Movember is upon us! And once again the Snook is doing his bit to raise funds for research on prostate cancer and depression. You can donate to him (or his awesome team “Geekfuzz”) on this page. Late Saturday night, after everyone else had gone home from the party, he shaved off the Kenny Rogers beard. It’s a pretty amazing Before -> After transformation!
Month: November 2009
Liza with a Z!
Last night was Liza Minnelli‘s last concert of her Australian tour, and Amy and I were there. We bought the tickets month ago, rightly guessing that our respective husbands didn’t have much interest in accompanying. It was a FANTASTIC show. Yeah, the dominant audience demographics were old ladies and gay men, but that was cool. Liza knew exactly how to work her crowd. (Her version of Charles Aznavour’s “What Makes a Man a Man” was a particular highlight.) The crowd loved her, and they told her at every opportunity. And she loved them right back. I wouldn’t have described myself as a huge Liza fan; I’ve never even seen Cabaret. But I loved her in Arrested Development, and the woman is a certified Living Legend. Now I know why. Even in the very top row of the Entertainment Center, we were just spellbound by her. Every song was like a one-act play, and she made them sound as if they were all written just for her. (Some clearly were, like “Liza with a Z.”) I completely embarrassed Amy when “Maybe This Time” started up and I loudly proclaimed, “Hey, they sang that on Glee last week!” The first act closed with “Cabaret,” and of course we all went NUTS. At intermission, Amy and I ran out for expensive T-shirts and buttons. (I wore mine today.) The second act was just as amazing. She closed with Peter Allen’s “All the Lives of Me” and looked skyward as she thanked him at the end. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place. I’m so glad we saw her.
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RT @mumbrella: MC Hammer to speak at Social Media Club Sydney (yes, really)
Just printed my tickets to see MS LIZA MINELLI tonight!
Just got tickets to MC Hammer at Social Media Club Sydney event as an official work outing. 🙂
@thisismywww For Wii? Just make sure you get the Guitar Hero instruments: They work for Rock Band too.
@thisismywww Whatchoo talkin’ about, Willis? EB Games doesn’t have it listed anywhere…
RT @chrisgander: @BenAndJerryOz > The Battle for Ben & Jerrys > @mobileembrace. Let the ice cream carnage begin!
Waiting for Liza to come onstage!
Liza just finished the first set with “Cabaret” and the audience went EFFING BALLISTIC. She is amazing.
Fought our way to the merch table to buy overpriced YET AWESOME Liza-by-Warhol t-shirts.
Listening to “Maybe This Time” on repeat. I’ve got Liza on the brain. (And my chest.)
@randomknits I’m pretty sure I was the only person in the Ent Center who went, “THEY SANG THIS ON GLEE!” when it started up.
RT @josh909 Dear Fairfax I hereby swear to never buy any product or service from any advertiser that uses autoplay on SMH homepage // AGREED
In a few hours @eileenDCoE is flying back to Boston. Her visit has been like a monthlong holiday! Difficult to get back into my routine.
I drew “Newport” in the sweep. Doesn’t appear to be a favorite. I sense a wooden spoon in my future.
The Snook: “Hmm. At 48:1 you would have been better off putting your $5 on at the TAB.” Office sweep FAIL.
Melting Severed Head Cake
Melting Severed Head Cake. This is Halloween baking awesomeness on a level to which I can only aspire.
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You know it was a good party when you find a bloody knife, a Viking shield, and a Papal cummerbund while cleaning up the next day.
Just completed a 6.19 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween from Kenny and Dolly!
Islands in the stream, that is what we are…