Month: December 2009

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    Ahhhhhh! Busy day. Busy day. Getting lots done; just that none of it is actually on my To Do list. 🙁

    @WildChildinAUS It doesn’t, for me. You just get used to it.

    @knitabulous @randomknits SWEET. We’re bringin’ it to the fuddy-duddies.

    @sharre Oh noes. Mine is knitting related AND kitsch AND silly!

    @crumpet Thats nearly a sprint! Slow it WAY down and do it for three times as long. 🙂

    @DDsD Knitters Festive Celebration at Sidewalk Cafe at Opera House from 2. Bring sticks and string. 🙂

    Where are the buses? I may be a few minutes late to the Guild meeting…

    @witty_knitter Just caught the 470 so I must be in front of you.

    Just got word that our meeting will have an unexpected visitor. This could be interesting. I’m not gonna do a damn thing differently.

    @DDsD Wait til we get drunk. Tipsy Knitters en masse is a formidable sight.

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    @Justacogitating I sleep with my iPhone. Really.

    Had my first visit to the upper floor of Bill & Toni’s. Schnitzel was good, but man… Slightly intimidating crowd up there.

    RT @Justacogitating: But isn’t the monthly $$ ungodly on the iPhone? // Not in Oz. We have it on 5 different carriers. 🙂

    RT @IronBrandon: HA!

    RT @foursquare: Great post by @shanesnow – 6 Tips for Getting the Most out of Foursquare

  • Keep Calm and Cast On

    Keep Calm and Cast On. Lovely! I should get one of those printed for my office.

  • RunningBlog

    This is the time of year when I start thinking dangerous thoughts about the upcoming race season. I’m someone who always needs a goal and a training plan to stay motivated, and lately I’ve been thinking about… the big one. The marathon. Could I really do it? It would certainly be something to work for. It’s stuck in my brain now, and I can’t shake the idea. I even googled to look for possible destination marathons next spring.

    First things first though, right? Before I even consider marathon training, I need to build up my weekly mileage. I’ve been averaging about 20kms a week or so, and I need to just about double that to have a decent “base.” I’m using this buildup plan and so far it’s going well. (I’m halfway through Week 2.) I’ve successfully increased to running four days a week with 1-2 days of additional cross training. I’m still forefoot running, and my only pain at the moment is a twinge in my right calf. (I think some ice and Voltaren are in order there.) My current plan is to run the Sydney Half Marathon in May and then see how I feel after that. If I do go for the marathon, it would likely be the Melbourne Marathon in October.

    The other big news is that I bought a Timex Heart Rate Monitor and I’ve been using it for the past week. For effective base training, I’m meant to stay within 70-80% of my maximum heart rate (with one run a week up to 85%). That’s actually meant slowing right down, and on warm days I have to walk the hills to stay within it. The more I do it though, the faster I’ll get within that range. The Timex works great, and I definitely recommend it for any other interested beginners. You do have to wear a chest strap, but it fits pretty nicely under the band of my sports bra. When I’m running with my HRM on my left arm and my iPhone with RunKeeper on the right, I feel like the BIONIC WOMAN!

  • 5 Things Hollywood Thinks Computers Can Do

    5 Things Hollywood Thinks Computers Can Do. An oldie but a goodie. I knew that uploading an alien virus from a Powerbook would be in there.

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    It’s a Christmas miracle! I got 100m on the rowing machine at Spudds today… TWICE. TWICE! I AM INVICIBLE!

    AWESOME! Just got an email confirming that I won one of the Buon Ricordo cookbooks from @NotQuiteNigella! YAY!

    @NotQuiteNigella I had to go back and see how many entries you ended up getting. Now I’m even more amazed I won! I never win anything!

    Just completed a 6.79 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

  • I won a major award!

    I won a major award! Well okay, it’s not a leg lamp, but it is an awesome cookbook! Not Quite Nigella announced a contest last month to give away four copies of the new Buon Ricordo cookbook. The Snook and I both love Armando Percuoco’s food (based on this and this) so I decided to give it a shot. I left the 9th comment out of 176… and I just found out tonight that mine was one of the four chosen! YAY! (She mentions that there’s a recipe for Timballo in there. The Snook and I may be in for a Big Christmas…)

  • iPhone vs. Droid

    Things I learned from iPhone & Droid ads. Ha! Although the idea of a “robot phone” is pretty cool.

  • St. Brigid

    St. Brigid
    The honeymoon period with St. Brigid is officially over. Last night I suddenly became aware of how painfully slow it is. Those cable sections? They’re 24-row repeats and EVERY ROW IS DIFFERENT. No memorisation allowed. I’m 50 rows in, but the back is meant to be 178 rows long. Given how tight my row gauge is, I’m probably going to have to lengthen it too. So conservatively I’m about one-fifth of the way through the back, which means I’m one-tenth of the way through the whole body… and given how ginormous the sleeves are, that’ll add a fair bit… so… KILL ME NOW.