This year’s party photos are finally up! As always, I spent way too much time running around and took far too few photos of the actual guests. The food is well-documented though! Thanks to everyone who helped out, especially Eileen for pitching in with all the prep work. See you all next year!
Month: November 2009
Halloween 2009 Photos
35 Manliest Mustaches of All Time
The 35 Manliest Mustaches of All Time. “Anytime Hollywood needs a cowboy with a mustache, they call Sam Elliot.”
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Yay! We just had a visit from @BenAndJerryOz delivering free ice cream for the office. THANKS GUYS!
@misswired I think it was this tweet that did it:
Great session at the gym; managed 100 on the rower again! Then happily negated all progress with big scoop of @BenAndJerryOz afterwards. 🙂
I am becoming seriously obsessed with Martha Stewart’s blog. Whoever writes it – part of me wants to believe it’s MS herself – is awesome.
@carbolicious Ha! I didn’t but I’ve just follower her. Yeah, a little crazy. I love when she posts 25 pics of her farm on the blog.
@knitabulous BTW – I’m handing over Viking shield and bloody knife to @gilmae tomorrow. Yours, right?
@knitabulous Did you get any pics of the Viking? I’ve had a request from @mrs_sockvictim but sadly, I didn’t get one!
Ice cream + boxing session seems to have shaken me out of my funk. Turned out to be a very productive afternoon!
@Fiestywenchyone Because that’s the stuff we all want too. 🙂
Chippo residents are invited to protest “Neo-Nazis” Friday night. Hope it doesn’t get ugly. (attn: @steven_noble)
I have HAD IT @smh_news! I can’t even click any homepage links because of giant animated ad on top of everything. GOOGLE NEWS FROM NOW ON.
@venks79 The Australian, eh? No Flash. No auto-playing vids. This could work! Will give it a go.
@knitness We went there earlier this year: Very yummy!
@steven_noble I left a comment against the protest. The more I think about it, the more I think it’s really the wrong tactic.
How to Use an Apostrophe
How to Use an Apostrophe. I was all prepared to get my Grammar Nazi hat on and be all “YEAH BABY!” about that site, but you know what? It really is kind of complicated. I can see where people just learning to speak English might get confused by all the exceptions. Still, if you’re a native English speaker that’s read a book EVER, you should know this stuff. On a related note, I was amused to see that the laminated sign in our office elevator that previously read “VISITOR’S PLEASE REPORT TO RECEPTION” has been attacked with some Wite-Out. Punctuation vigilantes to the rescue!
Horrie the Wog Dog
Horrie the Wog Dog. That is an awesome story. Be sure to read all the way to the end…
A Christmas Story Embroidery
I may need to bust out my embroidery skillz to make this Christmas Story sampler for my sister.
Papercraft Self Portrait
Papercraft Self Portrait. Cree. Pee. Yet so cool.
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Who came last, anyway? The Melbourne Cup website has fallen over.
@twelveeyes Oh no. I think I had a mailout from them yesterday that’s still sitting unopened on the table. Denim horrors lurk within? EEP!
Awful day all around. Strangely out of sorts. Unable to focus on the task at hand. Irritable. Maybe it’s the heat?
@carbolicious I saw it! Hopefully will be able to reply tomorrow.
@runkeeper I’m an RK user – and a bit of an evangelist for it Down Under. 🙂
Goodbye Roomater!
Goodbye Roomater!
Since a couple people have asked, yes, there are definitely more Halloween pictures coming! I’ve just been a bit tired and out of sorts the last few days. I think it’s because Eileen‘s visit finally came to an end. It was great having her here; it was like a monthlong vacation. I’m just having a hard time getting back into the old routine. Maybe tomorrow.