Month: February 2010

  • Women drive like this, and men drive like this!

    Do women take the backseat to men? I actually reflected to the Snook on the weekend how much I appreciate the fact that I get to do all the driving in the relationship. Which is kind of a weird observation in and of itself, because he’s not really giving up any task he wanted to do anyway. From my perspective, I’m thinking about particular women I knew back in Indiana who never drove and wouldn’t even pump their own gas. From the Snook’s perspective, he just really hates to drive and I’ve got a lot more experience with it. So we both get what we want, really.

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    @VenessaHunt @venks79 That’s why our last move was NEXT DOOR. We carried everything we own by hand. 🙂

    @redambition Yay! Ooh, should’ve told you to join the GGR team. We’ve got several folks signed up! Might have a meetup afterwards. 🙂

    Just completed a 2.53 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @VenessaHunt Ha! I hope you called in all the favors that Mark and Sean owe you. 🙂

    Spudds PLUS walking home? Why yes, Virtue *is* my middle name! (However, now I have to cough my brains out.)

    @redambition That sucks! Did you try the delete/reinstall trick? Turn off Wi-Fi during your runs?

    @redambition That fixed it for me completely. Good luck!

    Snook: “So I’m on yet another of the amazing World of Warcraft POOP QUESTS. Except this time, I’m doing the pooping.”

    Insomnia! Time for codeine, I guess.

    Thinking of separating my two twitter accounts and using @geekgirlrunner for all the running stuff. Should I? Or keep all together?

    Okay, I’m officially separating @web_goddess and @geekgirlrunner. Feel free to switch which one you follow if you just want running stuff!

    @Opheli8 I only created it a couple days ago, mostly to keep other people from nabbing it. Then I decided to actually use it. 🙂

    Okay, all my @runkeeper updates are now going to @geekgirlrunner, so the rest of you won’t see them unless you follow that account!

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    We have a new microwave at work. I don’t get it. One button says “POWER / MELODY.” I assume that cooks your food with an 80’s rock ballad.

    @gilmae Oh great. Now I’ve got the creepy little blind girl stuck in my head.

    @kelownagurl Thanks! I’ve heard you mentioned on many other running podcasts… 🙂

    @stufromoz I’m still the last one in the office. Somehow I’m most productive after 4pm. 🙁

    Officially welcoming @eileenDCoE Down Under! If you’re in Melbs and want to make friends with an awesome chick, look her up.

    @tinkabel All the in-ear ones fall out on me. I got these from Dick Smith: That’s the only thing that stays on!

    @uknick50 Done! 🙂

    @squozen I got one today too. Are you an affiliate, or was somebody just extra nice?

    Sleepy Snook + hotplate mistakenly left on all night = OUCH! We can haz induction now pleaz?

    @DDsD Old Southern US attitude that even a drop of African blood made one black. Seriously.

    @randomknits CRAP. Guess I really need to finish my project!

  • Selleck Waterfall Sandwich

    Selleck Waterfall Sandwich – a tumblr devoted to pictures of Tom Selleck with waterfalls and a sandwich. I am in love. (Link courtesy of Max’s Facebook, where he indicates his SO WRONG preference for Bea Arthur Mountains Pizza.)

    I just have to say that I LOVE random tumblr sites the way I used to love lolcats when they were fresh and new. THAT MUCH.

  • Tim Tam Cookie Pops

    Hey Sis! Check out Tim Tam Cookie Pops, aka cake balls made with ground up Tim Tams. Whoa.

  • Yurt Alert

    Yurt Alert – one woman’s quest to crochet a full-size, free-standing yurt out of wool. A CROCHETED YURT. That is so cool. (Beats the hell out of a light pole cozy.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Thinking of going for my first run in 10 days. I may actually cough up a lung.

    Just completed a 2.54 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just completed a 5.06 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @venks79 Thanks. It wasn’t great, but I did it.

    @witty_knitter That wasn’t a DM, M-H. 🙁

  • Weekend in Kiama

    Surf Beach in KiamaFor those who weren’t following along on Twitter, the Snook and I spent last weekend in Kiama on the south coast of New South Wales. It was BEAUTIFUL. I took a bunch of photos. Special thank you to Kylie and Ailsa for meeting up with us at the Guild meeting and going out for coffee afterwards! (And thanks to Fiona for looking in on the oblivious felines.)

  • CodeOrgan

    CodeOrgan – you enter a URL, and the site generates music based on the HTML. GetUpGo is surprisingly listenable, while w-g is kind of repetitive.