Month: January 2010

  • On iPads and ebook readers

    So… the iPad. I was half-hoping it didn’t exist, just because the rampant speculation of the past few weeks was driving me nuts. I wanted Steve to come out, do a big preso on iPhone OS 4.0, then turn to the audience and say: “Oh, and one more thing. SUCKS TO BE YOU!” Exit, stage right. But he didn’t, and now I’ve spent 24 hours reading crap like “HEEHEE, HE SAID IPAD. OMG WHO WOULD WANT TO USE SOMETHING THAT SOUNDS LIKE IT GOES IN/NEAR A VAGINA EWWW! HA HA! #iTampon” (I think the iPad-period meme has worn out even quicker than the previous speed record holder, the Kanye “Imma let you finish” joke.)

    Anyhoo, the big surprise for me was the price of the thing. When was the last time Apple released a project that cost 50% less than everybody predicted? How about NEVER. Also, they’re going into a nascent market with a device that has 140,000 third party apps at launch. (If I were Amazon or Sony, I’d be crying into my cornflakes.) That’s just crazy. Still, I don’t really see where I need one of these in my life. Sure, it’d be nice to have in the kitchen (seeing as how I cook a lot from my iPhone or laptop these days). And I’d love to be able to subscribe to comic books and magazines. Those aren’t huge, compelling, drool-worthy reasons though. Then I read Stephen Fry’s review. Okay, I’m a little more interested now. Fry knows his gadgets, and when he says something feels magical, I believe him. I like stuff that feels like it’s from the future, but is actually usable and relevant today. (Like GPS. Snookums has commented more than once before that Google Maps on iPone feels like magic to him.)

    As for reading books on the thing, I dunno. This morning, I noticed a girl two seats ahead of me on the bus reading from a Sony Pocket Reader. It was red and looked pretty nice. The text – at least from my view – didn’t look very clear though. The black-and-white display reminded me of a 1st-gen Gameboy. I’ve heard that E-Ink displays are good stuff though, so maybe up close it was better. I tried reading books on my iPhone with Stanza, but I found that I just don’t absorb digital text the way that I do printed text. It took me a lot longer to finish, and I didn’t retain the story like I usually do. I do like the idea of carrying around a whole library though. I also really hope that the iPad will be the catalyst for the ebook market to really take off.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @toastman I misread it as Space Farm eggs when I first saw them. And now that’s what I think of them as. SPACE FARM EGGS.

    Thinking about public nudity… in the name of art, of course.

    RT @cdeagle: @web_goddess just heard your first podcast. Good stuff! Keep ’em comin. // Thanks! Planning to do the 2nd one this weekend. 🙂

    Thank you! I’m loving the feedback. RT @bellsknits: Loving the new podcast Geek Girl Runner by @web_goddess – great to hear your voice kris.

    Just completed a 5.17 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Great run today. Decided to push HR into 150s to shake things up, and I think it worked! Felt like I was flying compared to yesterday.

    I’m entering @crust_pizza #CrustFreePizzaFriday because I ran 5K this morning and I DESERVE some pizza!

    @sharre Nice! The collective needs to assimilate newbies. 🙂

    @cdeagle That’s what I’m thinking. It would only be useful if it pointed at you, so you could do video conferencing…

  • RunningBlog: Week 4

    It was a weird week. It’s been hot and humid, and I’m still having trouble keeping my heart rate down. On Sunday, my HR was all over the place and I actually found myself getting irrationally angry about it. In retrospect it was actually kind of funny. (Gritting my teeth in anger doesn’t do much to calm down the ol’ HR!) I’m having a bit of shoe trouble though. I looked down at my Newtons the other day and realised that the outer lugs on each foot have worn completely down on the front! I got them at the end of August, and my total mileage in that time is just over 200 miles (325km). Is that normal? On one hand it’s clear proof that I’m landing in the right spot (as are the calluses on the balls of my feet). But on the other hand, these are pretty expensive shoes, and I can’t afford multiple pairs per year. I tweeted about it to @sirisaac but they didn’t respond. I’m guessing it’s partly because I actually have racers, as opposed to trainers. (The racers had a big discount when I bought.) Can anybody comment on the longetivity of their Newtons?

    Anyway, the weekly totals…

    Jan 22: 5.56km
    Jan 24: 7.13km
    Jan 26: 5.61km
    Jan 28: 5.44km
    Total this week: 23.74km (14.8mi) – same as last week!
    Total in 2010: 92.4km (57.75mi)

    I’ve got quite a cushion built-up in my quest to run 1000kms in 2010. I haven’t missed a run yet in January!

  • Why do Koreans like cute things?

    Why do Koreans like cute things? Bwahahaha! I’ve never heard of “Teenie Weenie” before. It looks like Ralph Lauren crossed with teddy bears. I WANT TO GO TO THERE.

  • Running Barefoot or in Minimal Footwear

    Running Barefood or in Minimal Footwear. “This website has been developed to provide an evidence-based resource for those interested in barefoot or minimal footwear running.” This is an extremely good introduction to running with a forefoot strike, and it’s got a lot of cool little videos showing exactly what your feet and legs are doing when you land on your heel, midfoot, and forefoot.

  • Spencer Tunick and public nudity

    Spencer Tunick and public nudity
    You know that famous artist, the one who takes huge group photos of naked people in famous locations? Yeah, he’s coming to Sydney. He needs volunteers for a photo to be taken at the Opera House. Oh yeah, we’re doing it. This comes at a pretty opportune time. I’ve been undergoing a real attitude change towards my body in the past year. I’m not at my “ideal” BMI/weight, but this seems to be the weight where I’m happiest. I feel fit and strong. I like my curves. Looking at the scale in the morning doesn’t wreck my whole day anymore. I think I’m ready to get naked in public with hundreds of other people. I’m think I’m finally proud and happy in my own skin.

    As for the Snook, apparently public nudity was a big theme of his college years. So it didn’t take much convincing to get him on board.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @brodrigu *snort* I like the plywood coffin.

    @Jimbo_W Thanks for that! Saw your tweet about reading Born to Run. I switched to forefoot running late last year. Will discuss in next ep!

    Like 10 people piked on the gym today so I was only one at Spudds. 40min one-on-one training session. I feel TOUGH and yet WRECKED.

    @trevoryoung @GuyKawasaki MetaFilter on photos: Many are stolen without attribution. Site is Scientology shill too.

    @gilmae I kinda feel the same. Have had many people telling me about it as FACT, when Job has said zilch. I hope he just points and laughs.

    LazyTweet request: How much would you expect to pay for an undercover secure car space in the Inner West?

    @venks79 Thanks for the tip! I was thinking $40/wk, and that seems mid to low for the area. Good to know.

    I don’t know if you know this, but my husband’s kind of a genius. (He’s helping me write a perl script to analyse my podcast downloads.)

    Just completed a 5.44 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @bellsknits No, they definitely say pad.

    @bellsknits Sanitary napkin might be printed on vending machines at airports and stuff, but no one would ever say that. Ewww!

    @Opheli8 @VenessaHunt *snort* Soon the bad girls will have to hang out and tweet from the bathroom. 🙂

    Personally, I think that manipulating a spreadsheet w/ touch gestures would make me feel like a SUPER SPY FROM TOMORROW. But that’s just me.

    @steven_noble Just saw your LIC post. Did you see the new SEVEN aerobins in Peace Park this morning? When did they arrive?!

    Very happy to discover 7 new Aerobins in Chippendale Peace Park this morning: Thanks to whoever sponsored that!

    @drkknits Nothing wrong with a book. But being able to carry 10(thousand) books is even better!

  • Spudds Workout

    Today was our office’s weekly workout at Spudds, so I took along my workout clothes. About half an hour before the time, I discovered that I was the ONLY ONE GOING. There are normally about 6-8 of us, but a combination of holidays and rescheduled meetings meant that everyone else had to bail. I considered chickening out. When there are half a dozen people, it’s easy to kinda hide in the back and work at your own pace. The company was going to pay for the time regardless though, so I figured I’d be stupid to turn down what was essentially a free personal training session. So I went. “Just you?” Spudds asked. “Yep.” For the next forty minutes, he put me through the wringer. Cardio machines, free weights, squats, abs, the climber, all kinds of stuff. He tested my heart rate at a couple points, and he seemed pretty happy with it. (Go the HR training!) We also talked nutrition, and he wants me to eat more often. Yep, I have official trainer dispensation to have three healthy snacks a day. I’m also going to try to do an extra session at the gym each week. He finished the workout by telling me that I’m going to be his “new project.” I guess it wouldn’t hurt to shake things up a bit!

  • Google Reader Tricks for Craft Bloggers

    Google Reader Tricks for Craft Bloggers. That video tutorial is worth watching for anybody who uses Google Reader, regardless of whether you have a blog. My jaw actually fell open at the last bit, where she shows you how to see how many people are subscribed to your own blog feed. So simple, and yet I never thought of it!

  • They are married too.

    Christopher has written a lovely blog post about being married to Matt. They went to a taping of Big Bang Theory a few months ago, and at one point in the evening Christopher found himself telling the entire studio audience that they were amongst the lucky few gay couples who got married before Proposition 8. The audience responded with applause and cheers. I love that. (He’s collecting other gay marriage stories on his blog We Are Married Too.)