Month: December 2009

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    Zyrtec managed to stop my running nose, but man, I’m so drowsy I think I’m going to pass out at my desk.

    Just completed a 1.03 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Apparently this 470 is designated for the carrying of oversized parcels. I missed that somehow. The dude with the surfboard is a nice touch.

    Snook left home 15 min after me, yet still caught me at Broadway waiting for my bus. And then his came, and I’m still waiting. THIS SUCKS.

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    @damana I’m a geek girl BA. (I was a former dev though if that matters.)

    @damana Weirdness. For some reason I wasn’t following you even though I had you on a list. Anyhoo, following and emailing.

    @shanea Yikes! Did Quackies scare them away?

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    The valiant Kris strode into battle this morning with the Dreaded and Fearsome Scope Creep Monster… and was quickly roasted alive.

    I got a BIG Christmas present delivered at work! It’s from my Dad and step-Mom. Now I just have to NOT OPEN IT. (Easier said than done.)

    Check out the 6.85 km run I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper

    Tim Tams straight from the fridge! Life is good.

    @kdelarue How much are they asking?I haven’t kept up with current worth. My own copy is pretty beat up.

    Week 3 of Operation Increased Mileage has begun. I should hit 28km/17mi this week if my legs hold up.

    Silver lurex socks have arrived. This year’s Oscar Sock Monkeys are going to be THE BEST, JERRY. THE BEST!

    Just completed a 6.68 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Judging by today’s 461 driver, I bet they have to replace the brake pads on these things every week. I’m gonna get whiplash.

  • Elvis Cupcakes

    Elvis Cupcakes. Those are brilliant. Definitely one to remember for next Halloween.

  • St. Brigid

    St. Brigid is growing

    St. Brigid (in progress)

    I’m up to row 117. The back is meant to be 178 rows long, but algebra tells me that at my present row tension, it’s going to be about 10cm too short. So I’ll probably be doing an extra repeat to bring me up to 200 rows. I’m getting 35 rows to the ball of Silkroad Aran Tweed, so it looks like the front and back will take about 12 balls in total.

  • Knitters’ Festive Season Celebration

    JP, Me, and SandraKnitters’ Festive Season Celebration
    Saturday was a banner day in the Sydney knitting community. First we had the final Inner City Guild meeting for the year, a massive affair that topped out at forty people! I’ve put some photos up on the IC website. We had some amazing food, with Tia’s Christmas Cake Balls as my personal favourite. After the meeting, about half of us headed across the road to the Sidewalk Cafe at the Opera House. Sue had organised a summer “knitting in public” event for us billed as the “Sydney Festive Season Celebration.” We had a Kris Kringle gift swap (I got some yummy snickerdoodles!) and spent the afternoon knitting and chatting in the sunshine. Crowds of people drifted past as they left Handel’s “Messiah” and did double-takes as they saw 20 people knitting. (Many thought we were doing some sort of charity event.) It was a lovely day, even if I did get sunburnt on the back of my shoulders! There are photos over at Bells’s site.

  • Ebert reviews Avatar

    Hm. Ebert reviews Avatar and gives it four stars. He says Cameron is the only guy in Hollywood who knows how to spend $300 million wisely. I hadn’t been planning to see it – the trailers bored me – but his opinion carries a lot of weight…

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    Dragged Snook to city for retail therapy. Hit M&S sale and Myer. Tip: don’t walk thru Myer ground floor w/ mouth open. Perfume tastes bad!

    Not happy with @runkeeper 2.0. Paused run to use @foursquare, then could NOT get RK to launch again. Ended up having to reinstall. 🙁

    Check out the 6.85 km run I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper

    Up to row 117 on St. Brigid. At present tension, back will be 10cm too short. Looks like I’ll be adding in a ninth repeat.

    @steven_noble We used for ours two years ago. We were pretty happy with them. They have sample reports online.

    @steven_noble For baiting we used Echidna Pest Control. We used them at our old place too. Haven’t had a cockroach in two years…

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    Having a great time at the Knitters Festive Season Celebration!

    @carbolicious Yay! Glad to hear it. Hope you feel better soon.

    Just completed a 5.15 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    In a cab on the way to the Opera House to see the Symphony perform Haydn’s “Creation”. Thanks to @Kat13v for the tickets!

    The symphony was great! Even this atheist who knows nothing about music was entertained. My favorite bit was Raphael and the worm.

    @gadgetgirl70 Neat! Was thinking of making a trip to see that too…

    After all the excitement of yesterday, Sunday stretches before me with absolutely nothing scheduled other than knitting and TV. Bliss.