Month: February 2010

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    @DDsD There are still spots on the roof. Ask me how I know. 🙁

    Lovely 2.5hr drive back along cliffs and thru Nat Park… only to find Chippo jammed with Fair goers. Had to park at Broadway. NIGHTMARE.

    Fair Day made parking impossible. We gave up and returned the rental car. Now waiting for a bus back home from the city.

    Kiama trip was great, but it’s so nice to be back home. We’re tired. I’m also still sick. At least the cats seem to have missed us.

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    Minnamurra rainforest. We hiked to the top of the Falls!

    @knitabulous We’re here! Is there a petrol station in this bloody town??

    Waiting for fish & chips at Kiama Harbour.

    An absolutely beautiful day in Kiama.

    Check out the 4.20 km hike I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper

    RT @drkknits: St Kris, patron saint of the knitternet

    Just finished my talk at the Kiama guild meeting. I think it went well!

    BLOWHOLE!! (Too bad it’s low tide.)

    Enjoying a beer on the porch swing at the Great Southern Hotel in Berry.

    @misswired I gave a preso at the Knitters Guild meeting in Kiama today, so took the opportunity to explore a new place.

    @redambition Use Gmaps pedometer to calculate distance, then enter in Runkeeper manually! (And delete/reinstall; that fixed my crashes.)

    @knitabulous I went, “Oh no, poor Ailsa!” And Rodd thought you’d been in an accident or something. It’s fine, love. These things happen!

    Art! I call it “Snook on 7-Mile Beach, Toon-Style.”

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    @tytana_ Welcome aboard!

    In case you missed it, Buzz is now in Gmail settings and you can hide it. That’s what I did.

    @Bevfam I posted an update last night: Slowly easing back into it! Now just have to shake this cold.

    Snook: “Ur tweet focused on wrong part of trip. The part requiring local knowledge is getting from Chippo to Southern Freeway at Waterfall?”

    @Bevfam Oh wow, thanks! BTW, we have another connection: My maternal grandmother is Korean. My Mom was born there. 🙂

    Kiama = gorgeous. Here’s our view: ALPACAS!!! Spa is everything I hoped for:

    @imdominating I’ll see if any of them answer to TINA YOU FAT LARDO. 🙂

    Woke up in a beautiful tiny cabin on a mountain overlooking the sea. Doesn’t get much better that that.

  • I only eat Plinkton bentos bro!

    I only eat Plinkton bentos bro! Eva made a bento out of that animated Kiwi whale. That. Is. Awesome.

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    @steverunner Would love to chime in, but I’m at work! You guys need to schedule one when those of us in Oz are more available. 🙂

    Which is more embarrassing: That when people have a vague Star Wars question, I’m the one they ask – or that I actually KNOW THE ANSWER?

    For the record, I have not received any AGM materials yet either!

    One hypothesis: if you didn’t get your AGM papers, did you elect to get electronic newsletter? I did. Perhaps an overlap there?

    As an experiment, I’ve worn mascara like 3x in the past 2 weeks to see if anyone noticed. No one did. This is why I don’t bother w/ makeup!

    @redambition Well, that’s what I was thinking. Maybe someone would comment that I looked more alert? Less tired? But nope, nothin’.

    Details of Jude Skeers workshop have been sent to IC email list! See, we know how to efficiently deliver information. 🙂

    Momentous occasion here, Guild Members: *dances*

    @Kat13v That’s because Twitter added a full stop to the link. Remove that and it’s fine. 🙂

    Route Info: What’s the best way to drive to Kiama on a Friday night? How long is it gonna take?

  • RunningBlog: Week 7

    If you’ve been listening to the podcast, you’ll have heard all about The Saga of Kris’s Right Foot over the past week. It started with tenderness/pain in my right arch while I was running, then that turned into sharper pain on the outside of my right heel. Last Friday I went to see Dr. Maja Markovic at Sydney Uni Sports Medicine. She poked and prodded my foot and took a look at my shoes. She said that my plantar fascia felt tight, and she advised a bone scan to rule out the serious stuff (stress fracture, heel spur, or full-blown plantar fasciitis). I went in for that on Tuesday. They dosed me up with radioactive technetium and then took pictures of my feet and legs over the course of a couple hours. (Though it was a weak dose and I was only radioactive for less than a day, they told me to avoid standing near any children or pregnant women! Fun.) On Wednesday I got the verdict: no serious bone problems and no PF. Hooray! Dr. Markovic has cleared me to run again. Basically, we think the problem was just that I’ve been overworking my feet (specifically my arches with the forefoot running). The scan showed some inflammation on the outside of my right foot, presumably because I’ve been favoring the arch by shifting my weight to the outside. (That’s also why my heel has been hurting.) She’s given me a routine of massage, stretching, strengthening, and icing to do, and she also wants me to see a podiatrist before I buy new shoes. But I can ease back into running again.

    Of course, I caught a cold on Monday so I’ve got to get over that first. If it’s not one thing, it’s another!

    Feb 17: 2.5km
    Total this week: 2.5km
    Total in 2010: 137.2km (85.75mi)

    The only “workout” I got in this week was walking home from work yesterday. I don’t normally count walking in my weekly total, but given the doctor’s orders to start back slowly, I think this one counts. My 20km cushion in the 1000km Challenge has evaporated, and I’m now exactly on track with where I should be. I told you it’d come in handy!

  • Cake Balls

    Hey Sis: “Cake Balls on a Roll in Texas.” I like the photo of the ones with sprinkles on top. I’m also amused that it sounds like the backlash has already started in the US, and the damn things haven’t even made it to Sydney yet!

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    @carbolicious HOLY CRAP, that thing is disturbing!

    @imdominating @carbolicious Rodd wants me to put microchip in Edward Monkey that says “I’m allergic to vag” when it’s near the Bella Monkey.

    Just completed a 2.64 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @cdeagle A little tender, but I think that’s because I’ve been favoring it all week. Trying to walk normally and stretch things out…

    @carbolicious You are TALKING, sista. (And you haven’t seen the awesome interchangeable wigs yet!)

    There is no cold so bad that a cup of tea and a stack of Windmill cookies won’t make bearable.

    @imdominating @carbolicious They look awesome. Just need to do RPattz hair and fashion a couple more props…

    Morning drama: Petey snuck out the side door & we had frantic 5min trying to catch him again. Scared the crap out of him.

    480 driver made me run up&down the block, then drove right past the stop. Caught him @ stoplight and yelled til he let me on. JERK!

    @witty_knitter The same, but I have stretches and exercises! Will post update today.

  • Vote for Hickey!

    My neighbour Tony Hickey (who actually lives in our old flat!) is running against Tanya Plibersek in the next federal election. Very cool! I hope he wins. 🙂