Month: December 2009

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    @traceyh It looked good, and it tasted okay, but it wasn’t quite the mango-gasm we were expecting. Lacked a little oomph.

    @traceyh ARGH! I just realized – WE FORGOT THE RASPBERRY SAUCE. There’s the oomph. DURRRR. Will make it tomorrow. 🙂

    @traceyh Rodd’s trick is to dip them very lightly. He says otherwise they fall apart too easily.

  • Mangomisu



    I knew we had to make this as soon as I saw it on the Delicious cover. It looks so good! (Plus, it fits nicely with my goal of eating as many mangoes this summer as possible.) Snookums made it earlier today. It’s basically a tiramisu but with mango flavouring instead of coffee. Ladyfinger cookies are dipped in Grand Marnier and orange juice, then layered with a thick vanilla cream and mango slices. It turned out pretty spectacular. I forgot to make the accompanying raspberry sauce, so we’ll have that with it tomorrow. 🙂

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas, to all of you who celebrate it. Us, not so much. We did tag-team in the kitchen to prepare an awesome dinner last night. The highlight was Seared Beef with Sweet Chilli Caramel Sauce from this month’s Delicious magazine. (That sauce is AMAZING. The recipe also makes about 50 times more than you need for the amount of meat, so we’re trying to figure out what else to do with it.) We also had sauteed Savoy cabbage and roast vegetables. For tipple, I made us a jug of Jamie Oliver’s “Raspberry & Ginger Fizz” (also from Delicious). Basically, you muddle a handful of mint, two handfuls of raspberries, a tablespoon of sugar, and a big piece of ginger in a jug, then top with ice, 8 shots of vodka, and ginger beer. Delicious!

    Anyway, after a lovely lie-in this morning we’re both in full-on hermit mode. The Snook is off raiding in Azeroth, while I plan on making some serious progress on St. Brigid. I’ve got Skype on if any of the family feel like saying hello…

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    @knitterjp Well, I’m starting the front so it’s relatively small now. If it were a big piece, I couldn’t do it.

    Hey Twitter, can I substitute Triple Sec for Grand Marnier in a recipe? My MANGOMISU DEPENDS ON IT.

    @tinkabel It’s on the cover of this month’s Delicious: 🙂

    I am headed into the abyss. (Man, I hate Coles.)

    Coles is insane. The only things preventing a riot are those giant air conditioning units.

    Just completed a 5.14 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Charlie is back! My favorite graffiti in Chippo.

    Christmas Eve fireworks? Sydney has a lot of fireworks.

    Still waking up. You early risers are cah-RAZY.

    Family: Skype is on if you want to get in touch! I am now going to commence knitting and TV, and I don’t plan on moving for hours.

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    RT @VenessaHunt: Check out new promo… – to schedule your New Years Msg’s for free…

    Tried several times to check in at Crossroads Bar, Swissotel Sydney. @foursquare fail?!

    @glittertrash I noticed that last weekend! I wasn’t sure if it was chard or beetroot, but yeah, definitely edible.

    GAH. I did it again! I did short rows on St. Brigid shoulder, forgot that it has saddles, thus no 3-needle bindoff. (Did same on Na Craga.)

    Phew. Back of St. Brigid is successfully casted off. Now to start the front. (5 days off; how much can I get done? Place bets now!)

  • The Queen Susan Shawl

    I love it when knitting and Ravelry-related stories get picked up on MetaFilter

  • Martha’s first gay wedding

    Martha Stewart Weddings has never featured a gay wedding before… til now. It’s lovely, and as Andrew points out, it’s particularly nice that they did it without a lot of fanfare.

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    @redambition Cute! Loving that fringe. 🙂

    HOLY CRAP. Do Huntsmen spiders make webs? Because there is a hairy spider the size of a golf ball in my garden in a humongous web.

    Crap. Huntsmans don’t make webs. WHAT IS IT?

    RT @redambition: @web_goddess Sounds like a Garden Orb Weaver. // I think that’s it. PHEW! Thanks…

    @redambition Yeah, and this one’s built his web at head height right outside the backdoor. I nearly walked into him face first!

    I blogged the GIANT SPIDER. I’m calling her Shelob.

    @alyshajane Hm. If she’s eating wasps, she’s welcome to stay!

    This morning the spider web is gone. I hope a bird didn’t eat Shelob.