GrandmaFlea lobs a hand grenade. The hilarious thing is, that’s actually the last scandalous development in the current Knitters Guild drama.
Month: February 2010
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Got fantastic email from Debra in So. California this morning about my podcast. Thanks Debra! You resurrected my Friday. 🙂
@drkknits Inner City will be drama free, trust me. G, R, and I guarantee it. 🙂
Woo! @Kat13v and the Firefly quote FTW. I feel stirred up and inspired. 🙂
Just completed a 2.68 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper
@stufromoz Ran this morning. The walking home was just to feel virtuous enough to make up for the beer at lunch. 🙂
Hipster Puppies
Hipster Puppies. LOVE IT. Also boasts exceptionally good use of “scare quotes.”
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Holy crap… iiNet WON THEIR CASE? That’s awesome!
Thanks to everyone’s opinions… We went with the Lovebird Suite. Bring on the big spa bath!
Sydney and Melbourne: not as different as you’d think.
Next question: What’s the verdict on Jambaroo? Worth going? Will I really get to control the action?
RT @likeomg: from here on out, anyone who creates a word with the prefix “tw-” in the hopes of being seen as cutting edge gets a courtes …
@chrisgander This Seppo is a full convert. Pineapple all the way.
@Jimbo_W I really want to do the Striders series, but I’m not at a 60min 10K just yet. 🙁 #running
My clients are all internal. Hm -> RT @gilmae: I think we should kill our client and steal all their money. It will be win win for everyone.
Realisation: The “Out of Scope” section is my favourite part of writing a spec, by far.
Just completed a 5.62 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper
I’m entering @Crust_Pizza #CrustFreePizzaFriday because evidently I’m a glutton for disappointment.
RunningBlog: Week 5
A hot and muggy week. I missed going to Spudds three times this week, which really sucked. (Monday I was sick; Wednesday I had meetings all day.) I think the week off from weight training helped me though. My run this morning felt great, and I was able to keep a consistent pace and heart rate without too much effort. The weekly totals…
Jan 29: 5.17km
Jan 31: 7.8km
Feb 2: 5.47km
Feb 4: 5.53km
Total this week: 23.97km (15mi) – pretty much same as last week!
Total in 2010: 116.4km (72.75mi)I’m 20km ahead of schedule for my 1000km Challenge…
Melbourne vs. Sydney
Sydney and Melbourne: not as different as you’d think.
iiNet won their case!
In a landmark decision – and a stunning victory for common sense everywhere – iiNet has won their court case! Basically, a bunch of the big Hollywood studios sued this Australian ISP for allowing people to download copyrighted movies on BitTorrent. iiNet argued that they’re a service provider like the electricity company, and they have no duty to police the actions of their users. The case is a precedent-setter and has been followed extensively on tech blogs and news sites for the past few months. AND IINET WON! Excellent news.
Happiness Project
How are you guys doing on your Happiness Project? We’re finished with January’s theme of “Energy” and I’d grade myself about 70% on that one. We’re in bed by 10pm on most nights, and I’m getting plenty of exercise. I crossed a few nagging tasks off my To Do list. I still have some much needed organisational chores to do though that I keep avoiding. (I really need to wash all my jumpers and put my winter clothes away. Of course, by the time I manage to do it it’ll be winter again.)
The theme for February is “Love.” I like the idea of giving proofs of love. I’m workin’ on it.
Stuffed Eggplants
Note to self: Make stuffed eggplants. Those look YUM.
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The truth is that I’m still ambivalent about the iPad. But raving frothing haters are turning me into an iPad-supporter, just out of spite.
Apple just sent me a survey about my recent repair. The punchline is, NextByte haven’t even called me about it yet. It’s not done, AFAIK.
@stufromoz The repair. Asks me about the technical ability of person who did the repair, etc. Needless to say, I can’t answer! 🙂
Bit of a surprise to see @acatinatree’s lovely visage pop up in my Google Reader! Congrats to @Readingroom_Au…
@acatinatree The Mumbrella story with your piccy! Well done. I was getting worried you were going to be deported… 🙂
Wow. GGR Episode 2 has had over 100 downloads in the first day. It took Episode 1 four days to reach that!
@Bevfam Puh-leeze… I don’t need an even bigger head about this than I already have! 😛
Tegan and Sara coming to Oz: Anybody want to go to the Sydney show in May with me?
Just completed a 5.53 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper
@kaztx I don’t have a problem with forefoot running – and I’m slow! But I started out alternating run/walks for several weeks to build up.
Planning a weekend getaway to Kiama. Is it worth $100 extra to get the “Lovebird Suite” with the big corner spa?