Month: December 2009

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    Okay, all 178 rows of St. Brigid back are complete. As I’m still 10+cm short… yeah. Doing another repeat.

    After five long years… we have wedding rings! And they’re the geekiest rings ever. 🙂

    Baking Christmas snickerdoodles. Yum.

    @imdominating Nah, sorry, I know shit all about WordPress…

    Christmas snickerdoodles!

    @redambition I saw those at Glebe Markets last weekend! Very cute, if I didn’t already have a zillion eco bags.

  • Wedding Rings

    I liked it, so I put a ring on it.
    After five years of being married, the Snook and I finally have wedding rings! We just picked them up today.

    Our rings

    They’re platinum and each one features the other’s fingerprint, stretched out around the band. They were designed by my friend Candi Robertson of Candi Precious Jewelry. They’re shiny, shiny nerd rings and I absolutely love them.

    Our rings - the back

    The backs of the rings feature a timestamp in hexadecimal: “419F E890”. That’s the exact time we got married five years ago. (Candi was dubious at first, but now she loves the idea.)

    Our rings

    I got to see the rings in raw form a couple weeks ago, and I’m amazed at the change. Candi did such a good job of polishing and finishing them. If you need any jewelry at all, I highly recommend calling her up!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @venks79 It was a great year. Best job with the best folks! Thanks again for giving me the chance… 🙂

    Heading to SSK… if a Newtown bus ever turns up.

    Neat! Just spotted an anti-Scientology Anonymous protest marching up Broadway towards Glebe.

    I just unlocked the “Crunked” badge on @foursquare!

    We bought saltbush “lamb ham” (smoked cured lamb shoulder) at the markets today. It’s awesome. Plus LAMB HAM is fun to say. LAMB HAM.

    Just completed a 2.82 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just completed a 5.78 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Looks like @runkeeper’s auto-tweets are backed up again. Runs out of sequence are messing up my @twunlog. (I didn’t run at 6am, btw.)

    @bellsknits Nah, that one’s from Thursday. I did do just shy of 6km last night, and I’m scheduled for 8km today!

    @bellsknits I should also mention that @gusseting headed out for a run before I actually got out of bed this morning. So she wins!

    Gingerbread girl from Sweetness the Patisserie. Yay!

  • Star Wars Weather

    Star Wars Weather. Ha! Neat. We’re just chillin’ out, here on Yavin 4.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @ozgamer CHEERS, MATE.

    I just unlocked the “Superstar” badge on @foursquare!

    Crap. Only been at Christmas party for an hour and I’m pissed. MUST REGULATE.

    Me and @venks79 at the Christmas party. It was one year ago today he offered me the job!

    Spit-roasted pork at Eveleigh Markets. Very festive here today!

    Me and @gusseting at the Eveleigh Markets this morning.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Bus strike tomorrow? Looks like I’ll be walkin’ to work!

    @tinkabel Quite possibly! I think perhaps the 461, 480, and 483 drivers missed the memo and started striking today.

    @Warlach Ugh. Or we could all, like, donate $5 or something. How does a flash mob help poverty other than by getting hipsters on the news?

    RT @DDsD: Why the language of #nocleanfeed dooms the movement to failure. **Updated** <- Updated with new conten …

    @carbolicious Are those the shoes with wheels on the bottom? Because I really do.

    @carbolicious Well, a car would be expensive & useless. Would take longer than walking, and the nearest parking is probably my houes anyway.

    I like my co-workers a lot, but man, it’s been impossible to focus on any task for more than 10 minutes this week without being interrupted.

    @Opheli8 Oh sure. You’ll hang tinsel but you won’t eat a peanut butter and bacon cookie???

    Crap. Forgot Open Air cinema tix went on sale today. ( Nearly everything sold out already. 🙁

    @VenessaHunt Woo! Deceptively demure. 🙂

    Looks like the strike is ON!

    @VenessaHunt I’ve seen your high heels! Girls in pageboy bobs don’t wear stilettos.

    First night alone in ages. Petey Cat missed the Snook, as evidenced by YOWLING ALL NIGHT.

    RT @redambition: #busstrike and rain? Not a good day for public transport people!

    #busstrike + no taxis + gridlock = a 25min walk to work in steady rain. I knew blow-drying my hair this morning was absurdly optimistic.

    Hm. All the other girls in the office are dressed up for the Christmas party. I’m wearing jeans and sneakers.

    @carbolicious You could bathe a baby in that!

    They’re making me wear a funny hat.

    A Birkenstocked Santa with some non-traditional elves, including a Kiwi and a secret Jew. (Attn: @Opheli8)

    @witty_knitter Awww, congratulate her from me and Snook!

  • Coles Broadway Frustrations

    This is pretty much the exact debate the Snook and I have every time we’re in Coles. I REFUSE to use the self-serve checkouts. As a former checkout chick, I know that trained checker is always going to be faster than a bunch of slack-jawed shoppers tentatively poking at a touch-screen. I’m also extremely dubious that Coles is passing on the savings they make from cutting those checker jobs. (Why should they? They have a duopoly.) I am also still unhappy with the store redesign, which makes no logical sense whatsoever. No one can find anything. (Example: Cat food and cat litter are in two separate aisles, and while you might assume that the store would want to make it convenient for shoppers, they’d obviously rather get us to spend thirty seconds longer in their hamster maze.) They’ve also put an aisle across the middle of the store (breaking every aisle in half), so there’s no clear traffic flow and the whole thing is a nightmare. I also refuse to use their butcher while there is a perfectly good independent butcher fifty feet outside the entrance (who they’re obviously trying to drive out of business). So why am I still shopping there? It’s the only place around to get the stupid cat supplies.

  • Momofuku Crack Pie

    Mmmmmm. I found a recipe for Momufuku Bakery‘s famous crack pie. Apparently Anderson Cooper is a big fan. Maybe a project for Christmas if it’s not too hot to turn the oven on?