Month: February 2010

  • Kinokuniya Craft Fair

    Kinokuniya (the best book store in Sydney) will having a Craft Fair on Saturday, February 27th. The Inner City Guild group will be there giving free knitting help to anybody who drops by. The shop will also be giving 20% off all craft books! WIN-WIN if you ask me.


    Snookums: “You learn something every day.”

    Huh. I had no idea that was from a real quote!

  • Public Speaking for Women

    My old London buddy Christian Heilmann (who I caught up with in Sydney last year) has a great blog post up about public speaking for women. Christian was one of three speakers at this event designed to encourage more women to get out there and do more public speaking. He’s put up details about the event, including some slide decks and audio recordings. I’m more confident with public speaking than most, and I attribute a lot of that to being on the Speech team in high school. I also get regular practice at Guild meetings (where I have to lead 30+ people for two hours); Guild presentations (I’m taking my “Welcome to the Knitternet” talk on the road to Kiama next weekend); and teaching the occasional knitting class. One of my goals for the Guild this year is to get more members comfortable with speaking and presenting. It’s good for them personally, plus it also furthers my goal of preparing an army of knitters to take over the Guild. (MWAHAHAHA!) So if you’re a woman and you’re nervous about standing up in front of a group of your peers, hit up Christian’s site and watch his presentation. You’re gonna need it, sooner or later.

  • Mother’s Day Classic

    Registration is now open for the 2010 Mother’s Day Classic. These races take place all over Australia and raise money for breast cancer research. I previously ran it in Sydney’s Domain in 2006, 2008, and 2009. I’ll be running it again this year, and I’ve created a Geek Girl Runner team that you’re all welcome to join. (Yes, boys as well as girls!) Hope to see you all there!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    I am having fun brandishing my CLUESTICK today!

    @Bevfam Scoring some righteous victories against idiots on the Internet. 🙂

    I feel like I’m being pulled in 50 different directions today. Very hard to concentrate on anything for more than 5 minutes.

    @MetalheadMick Or 421… #StarWarsGeek

    We missed @SallyPompom at knitting tonight! There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I assure you.

    Adidas QVB sold out of orange Rogue Squadron SW hightops on 1st day! SOB. Seriously debated dropping $180 on purple Slave Leia kicks tho.

    @SallyPompom Oh, it was on the cards anyway. But we could’ve bought you a few drinks! 🙂

    @twelveeyes They were very limited edition. I only knew because Snook spotted than last week. Only in the “concept store,” I think. 🙁

    Icing my foot. It’s been hurting more. Starting to fear the dreaded P.f. diagnosis…

    @bellsknits @witty_knitter And I got to meet her in Tapestry Craft a few years ago! My inner 16yo was very happy.

    On one hand, I appear to get to stop work at 3pm. On the other hand, it’s so my desk can be moved for this weekend’s asbestos removal.

  • I’d see it.

    Roger Ebert’s review of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (or whatever it’s called) makes it sound way better than the previews make it look. I was a Greek mythology nerd in junior high. Steve Coogan as Hades and Sean Bean as Zeus? Sign me up.

  • RunningBlog: Week 6

    I’ve backed off a little bit this week. When I was doing my run on Sunday, I noticed I was having some problems with my right foot. It just felt a little “dead,” you know? Like it was heavier than normal and not as springy. Tired. Like how your foot feels after you’ve been walking around DisneyWorld all day. On Monday I had a wicked hard workout at Spudds. I took Tuesday off as I had to fit in an appointment with my allergy specialist. On Wednesday I went for my usual run, but the problems with my right foot were still there. Now I could feel a distinct dull ache on the inside of the ball of my foot, near the arch. I ended up walking the last 1.5km of the run. I did my Spudds workout at lunchtime and it felt fine (except when running uphill). Wednesday night I iced it, and I took today off to rest. I don’t think it’s Plantar fasciitis since I don’t have any heel pain. It could be just a strained muscle in my foot. I’m going to ice it again tonight, and I’ll do an easy run tomorrow morning to test it. I’m booked in to see a sports physician Friday night just to make sure it’s okay. At any rate, slightly lower totals this week…

    Feb 5: 5.62km
    Feb 7: 6.65km
    Feb 10: 6.00km
    Total this week: 18.27km (11.4mi)
    Total in 2010: 134.7km (81.2mi)

    This is the first week where I didn’t run the 19.2km I need to average to meet my 1000km challenge. This is where having that cushion comes in handy. I’m still 19km ahead of schedule!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    If you’re wondering about my avatar, download ToonPAINT for your iPhone. My favorite new app. Will blog a review shortly.

    ToonPAINT review is available: Great iPhone app; well worth $2.50.

    @Opheli8 But… but… it’s awesome! I’ll make you a Mija-as-painted-by-Andy-Warhol icon!

    @alyshajane That’s me the Maybelle wig I borrowed from @randomknits at Halloween. I am starting to think I look good with a perm.

    @steven_noble I’ve got the skillset but no time. I’ll ask around though…

    @steven_noble Figured as much. I forwarded to designer friend: She’d be very well suited & I could assist with dev.

    Had my first double workout day in a long time. 6km run this morning then Spudds at lunch. Got 101m on the rower, but felt shattered after.

    Stephanie Alexander’s Buttered Beetroot FTW.

    Every time I see a “Silent Witness” advert, I think – “Georgiana Darcy, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR!”

    @AusVintageGrrl What a birthday! Poor Roh. Hugs to all.

    Google Buzz has arrived. Sounds like a lot of other folks at work got it. So far it’s kind of a firehose. Need to figure out how to filter.

    @stufromoz I was! Where were you? Were you the guy with the briefcase who kept bumping me? 🙂

    @stufromoz Ha! No, current knitting is too complicated for the bus. Instead I’ve been playing Words with Friends (i.e. Scrabble) on commute.

    Congrats to @kunaal84 on his new job… 🙂

  • Beaker’s Ballad

    Beaker’s Ballad. HAHAHAHAHA! When “BURNINATION!” came up I laughed and laughed. Brilliant. (Link courtesy of crumpet.)

  • Toon PAINT

    I have a new favorite iPhone app: ToonPAINT. The Creative Director at work showed it to me yesterday and I bought it immediately. It takes a photo and turns it into a cartoon. You can tweak the sketch effect, and then you can paint in sections if you want. Here are some that I made from photos I already had on my phone:

    My friend Anthony




    The app is fairly intuitive to use. The finger painting works much better than I expected. (It’s downright magical.) You can export your finished sketches in normal and high resolution. I’ve already used it to set my new Twitter avatar. You could also use it to make a really neat colouring book for your kids.