Of Breakfast Sausage
I’ve mentioned before that American-style breakfast sausage is the #1 item on my list of foods that I miss. It just doesn’t exist here (except on McDonald’s Egg McMuffins, I think, but I don’t eat those anyway). The supermarket just lacks that section with Jimmy Dean links and patties, and those big plastic tubes of sausage meat. Anyway, Danielle is in the same boat, and yesterday she linked to this recipe for homemade sausage patties. I decided to give it a go. I used regular pork mince from the supermarket, then dumped in all the recommended spices. It made about 8 small patties. I fried up four and froze the other four. We had them with pancakes this morning, and you know what? They were great! I need to play around with the ratios a bit to get them just how I like them, but they had that undeniably American breakfast sausage taste. Hooray! Biscuits and gravy, here I come…
Month: January 2010
Of Breakfast Sausage
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New Moon was precisely as ridiculous and AWESOME as I’d hoped. Thanks to @misswired for coining ‘DILF’. Team Charlie all the way!
@stufromoz Dad. Charlie Swan rocks the tache. 🙂
Just completed a 7.13 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/5iG2E1 #RunKeeper
More Podcast Stuff
More Podcast Stuff
Thanks to everybody who’s listened or sent feedback so far. In case you missed it, the RSS feed for the show and blog is here. I’ve been approved for the iTunes Music Store and you can now subscribe to the show (and leave reviews!) here. For those of you who prefer to listen without subscribing, I’ll be putting up an inline player today. -
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EEK – My Newton lugs are worn down after 4 months! @sirisaac, is this normal? What’s expected replacement mileage/time? (cc @IronBrandon)
Hm. Actually, it looks like I got my Newtons at the end of August. So it’s really been more like 5 months. (@sirisaac @IronBrandon)
@Opheli8 Pan flutes and holes in reality?
I see lightning!
@brodrigu Ack! Didn’t mean to decline your rematch. Hit the wrong button!
Inaugural episode of Geek Girl Runner podcast is up! http://bit.ly/5u73US It’ll be in iTunes soon. I hope you like it!
@steverunner @IronBrandon @runjohnerun Inaugural episode of Geek Girl Runner podcast is up! http://bit.ly/5u73US It’ll be in iTunes soon!
@agyorke Inaugural episode of Geek Girl Runner podcast is up! http://bit.ly/5u73US It’ll be in iTunes soon. I hope you like it!
Now to bed so I can get up bright and early for SPARKLE EMO VAMPIRE LURVE.
@randomknits George St. Cinemas. 9:45am. Sparkle emo vampire lurve. (If you can sit through it again.)
My new running podcast Geek Girl Runner is now listed in the iTunes Music Store! http://bit.ly/5qbKBY
@DDsD IIRC white has had coating removed and is therefore a little hotter. But it’s mostly used in dishes where black specks aren’t wanted.
@Alegrya Gotcha. It’s cool. I’m like 2 minutes away on the bus.
I just unlocked the “Zoetrope” badge on @foursquare!
Sparkle emo vampire lurve, here we go! (@ Event Cinemas)
@misswired @Alegrya @dancingman I’m waiting at the theater, which has no lights right now.
Saturday morning at the cinema appears to be single dad + kid time. At least it’s cool and quiet.
Geek Girl Runner Episode 001
The inaugural episode of my new Geek Girl Runner podcast is now available! I’ve been thinking about doing a podcast for a few weeks now, so I decided to bite the bullet and give it a go. This episode features: introduction to me and the show; training update; and review of RunKeeper.
Show links:
Running with the Pack
Brandon’s Marathon
Sydney Half-Marathon
RunKeeperSpecial thanks go to Nick Arthur for the use of his song “Little Donut Party”. Please give me some feedback and let me know what you think!
Adorable baby koala.
Adorable baby koala. ADORABLE.
How to paint a room. Good step-by-step tutorial. I’ve never painted a room before.
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@discoknitter Don’t have it. But “teenage girl falls in love with stalkery sparkly R.Pattz” is really all the summary you need.
@Alegrya Holy crap, it’s $17 otherwise! Yeah, I’ll be doing that. Thanks for the link! (@misswired @dancingman)
@Alegrya @misswired @dancingman I have booked. You pick seats?! I picked row Q, middle section. Not sure it will matter on the day.
@discoknitter Be sure to use this link: http://is.gd/6Io9A . Makes the ticket $7.50 instead of $17! We’re in row Q in the middle.
@Diepdin Yeah, I debated calling Fin up, but I think once was enough to torture him. 🙂
My music is here! And now for some closet podcasting. I mean, literally in my closet.
Podcast complete. But ha, so much for recording in my closet. I sound like I’m IN A CATHEDRAL. I really need a better microphone.
Just completed a 5.56 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/5GjjcY #RunKeeper
I’m entering @Crust_Pizza #CrustFreePizzaFriday because I’m an eternal optimist.
RunningBlog: Week 3
As you might have noticed, my “secret project” didn’t quite materialise just yet. It’s a running podcast! I’ve got all the pieces in place though, and I’m hoping to upload the first episode tonight. It’s called Geek Girl Runner, and the plan is to record a new episode every two weeks. In the meantime, training continues. I had an especially hard workout at Spudds yesterday, so my run this morning was crapola. Still, I haven’t missed a run yet this year…
Jan 15: 5.09km
Jan 17: 8km
Jan 19: 5.54km
Jan 21: 5.16km
Total this week: 23.8km (14.8mi)
Total in 2010: 68.7km (43mi)To meet my goal of running 1000km this year, I should be at 57.5km right now. So I’m about 10km ahead of schedule! That’s good; I like to have a cushion.
Jacket+Bookmark. So clever! I love it. (Link found via peacay‘s shared Google Reader feed.)