Month: January 2010

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Met up with a bunch of folks for impromptu kite festival at Sydney Park.

    @Bevfam Thanks! Saw your tweets about cheering on the Irish. I’m a Domer myself, class of ’99. 🙂

    Just completed a 7.61 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    In case you, like me, were wondering about the frenetic pace and odd editing of The Biggest Loser, this is why:

    Celeb spotting! Ran past Ryan Shelton on Enmore Rd. Couldn’t remember his name; had to browse thru 100 Spicks & Specks ep descs to find him.

    @knitabulous Nope, completely cut out. No group shots at weigh in. I bet they’ll rush thru 1st two weeks in a couple eps & then slow down.

    @sharre A friend referred to her unemployment as The Summer of George. Make the most of it!

  • Biggest Loser 2010

    Whoa! How are the Biggest Loser producers going to deal with this? One of the eliminated contestants has been charged with child porn, so they had to completely edit the couple out of all episodes. The pace of the first episode was frenetic, with lots of close-ups and voiceovers. (Obviously since all of the group shots were ruined.) But how are they going to deal with the second elimination without showing it?

  • More Outback Photos

    Cool! Eileen pointed me to this amazing blog post with photos from our Outback adventure. The blog belongs to Andreas, an Austrian guy who came on the trip with his girlfriend. I knew he liked taking photographs (he was never without his camera for the three days), but I didn’t realise how gifted he was at it. Seriously, go look. He really captured all the best parts of our trip. I especially like this one of us all sleeping on the bus (me and Snookums are in the back seat) and this one of our swags set up around the campfire (Snookums and I are on the right). The rest of Andreas’s photo blog is equally good. I’ll be visiting from now on!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Sun is shining and I’m on my way to #operainthedomain!

    Just got report that Domain is covered on fences?! Will they take them down before the opera starts? #operainthedomain

    The Knitters’ Camp has been established! #operainthedomain

    The view from my sun shade at #operainthedomain!

    Knitting in the sun at #operainthedomain.

    The first two ppl at the Little Creatures Bar were Knitters. Hells yeah.

    In spite of sunshades and SPF 30+, I have bright pink arms, legs, and cleavage. 🙁

    @misswired Complete brain meltdown. Did not register that @dancingman the knitter was @dancingman the Tweeter. I blame Vampire Bedazzlement.

    At the Opera in the Domain! (@ The Domain)

    Three cheerc for Snookums, bringer of hot pizza and cold beer. #operainthedomain

    As an opera singer, Paul McDermott makes a good TV presenter. #operainthedomain

    Sunburnt. Tired. On a fortunately empty Newtown bus headed home. #operainthedomain

  • Opera in the Domain 2010

    moblogged image

    Three cheers for Snookums, bringer of hot pizza and cold beer! It’s been a long day of sitting in the sun and knitting with friends. Now for “Candide”!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @redambition That’s it! Time for lunch.

    @crumpet HAHAHAHA.Tell them you’re a guerilla scrapbooker, and you punch holes in stuff because that’s your SUBVERSIVE ART, MAN.

    @crumpet Several. Several.

    I am using both “sign up” and “top up” in a document. Hyphenate or not? Opinions?

    @toastman Dude. At least wait til beer o’clock before you make me miserable and contemplative.

    This is what I went with! RT @witty_knitter: only need hyphenation if they are forming a single adjective eg sign-up sheet.

    The Duck & Swan is packed out tonight! No one in Chippo feels like cooking.

    Getting supplies for #operainthedomain today. The weather’s not that bad!

  • Sad little Spirit.

    I found today’s xkcd quite melancholy. I was hoping for the Moon or WALL-E ending, and instead we got… reality. You did a good job, little Spirit.

  • Wollemi Pine

    I just sent an email to Gardens R Us about our little Wollemi Pine tree. He’s looking very droopy lately, and I’m worried.

    Hello, We bought a Wollemi Pine from the Kingsford store back in September. I was very excited to help in the conservation of these wonderful plants! The instructions we got indicated that the tree would be happy in a pot and out of direct sun, so we put him in a large pot near our front door. Here’s what it looked like then.

    The location is sheltered and it gets only indirect sun. We read that overwatering can be a problem, so we’ve tried to limit watering to times when the pot soil feels dry. (No more than once every week or two.)

    We had an initial period of lots of growth, but now our little tree is looking very droopy. Here’s what he looks like as of today.

    You can see all the new growth along his branches, but they’re *very* droopy. Some of the lower branches are slightly brown and dry looking.

    I’ve been searching the Internet but all the advice I read is conflicting. Should we move the pot into the sun? Is it the hot humid weather we’ve been having? Are we over or underwatering? Could the potting soil we used (just normal potting soil with some compost) be inhospitable to the species? Could the pot itself be leeching something into the soil that is hurting the tree? (It’s just a normal pot that we picked up secondhand.) Or is this actually just normal growth, and the branches are drooping because of the additional length?

    I’d really appreciate any advice you can give us!

    Have any of you ever seen this before? Have I actually managed to kill a tree species that survived untouched for hundreds of millions of years?