Month: January 2010

  • Tiger Muffins

    Tiger Muffins. Awww, I predict Eva will love those…

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    @gilmae Are you talking about our game? Because I do that all the time.

    @gilmae Lucky for you my set of letters is only useful for making words in Russian. MY KINGDOM FOR A FRICKIN’ VOWEL!

    I hate when the doctor’s reception “forgets” to tell me he’s running an hour late. I didn’t have to leave work early after all.

    Just completed a 5.40 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Breakfast treat: mulberry tart from Sweet Infinity.

  • Roller Skates

    Did you own a pair of these roller skates? I own a pair EXACTLY LIKE THAT. I really should take them skating, but I have no idea where I can skate in Sydney. (Also, I really want to go to that Powerhouse exhibition.)

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    Just completed a 6.56 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Someone set fire to a tree in Chippo today. Why?

    The thing that occupied my afternoon: Yep. 200L of manure.

  • Weekend Recap

    Friday night the Snook and I met up after work for an early dinner at Baja Cantina. Every time we’ve been lately they’re full up, but luckily they managed to squeeze us in. (I hate local restaurants that take bookings; it should only be fancy places!) I had an excellent pork chimichanga, while the Snook had the chicken molé. I spent the rest of the night preparing for Saturday’s Guild meeting. We got up super early Saturday and drove the GoGet wagon over to Flemington Markets. We needed more supplies from Ace Ohlsson for the garden, and we also stopped in at Bunnings Ashfield on the way home for compost. Back in the city, I headed off for the Guild meeting. We had 40 people again! It was a good meeting (though I worry that I overmoderate). Afterwards Rose and Geraldine (the other Guild officers) and I met up to work out the workshop schedule for the rest of the year. By the time I got home, I was bushed. I ended up zonking out on the couch for most of the afternoon! Sunday was dedicated to work in the garden. The full update will probably be a post of its own, but basically we pulled out a few dead/old plants, mixed up a new batch of Mel’s Mix, topped up our planters, laid down mulch over everything, and planted a few new things. All on an extremely hot day! I also managed a 6.5km run at midday, and we did a big shop at Broadway in the evening. And people wonder why I always look tired on Monday mornings…

  • Burnt Tree on Pine Street

    Someone burned a tree in our neighbourhood, and I want to know why.

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    Came home from Guild meeting, had some lunch, and conked out on the couch for like 3 hours. Whoops.

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    @Fiestywenchyone As one of the few Americans who understands cricket, I didn’t see anything offensive about the ad.

    I am 3-for-8 so far on Words With Friends games. I suck at Scrabble.

    @brodrigu Oh you are going DOWN, mister!

    @spycoredotnet Who’s your vet? The kitties go to Glebe now, and I like Dr. Tony there.

    I haz a microphone for top sekrit purposes.

    Time to pack up for tomorrow’s Guild meeting and hit the sack.

  • F**king Book Deal

    Look at This F**king Idea for a Blog-to-Book Deal. Okay, you have to spend a lot of time on the Internet to appreciate that site, but it’s COMEDY GOLD, I tell you.

  • Epsom Salts

    Huh. It appears that Epsom salts are just snake oil. The real benefit comes from the warm water soak, but most folks won’t do it unless there’s some magic medicine involved.