Month: January 2010

  • Nazis out of Chippo

    Fantastic news. Humanist House have booted the fascists that were meeting in the Hall. It sounds as if they still make up a substantial membership block though, so I’d urge those of you in the neighbourhood who are able to become members.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just bought beach chairs at Ray’s Outdoors for Opera in the Domain with @AusVintageGrrl. πŸ™‚

    RT @johnvaughn: Let’s show our support for @Steverunner If you like Phedip retweet this…#showintheloveforPHEDIP

    Heading out for a 5-miler on a beautiful day…

    Just completed a 8.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Super productive awesome weekend. Big things are coming!

    Universal truth: No matter how early you get to the Apple Store, some wanker in a Bluetooth earpiece will be in the queue ahead of you.

    Head down. I am going to finish this spec today if it kills me.

    @Justacogitating Nice! I just added you as a foursquare friend. Now turn off your tweets, you noob! πŸ˜›

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Grrr. Anyone want to buy a dead iMac G5? Capacitors are blown. Going cheap.

    I just unlocked the “Super Mayor” badge on @foursquare!

    @stufromoz It’s 4 years old. Genius Bar basically told me “Tough luck, kid.”

    A woman got out of her LandRover on Broadway and threw a banana peel in the street. I yelled at her. Do I get my old lady badge yet?

    HAPPY DAY! Humongous, huge thanks to @stufromoz for his advice. My iMac is being fixed, free of charge! Woooohooo!

    @stufromoz Hahaha… I could only confirm from your custom URL, which matches. (I just friended you, BTW. And I definitely owe you a beer.)

    Hm. I yell at a litterer, and an hour later I get told my computer will be fixed. Evidently the universe WANTS me to be a grumpy old woman!

    We tried out our new kite in Vic Park:

    Finished one UFO; now working on a special sample square. Bobbles. Why did I have to pick bobbles?

  • Flying the Expandable Object

    We finally had time on a non-rainy day to try out one of the kites we got for Christmas from my Dad and Cindy. This is a Prism Expandable Object, and it’s one of the weirder kites I’ve ever seen. It’s this flat, lightweight thing that springs up into this three-dimensional shape. It’s meant to be really easy to fly. Unfortunately today was really gusty, so we had a hard time keeping it stable!


  • Getting Started Running

    Jeff Galloway has a great article about getting started with running without aches and pains. If you’ve been inspired to hit the roads this New Year, you should check it out.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @yourshoesdaily Sure, go right ahead. You can throw in a plug to my blog – – if you like.

    Just ate a massive, awesome brownie from Sweet Infinity. Sheesh. And I wonder how come I never lose weight, despite all the running… πŸ™‚

    I just sent out the Inner City Knitters Guild calendar for 2010. I hope everybody likes it…

    @randomknits I don’t see you on the list at all. Hm. What address do you want it to go to? I’ll add you now.

    @randomknits Weird. I have to approve new folks, and your address wasn’t in the approval queue. Anyway, you’re added now!

    @drkknits Go for it. I’ll watch the approval queue…

    @drkknits @randomknits The system sends you an email back to confirm your address. Maybe it went into spam folder?

    @drkknits Got it this time! You’re in now. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits I’ll forward you the email from today.

    The Snook and I are both stumped by today’s xkcd: Anybody care to explain it?

    Nevermind. We got it!

    @lahondaknitter @Alegrya It’s a robotics competition. One team wins by triggering the sprinkler and shorting out the other robot.

    @sharre Oh good. I was paranoid that everybody would think it sucked or not be happy with it.

    @knitabulous I mostly listen to podcasts. Phedippidations (by @steverunner) is a personal fave. I’m hoping to start my own this weekend. πŸ™‚

    @sharre Awesome! (If folks are having trouble getting on the list, tell them to check their spam folder. Seen that with other folks today.)

    @knitterjp Phew! Glad you liked it. πŸ™‚

    @randomknits Shit. Sorry to hear it.

    My first chawan-mushi: VERY NICE.

    My review of Masaka Japanese Dining: I ate chawan-mushi and loads of raw fish! I’m as surprised as you are!

    Also, if @grabyourfork wants to review Masaka and needs some extra eaters, just say the word. πŸ™‚

    @explainxkcd That. Is. Brilliant. Bookmarked!

    Sick of Firefox crashing my MacBook, so I’m trying out Google Chrome. (I hope it was Firefox, anyway.)

    @stufromoz Nah, 10.5.8. The Snook suspects it’s Flash. Just beachballs every now and then and I have to hard-reboot.

    @stufromoz Force-quitting doesn’t work; whole machine goes unresponsive. (That’s why I’m hoping it’s not a bigger issue.)

    @thisismywww I don’t mind Safari; used it exclusively back in the day. Just heard good things about Chrome lately.

  • Masaka Japanese Dining

    Tonight the Snook and I decided to try out the new Japanese restaurant that’s opened on Broadway. We stopped outside to admire the menu. “Chawan-mushi! They have chawan-mushi! I have to try it.” This savoury egg custard, much favoured on Iron Chef, is something I’ve always wanted to try. (The Snook warned me that he’d heard it was an acquired taste.) We went inside and took a seat. The fitout is really, really nice, and the waitstaff were friendly. The Snook was a little worried about the fact that it was 8pm on a Friday night and we were two out of only a handful of diners. (It did start to fill up later. Maybe they do a roaring lunch trade?) Anyway, the menu is extensive. We ordered my chawan-mushi to start, along with “eggplant with sweet miso.” That’s apparently a very traditional dish that I’ve seen in GrabYourFork’s reviews of other Japanese restaurants. For the main, we decided to share the sushi/sashimi combo. The food came out very quickly.

    Eggplant with sweet misoChawan-mushiSushi/sashimi combo

    The eggplant was cut into huge chunks, deep fried, doused in the sweet miso sauce, and then charred in an eggplant shell. It was gorgeous. The chunks were meaty without being mushy, and despite being fried they weren’t greasy in the slightest. I’m not exaggerating when I say it may have been the best eggplant I’ve ever had in my life. My chawan-mushi was slightly confronting, with a strong smell of egg, broth, and mushroom. The texture was feather-light, like a barely set custard. I steeled myself to not like the taste… but it was good! The taste was more delicate than the smell. The two mushrooms were like amazing treasures. I was nearing the bottom of the dish when my spoon revealed a flash of pink. “Oh, there’s stuff in the bottom! Just like Iron Chef!” I found a bit of prawn, a piece of chicken, some seafood stick, and a few edamame. So make it official: I liked the chawan-mushi!

    Then out came the main, a long narrow platter covered with more than 20 pieces of sushi and sashimi. That’s 20 pieces of raw seafood. Those of you who are new to my site don’t understand the magnitude of this. Go back and read this post from 2001 where I was basically in tears because the Snook tricked me into eating some yabbie patΓ©. And this one from 2002 where I say that I could never eat raw fish. And this one from 2003 where I finally, grudgingly try it. I was a fish phobic for many, many years. The fact that I sat there tonight and worked my way through a plate of raw salmon, tuna, kingfish, prawn, scallop, and squid AND ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT is just mind-blowing. The Snook certainly never expected to be able to share such things with me. Okay, so how was it? Obviously I’m not the best judge given my relative lack of sushi experience. Still, even I could tell that this was quality stuff. (The Snook says: “It was good! I enjoyed it.”) The sashimi slices were lovely thick chunks of tender moreishness. The only one we didn’t care for was the squid, which started out chewy and then went kinda sticky. The wasabi was plentiful and the homemade ginger slices were very refreshing. By the time we got to the sushi, we were actually getting full! The prawn was – I think – the only cooked meat on the plate. We finished off the lot.

    Final verdict: Masaka is excellent Japanese food at a very reasonable price. (That sushi/sashimi plate? $26.80! More than enough for two people.) I really want to go back now and try some of the other Iron Chef items on the menu. They’ve got nattō! Okay, yeah, that might be a bit much for me just yet…

  • New Kumfs

    New KumfsI’ve been on the lookout for a pair of black Mary Jane shoes to replace a couple pairs of mine that are falling apart. I checked out the Camper sale, but I didn’t really like anything they had on offer. (My Campers from two years ago have held up well, but the insoles smell really funky!) Then I thought of Kumfs. I bought a pair of red leather Mary Janes there nearly five years ago and they’ve held up really well. They send me the catalog every season, but to be honest most of their styles are not my cup of tea. (“Horrendously fugly” would be one way of putting it.) I decided to give it a shot last night so I headed over to their store in the Piccadilly Arcade. As expected, it was filled to the brim with metallic orthopedic sandals that burned the retinas. Through the haze, I managed to discern a couple pairs of decent looking shoes at the back of the shop… and there they were! I tried on a couple other styles out of obligation, but I knew these were the ones. The price made me gulp a bit – these ones were not on sale – but I knew these would last me a few years. I wore them to work today and tweeted a picture, which was then picked up by the Shoes of the Day Blog. Fun!

  • Gingerbread UP House

    Gingerbread UP House. I love that. I’ve always wanted to try making a gingerbread house. Hey Sis, you should make one of those!