Month: December 2009

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    @Opheli8 The wacky ones with the pictures on them.

    Ugh. First not-so-good mango of the season. It’s also my first R2E2. Are they crappier than the other varieties?

    Did any other Sydneysiders get @foursquare superuser status this morning? I am looking forward to editing some of this shite locations.

    @gilmae The email said something about having added a lot of venues. I just wondered how low that threshold was…

    @gilmae Nah, that was for visiting 30 places. I don’t think the badge is related to editing privileges.

  • Evolution of the Hipster

    Evolution of the Hipster. The Snook sent me that link while actually wearing his Three Keyboard Cat Moon shirt, thus proving that he is actually a Meta-Nerd2.

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    Watching John Adams. Holy crap; I’ve never seen anyone tarred and feathered before.

    @shanea Falcor! The Luck Dragon! 🙂

    St. Brigid in progress:

    Just completed a 6.65 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

  • St. Brigid

    St. Brigid
    I’ve started my project for the 2010 Sydney Royal Easter Show: “St. Brigid” by Alice Starmore. Yes, I’m still stuck on Starmore arans. And I’m NOT doing this in cream; I’m going to keep knitting things I want to wear and the judging committee can suck it. This is Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed in “Posie,” which I’ve always wanted to knit with. So far so good!

    St. Brigid

  • Knitters’ Christmas Tea Party

    Christmas Tea Party

    I went to a tea party! The regular Thursday night crowd from the Morris & Sons SnB all met up on Saturday afternoon at Harrogate Teas. We nibbled on sandwiches, sipped a variety of teas, and guzzled our weights in champagne. (I’m serious.) It was so much fun! We also had a “Kris Kringle” swap of decorations, where I got a lovely sparkly dove ornament. And of course, we all frocked up. I’m wearing a vintage “Jonathan Summers” dress that Ma Snook gave me last year. (Everyone joked that I looked like a Stepford Wife.) Lyn has some great photos here too.

    Miss Fee

    Fiona in a fabulous floral headpiece…

    Alison and Sue

    Alison and Sue prove that there is no occasion too formal for the winding of wool…


    Lee was a fabulous organiser and looked so smart in his green scarf!

    Jody, Donna, and Ailsa

    Jody knits along with our distant visitors Donna and Ailsa

    Ness, Jody, and Lyn

    Recent graduate Ness chats with Jody and Lyn

    Group shot

    A room full of happy and talkative knitters!

  • Negotiation

    “Can ‘Nice Girls’ Negotiate?” Depressing but spot on, I’d say. Money quote: “When men ask for something, they are being proactive; when women ask, they are being pushy.”

  • 8hr Rapid Detox

    I see commercials for that 8 Hour Rapid Detox all the time on Go! network. Nice to know that it really is exactly the diarrhea-inducing scam I figured it was.

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    Row 1 of St. Brigid is complete. This sucker is ON.

    Nine rows completed… and this thing is already looking ginormous.

    One full repeat of St. Brigid is done. This project is going to give me arthritis.

    Just completed a 5.03 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just completed a 6.63 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @knitabulous Nope. I’m keeping it old school Starmore-style, giant amounts of ease and drop-shoulders. Just no fringe. 🙂

    I yelled out loud when Glee referenced Cedar Point. Feelin’ the Midwest love here…

    @Justacogitating Don’t forget to watch the credits and look for Dan Carbo in there!!

    It’s the start of a busy week. To Do list is in double digits. Caffeine is required.