Month: February 2010

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    @imdominating This is SO for you: 🙂

    @gilmae I have jealously guarded my goatse virginity for more than a decade. Since you know, I can no longer click your links. Ever.

    I have received the “It’s 90210 Day!” email from 3 different Aussies. Did everyone get it, or is it because I’m the token Yank?

    @venks79 That’s what mine is, but that’s recorded first thing in the morning before I even sit up in bed.

    Just completed a 6.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @Bevfam Heh. I was playing with an iPhone app called ToonPAINT. The wig is from Halloween. 🙂

    Felt aching/pulling along my arch during this morning’s run so I walked latter half. No heel pain so I don’t think it’s plantar. Any ideas?

    @IronBrandon Do you think I need to replace my Newtons? I’m at ~220mi. Would wear on the lugs have a that effect, do you think?

    @IronBrandon That’s what I was thinking. So might just be a little of an overuse injury, I guess. Will try ice and staying barefoot. Thanks!

    @AusVintageGrrl HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  • Metric Map

    Metric Map: Which Countries Don’t Belong With The Others? That’s pretty telling. Get on board, USA! I’m tired of having to convert stuff for you.

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    @cdeagle RunKeeper is good stuff. One of the best apps I’ve bought for my iPhone. Now I just need that fancy Withings scale… 🙂

    @Fifikins You’d have to jailbreak it. iPhones OS doesn’t allow apps (other than email) to save anything but images.

    I always think I’m going to go to the gym after work, and it’s always a bad plan because I turn into a slacker and don’t want to go.

    @crumpet Oh no. Are you a Warcraft widow too? Has @squozen started using silly words like “tank” and “DPS”? 🙂

    Shattered from Spudds. Peak HR 178bpm and 100m on rower. Closest I’ve come to puking yet. Feel a bit like an Amazon!

    @sharre Awww, but IC will still be fun! I guarantee it. 🙂

    @redambition CRAP. Guild forum? Somebody else had the same problem.

    @redambition Did it take you a while to write? The session may be timing out. It was set to 15 minutes; I just bumped it to 60.

    @redambition I’m so sorry; that was my bad. I didn’t realise it was set so short.

    Podcast audience: Geek Girl Runner Ep 3 won’t be up til next weekend. I’ve just had a really busy weekend and the week looks the same!

    Drawbacks of iPhone Scrabble. Me: “You made KUDO? That’s not a word!” Him: “Well, I wanted to make WANKED but it wouldn’t let me have it.”

    Hooray! After 5.5 years of allergy desensitization (75+ injections), my doctor says this can be my graduation batch. At last.

    @cdeagle Dust mites and a couple grasses. I used to take a Zyrtec every day; I’m down to 1 per week (or less) now.

  • GGR Episode 3 will be delayed!

    Geek Girl Runner Episode 3 will be delayed!
    Sorry to have gotten your hopes up. I wanted to do one this week, but I’ve been kinda swamped. I’m busy at work; the Knitters Guild (of which I am both a group convenor and the webmaster) is embroiled in scandal; and I have to go see my allergy specialist (which throws off my whole weekly workout schedule). It’s just one of those weeks. See, this is why I didn’t promise an episode a week from the beginning!

    On a more positive note, I did get to Spudds tonight for a workout. (I missed both workouts last week on account of busy-ness.) This wasn’t our normal work session; this was an actual public class that I paid for myself. There were 8 other people there, mostly guys but a couple ladies as well. I had the bright idea to wear my heart rate monitor for it, for the first time ever. We did a brisk warmup with light weights, then ran around the block. (I was already pushing 140bpm at the end of the run.) The first circuit involved the climber, the spin bike, two different rowing machines, two different stations involving a high step, a stairmaster, and free weights. We had one minute at each one, then 30 seconds recovery to move to the next. I pushed as hard as I could. I saw that I was peaking up near 160 at times. When I got to the final rowing station, I took time to clear my head and concentrate. The rower is my nemesis, and my perpetual goal is to get 100 meters in 20 seconds. I know I can do it if I have good form, but if I’m tired or distracted I flail uselessly. I strapped in, pictured what I needed to do, and got ‘er done. When the readout showed “100m” at the end, I let out a mighty roar. (I really did.) Unfortunately that marked the high point of the workout for me. I was pretty spent after that. We did another lap around the block and then came back for a second circuit. This one involved running on the treadmill, skipping rope, boxing in the ring, squats, free weights, and two stations in the “hot room.” (It’s a tiny room with electric heaters inside like a sauna, and you actually have to use a stationary bike and elliptical in there!) I was fading. The heart rate was still high, but I could tell I had used up my reserves. I was getting a little light-headed. I made it through my turn in the ring and then headed to the front door. I needed fresh air. I ended up spending the last 10 minutes of the class sitting on the stoop and trying not to puke. (It was close there for a minute.) Eventually my brain came back into my head and I could move again. As I collected my backpack to head home, I thought to check my heart rate monitor. At some point during the workout, I hit a peak of 178bpm. That’s nuts. No wonder I felt pukey!

    Anyway, that’s where I’m at. Send me an update or leave a comment and let me know how you’re going with your training!

  • Hustle

    The Art of Manliness lays it down: The world belongs to those who hustle. I need to hustle more. (I love that site.)

  • Best. Mom. Ever.

    Best. Mom. Ever. And now I want to throw the Snook a LoTR party for his next birthday…

  • Sad Whale

    Want to feel sad? A lonely whale has been singing in the north Pacific for more than a decade without any hope of getting an answer. Its calls don’t match any of the other known species. It’s really actually pretty depressing if you think about it. (Found on MetaFilter.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    In case anybody missed it, Atholie has posted her next installment: Screw this stuff; I’m goin’ for a run. 🙂

    Just completed a 6.65 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    The cats appear to have made an unholy alliance with the bus drivers’ union to RUIN MY DAY.

    Some of us are at work! RT @scrubbles: Most of my twitterees are not watching that thing that everybody else is watching today…

  • Shared today on Twitter

    This grey and rainy weather is really emphasizing the cloak-and-dagger tone my day has taken.

    @Opheli8 @trib Sewing people? Yeah, I’d classify most as nerds. It’s not a very sexy hobby at the moment. Knitting is where it’s at. 🙂

    @cdeagle Yeah, but you get extra KICKASS POINTS for doing it in the rain. Great job!

    Going by the pattern, I’m 2/3 done with St. Brigid sleeves. Going by the length of my actual Gigantor arms, I’m only 1/2 done. *sigh*

    Stuffed baby eggplant: YUM. I am a domestic goddess.

    Jenny C has posted about the Guild situation on Ravelry, so those of you who aren’t members, head there to comment and ask ?’s.

    @Alacaeriel The Constitution is on the Guild website…

    @bellsknits Yes. She hasn’t posted the contents of the letter, so non-Guild members should ask her to clarify.

    You know what would make all this better? PAJAMA JEANS. That is the most genius invention of all time.

    It’s not every day you find a perfectly good plastic skull in a skip on Clarence St: We think it may even BLINK!

    @crumpet Quite. Tho the jaw is broken and thus separated. Mandibles O’ Death, I call him.

    Since it looks like it’s going to rain all day AGAIN, the only question is whether to run in the rain now or later.

    @cdeagle I don’t get the nipple problem – hooray for sports bras – but some guys swear by Body Glide. Lube ’em up next time!

    @cdeagle Good questions! I’ll definitely work them into Ep 3, hopefully in the next day or two…

    @cdeagle Related question: How do you prefer me to read your twitter name? CD-eagle, or C-deagle?

  • Pajama Jeans

    Pajama Jeans. DEAR LORD, PAJAMA JEANS. O brave new world, that hath pajama jeans in it!