks used it as an opportunity to make jokes and distract from the speech. (One guy – who I don’t even think was in the room – kept insisting that somebody stand up and ask Hammer about his bankruptcy. Talk about bad manners.) So that part was a little bit cringeworthy, but to his credit Hammer just ignored the giggles. They did open the floor to Q&A at the end, and he graciously dealt with idiots asking “So Mr Hammer, can you elaborate on what one can and can’t touch?” Overall I’d say that the quality of the speaker made up for the immaturity of some of the audience. Nice job, Hammer!

  • Run4Fun Photos

    Run4FunOfficial Run4Fun Photos
    The official photos from the Run4Fun are now up! There are four of me. One from the course where I’m looking pained, one from the course where I look happy (shown here), and two as I’m coming into the finish line and grinning like an idiot. (I know it looks like I’m walking in some, but I’m really not!) If you go to the official site, you can also see my finish line footage. I come into frame about a third of the way through. You’ll see Peter the kickboxer cross the line and raise his arms, and I’m right behind him. Then we have a little hug. Great moment!

    Run4Fun     Run4Fun


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    I am having the allergy day from hell. I think it’s time to suck it up and go for the Zyrtec.

    @stufromoz Was it my favorite driver, the one who floors it between lights and then jams on the brakes? Oh wait – that’s all of them.

    RT @Warlach: I assume it’s not just me and @BarrySaunders who are getting the old Twitter Tips added randomly to DMs? // Nope, me too.

    @witty_knitter I’m on there. I’ve got it open if you want to try it out. It’s crap! (kris.howard)

    @alyshajane I’m total opposite. Grew up in country but city invigorates me. Stuff HAPPENS here! Places to go, things to do!

    @alyshajane People get trapped in my hometown like bugs in sap. Guess I’m still just grateful to have escaped.

    Just completed a 2.74 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @blakepup I paid $10 for @runkeeper after using the Free version for a while. Excellent app, good community, great devs to support.

    Hatching secret plans to become a covert community agitator. How excitement.

    Just completed a 5.25 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    No, kid, I will not do your frickin’ Roald Dahl homework for you. Especially when the info is all on my site anyway.

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    RT @AusVintageGrrl: I’m making the move from Frumpy to Fabulous! // RSS feed bookmarked!

    Okay, Wave invites. Anybody want? I kind of hate it, to tell you the truth.

    @redambition Sure, DM me their email address.

    @miftik Sure, if you want!

    Wave invites all gone…

    Ebert gives A Christmas Carol 4 stars: That’ll make @carbolicious happy since her hubby worked on it. 🙂

    Just completed a 2.45 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Mingling and networking at #SMCSYD. Met up with @DDsD and @acatinatree so far…

    @eskimo_sparky Hey, where are you? I’m the red head near the guy in the white fedora…

    Holla from the back row at #SMCSYD!

    #SMCSYD is like an entire crowd of people who murmur snark at the movies. (I’m not judging; I do it too.)

    STOP, Hammer time!

    Crowd at #SMCSYD is ENTHRALLED by MC Hammer. The guy knows what he’s talking about. Very good speaker too. #fb

    MC Hammer is a self-described “super geek.” Love it. #SMCSYD

    MC Hammer was total surprise: super smart, geeky, engaging, inspiring. The mocking Tweets behind him made me cringe tho. #tallpoppy #SMCSYD

  • Xenophobic Letter Drop

    Xenophobic Letter Drop: I got a little angry tonight. How DARE some cowardly nationalist leave an anonymous slip of racist trash in our letterbox? Is it meant to intimidate those of us – and there are many in the neighbourhood – from other countries? Is it meant to drum up quiet support for their vicious campaign of hatred? I’ve been preaching free speech for the last few weeks, but my resolve is weakening. I’m starting to think those who protested on Friday had the right idea. This crap is not welcome in our neighbourhood.