The Yay! Scale. That is brilliant. Better still, it should speak the compliment in a sexy voice.
Month: January 2010
Sock Monkeys in a Music Video
This is neat. I got an email this morning from Marian Hall in Birmingham in the UK:
Thanks for the sock monkey instructions. They were the best I found (and I looked at a lot). Made 5 sock monkeys to join a barrowload of others in Film Ficciones latest music video. Thanks a lot.
Huh? Sock monkey music video?? So I looked it up. Film Ficciones is a UK production company that focuses on short films and music videos. The sock monkey video will be for the song “All We Wanna Do is OH!” by the band Kate Goes. (Apparently it’s the themesong for a BBC comedy called “Coming of Age.”) They put up an amusing promotional YouTube video which includes a sock monkey tutorial. They make their monkeys slightly differently than I do, and they gloss over the actual sewing. (I guess that’s why Marian found my tutorial helpful.) Anyway, I look forward to seeing the video!
Kristine Avenue
Kristine Avenue
Wow. There are 37 streets named after me in North America. You can look up your own name here. (Poor Snook. No streets named after him.) -
Distracted by Star Wars
Remember that epic Phantom Menace review? Well, the same guy is doing another one for Attack of the Clones. Here’s a trailer. (Link courtesy of the Snook, who found it on Distracted by Star Wars, which may in fact be the BEST TUMBLR SITE EVER, and has already made me laugh out loud several times.)
Running Shoe Injuries
Do Running Shoes Cause Running Injuries? In a nutshell, nobody knows for sure. The folks at Newton make a persuasive argument against strapping giant blocks of foam to your heels though… (I love my Newtons.)
Moominvalley – an interior design project inspired by the works of Tove Jansson. That looks really cool, but I can’t figure out what sort of a space it’s supposed to be. It looks more like the play area of an IKEA than something you’d have in your house. (Link shared by peacay on GoogleReader.)
Shared today on Twitter
My wallet is falling apart. I need a new one. Where to get cool, funky yet functional women’s wallet? (Prefer folded to the long ones.)
Sounds like Strandbags it is! Thanks to @sharre @Ascasewwen @redambition @DrCris for suggestions.
Finally listening to Best of @clubbootie 2009. AWESOME. There’s a Glee sample like 10 seconds in!
@randomknits There are girls I went to high school with who are GRANDMOTHERS. (Indiana = hotbed of teen pregnancy.)
Chilli harvest, straight from the garden and about to become salsa!
I’ve always thought that Jay Leno was one of the dumbest, unfunniest men on television. I’m firmly on #teamconan.
Wowl. Google reviewing their approach to China. Sad that it took a breach to get to that point.
Sam Kekovich goes to the United Nations
Sam Kekovich goes to the United Nations. I know that my vegetarian friends are probably sick of these ads, but I’ll admit they give me a giggle. (The one where he says “My fellow Australians: The world economy is ROOTED!” actually made me laugh out loud.) I’m really looking forward to putting some lamb on the barbie for Australia Day this year…
Top Rated Jobs
Whoa. According to this list, I have the third best job in the world. (I moved up from web developer, which is #15.)
Carl Sagan’s Apple Pie
Carl Sagan’s Apple Pie. I bet that inventing the universe is actually easier than getting our crappy oven up to temperature.